


Vivienne Walt 2013年09月25日

????但最近,瑞士鄉(xiāng)村也不復(fù)以往的平靜。在7月23日,沃蒂耶自殺五周前,瑞士電信CEO卡斯滕?斯洛特在首都伯爾尼近郊的弗萊堡的家中自縊身亡。(六周之前,斯洛特的朋友、明信片公司ABC Verlag的CEO丹尼爾?埃契也在伯爾尼的家中自殺,只是此次事件鮮有報(bào)道。)與沃蒂耶一樣,斯洛特也留下了一封遺書,據(jù)報(bào)道,遺書內(nèi)容非常簡短,且內(nèi)容含糊。




????But the Swiss countryside has not been a picture of calm lately. On July 23, five weeks before Wauthier's death, Swisscom CEO Carsten Schloter, 49, hanged himself in his home in rural Fribourg, near the capital Bern. (Six weeks earlier, Schloter's friend Daniel Eicher, CEO of ABC Verlag, a greeting-card company, committed suicide at home in Bern, though little has been reported about his death.) Like Wauthier, Schloter left a suicide note, reportedly short and vague.

????The rash of Switzerland's summer suicides could well be coincidence. Yet the echoes between Wauthier and Schloter are hard to miss. Roughly contemporaries, both were in high-flying executive positions at large companies facing tough competitive pressures; Swisscom, the country's biggest telecom company mostly owned by the government, reported a 10% drop in earnings for the first half of 2013, citing the rising cost of adding subscribers. Both men were good-looking, supremely fit sports nuts, whose outdoor passions were central in their lives. Schloter was an ardent runner, snowboarder, and skier, logged about 2,200 miles a year on his racing bike, and was looking to launch a bike-sharing company in Bern. "Handsome and athletic, he embodied virility," Bilanz's telecom correspondent Marc Kowalsky wrote after the death of Schloter, whom he'd known well for 12 years. "Carsten Schloter's career seemed unstoppable."

????But one factor stopped Schloter's rise in its tracks, and in Kowalsky's opinion, was key to his final collapse: An intense conflict at the top of the company. Much like Wauthier, Schloter's life at Swisscom took a bad turn with the arrival of a powerful president, Hansueli Loosli, in mid-2011. Loosli was determined to shake up the company, having earned accolades for transforming Switzerland's supermarket chain Coop into a major corporation. He demanded higher profits and leaner expenses, using strategies borrowed from Coop. Yet he was new to the industry, which was undergoing major changes, and Schloter, who was charged with making that happen, had other ideas. Who exactly ran the company was sometimes unclear -- a problem, some believe, in Switzerland, where the chairman/president and CEO responsibilities overlap closely. Schloter's years of relative autonomy and freedom under Loosli's precedessor were quickly halted, as the new man imposed his authority. "Schloter and Loosli were both micromanagers," Kowalsky toldFortune. "If you put two people like that together and one is the superior of the other, it does not work well."

????The strains in Schloter's life were clear. He told a TV correspondent last year that his failed marriage was his "greatest defeat" and had left him feeling constant guilt. He had separated from his wife a few years ago, after falling in love with a Swisscom colleague; he saw his three children only every two weeks. But his new partner traveled much of the time, and friends have told journalists that the couple was considering breaking up by the time Schloter killed himself. Added to that was the ongoing struggle with Loosli. Colleagues told Kowalsky that at work, the ebullient Schloter was withdrawn and quiet, his presentations halting. Insomnia plagued him. Schloter, who'd run Swisscom since 2006, was openly hunting for a new job, consulting recruiters and plotting his bike-sharing company. He had long eschewed working in an office, preferring to be always available on his smartphone. But in May, Schloter told a Swiss Sunday newspaper he now felt "strangled" by the 24/7 work demands. "When you permanently check your smartphone to see if there are any new emails, it leads you to not find any rest whatsoever," he was quoted saying. "I find it increasingly difficult to calm down." That now sounds like a cry for help.

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