


Patricia Sellers 2013年10月16日




????蘋果CEO蒂姆?庫克承認,博柏利在數(shù)字方面的大膽嘗試是這個奢侈品牌在全球成功的關(guān)鍵。阿倫德是資深果粉,在店鋪中安排了配備iPad的銷售人員和互動試衣鏡,依托Facebook和Twitter來建立客戶忠誠,并通過引進年輕人才,對員工進行了換血。在去年的《財富》(Fortune)最具影響力商界女性(Most Powerful Women)倫敦大會上,她曾對本《財富》雜志的史蒂芬妮?麥塔透露,博柏利70%的員工都在30歲以下。僅博柏利倫敦總部的員工就來自四十個國家。


????阿倫德將于明年前往蘋果公司就職,屆時她將回到自己的祖國。阿倫德于1960年出生在印第安納州的新巴勒斯坦,父親是一名企業(yè)家,母親是一位模特。安吉拉認為,她長大后應(yīng)該成為一名時裝設(shè)計師。結(jié)果卻相反,她卻選擇在多家時尚公司從事文員工作,這些公司包括:沃納科公司(Warnaco)、唐娜?卡蘭(Donna Karan)、亨利?班德爾公司(Henri Bendel)和麗詩加邦(Liz Claiborne)等。她在麗詩加邦創(chuàng)建了年輕時尚品牌幸運牛仔(Lucky Jeans)和橘滋(Juicy Couture)等。




????In recruiting Burberry (BURBY) CEO Angela Ahrendts to head its retail and online unit, Apple (AAPL) is acquiring a design fanatic, a digital evangelist, and a master of millennial marketing.

????The move looks to be a win for Apple and a loss for the once-stuffy British luxury retailer, which has transformed remarkably since Ahrendts took charge in 2006. Building on a turnaround set off by her predecessor Rose Marie Bravo, Ahrendts has expanded Burberry into a hip brand globally and has more than tripled the company's stock-market value to $11.3 billion.

????Apple's $18.8 billion retail operation is six times the size of Burberry. And in her new job, Ahrendts will be contending with the challenges of rapid growth and how to keep it going. Samsung (SSNLF) and Microsoft (MSFT) have been encroaching on Apple's retail dominance. Meantime, Apple has struggled in China--a critical growth market where Burberry has scored big.

????Apple CEO Tim Cook clearly recognizes that digital prowess has been critical to Burberry's success around the world. Ahrendts, a longtime Apple fan, has stocked the stores with iPad-clad salespeople and interactive mirrors, relied heavily on Facebook (FB) and Twitter to build customer loyalty, and overhauled the workforce by populating bringing in young talent. As she told Fortune's Stephanie Mehta at our Most Powerful Women London conference last year, 70% of Burberry employees are under age 30. Forty nationalities are represented in Burberry's London office alone.

????Burberry has lured employees from Nokia (NOK) and Microsoft's Xbox division and adopted a digital approach to virtually everything it does, from fashion shows to employee communications. Salesforce.com (CRM) CEO Marc Benioff has helped Ahrendts navigate Silicon Valley, as well as evolve Burberry into a "social enterprise." She adopted Salesforce's Chatter platform--a kind of corporate version of Facebook--to facilitate communication throughout Burberry.

????In moving to Apple next year, Ahrendts will come home to America. Born in 1960 in tiny New Palestine, Indiana, she's the daughter of an entrepreneur dad and a mom who was a model. Angela thought she might grow up to be a fashion designer. Instead, she ended up in corporate jobs at a string of fashion companies: Warnaco, Donna Karan, Henri Bendel, and then Liz Claiborne, where she built hip young brands like Lucky Jeans and Juicy Couture.

????Ahrendts, a mother of three, is renowned for her tireless work ethic. Her former boss Donna Karan told Fortune: "Her dedication and passion are unsurpassed. She eats, drinks, and sleeps it." In a 2007 Fortune profile of Ahrendts, Karan recalled her almost giving birth to her first child in the office as she was prepping a 1995 collection. The company was working feverishly to fit Demi Moore for an ad campaign, and a very pregnant Ahrendts worked late into the night as her hands and feet started to swell. Her son was born the day after she finished.

????Apple will be Ahrendts' first job outside the fashion world. Well, given where tech is moving--toward wearable technology and an Apple iWatch, perhaps?--she is sort of staying in fashion. For Ahrendts and for Apple, this fit makes sense. No. 15 on Fortune's just-released 2013international Most Powerful Women list. Ahrendts will be contender for Fortune's U.S. MPW rankings next year.

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