
薩拉?考林斯 ? 公司:(Wonderbag)Natural Balance公司 ? 年齡:43歲 上世紀(jì)70年代,考林斯出生在落后的、種族隔離時期的南非。她的童年經(jīng)歷讓她更關(guān)注通過民間的努力改善貧困女性的生活。創(chuàng)辦Wonderbag的靈感源自她觀察祖母借助墊子做飯的經(jīng)歷。Wonderbag使用保暖技術(shù)在8至12個小時內(nèi)烹飪食物,無需額外增加燃料??剂炙褂H眼見證了非洲女性使用Wonderbag所帶來的好處——它減少了她們收集柴火的時間。每賣出一個Wonderbag,這家公司就會向非洲的家庭捐贈一個這樣的袋子。過去四年,Wonderbag已經(jīng)走進(jìn)600,000個非洲家庭??剂炙惯€通過亞馬遜(Amazon)在美國推出了Wonderbag,并希望到2014年的時候能夠通過其他零售商出售自己的產(chǎn)品。 |
Sarah Collins ? Company: (Wonderbag) Natural Balance ? Age: 43 Collins grew up in rural, apartheid-era South Africa in the 1970s. Her childhood inspired her to focus on empowering women living below the poverty line through grassroots efforts. The Wonderbag, which was inspired by watching her grandmother cook with cushions, uses heat retention technology to cook food for 8-12 hours without the need for additional fuel. Collins witnessed the benefits African women received from using Wonderbags, reducing the amount of time they spent collecting firewood. For every bag sold, another is donated to a household in Africa, and in the past four years, the Wonderbags have found themselves in 600,000 African homes. Collins has launched the Wonderbag in the U.S. on Amazon, and hopes to sell the products via other retailers by 2014. |