


Ian Mount 2013年11月05日


????但可能正是這樣的心理疾病讓這些領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者變得有說服力、魅力十足而且備受矚目。就像凱文?達(dá)頓在他的著述《神經(jīng)病有大智慧》(The Wisdom of Psychopaths,點(diǎn)擊這里查看《財(cái)富》對這本書的評論)中所說的那樣:“借助某些進(jìn)化過程中的惡作劇,精神不正常的人似乎擁有我們中許多人夢寐以求的性格特質(zhì)?!?/p>


????最近出版的《我們是暴力物種嗎?》(Som una espècie violenta?)一書著重談到了生理因素對好斗性格和不正常心理的影響,同時(shí)探討了這些特質(zhì)對組織機(jī)構(gòu)和領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者意味著什么。這本書由巴塞羅那大學(xué)(University of Barcelona)遺傳學(xué)教授大衛(wèi)?比諾?托倫斯和另外五個(gè)人合著;他們六人在巴塞羅那建立了一個(gè)跨學(xué)科神經(jīng)系統(tǒng)科學(xué)團(tuán)體,人稱“加泰羅尼亞的六個(gè)大腦”(Cervell de Sis)。








????It is a leadership truism that CEOs and presidents are arrogant psychopaths. Recent studies have found that half of U.S. Presidents experienced some kind of mental illness, with many of them (and U.K. Prime Ministers) suffering from "Hubris syndrome."

????But it may be those illnesses that make these leaders persuasive, charming, and focused in the first place. As author Kevin Dutton writes in his book, The Wisdom of Psychopaths (reviewed here in Fortune), "Psychopaths appear, through some Darwinian practical joke, to possess the very personality characteristics that many of us would die for."

????But how did they get that way, and how can the countries and companies they lead channel their psychopathy to noble ends?

????In their recently published book, titled Som una espècie violenta? (Are We a Violent Species?),David Bueno i Torrens, a professor of genetics at the University of Barcelona, and five other members of the Barcelona-based interdisciplinary neuroscience group known as the "Cervell de Sis" ("Brain of Six" in Catalan) emphasize the role of biology in aggressiveness and psychopathy, and, in the process, offer insight into what these qualities mean to organizations and leaders.

????The group put together the book after noting that, despite all the effort being put into addressing the social causes of violence, incidence rates of social ills like domestic violence were barely budging. "We thought that social aspect was one side of the coin, but lacked the biological aspect," Bueno says.

????Bueno draws a distinction between violence, which implies an understanding that one is inflicting harm on someone else, and aggressiveness, which is an emotion. "Aggressiveness is a response to a particular situation," he says. "When we find ourselves is a dangerous situation, we have three responses: to flee, to freeze, or to defend ourselves. This third is aggressiveness. Without aggressiveness, no species can survive."

????Aggressiveness is not only necessary for survival, he notes, but also to become a leader. "Human systems inspire pyramids, and to get to the top requires competition," he says. "That implies a certain amount of aggressiveness."

????The predisposition to aggressiveness is mixed with that for creativity and impulsiveness -- more than 30 genes that affect aggressiveness have been identified, Buenos says -- thus creating the classic profile of the leader

????But the brain is not static. Once people with a leader's mix of aggressiveness, creativity, and impulsiveness get to the corner office, power actually does corrupt them -- physically.

????"Many leaders adapt to power, and the parameters change. There are studies where one can see changes on the neural-hormonal level. And the leaders get colder, more distant, less empathetic," Bueno says.

????This loss of empathy is not necessarily bad for a leader, to a point. Diminished empathy -- one definition of psychopathy -- allows a person to makes decisions without worrying about every constituent or employee's feelings.

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