


Colleen Leahey 2013年11月26日

????大家或許已經(jīng)從2011年一期《紐約》雜志(New York Magazine)的封面上認(rèn)出了梅耶?穆斯克。那期雜志封面刊登了這位63歲模特的前衛(wèi)裸體照片,同時(shí)仿照《名利場(chǎng)》雜志(Vanity Fair )封面上的黛米?摩爾進(jìn)行了合成,讓她看上去像是一位懷胎九個(gè)月的孕婦。(這期《紐約》雜志的封面文章“以她的年紀(jì),能否生育?”講述了中年女性生育的故事。)也有人可能通過她的工作認(rèn)識(shí)了她。她是一位關(guān)注健康和長壽的營養(yǎng)師。

????此外,她的成名還有另外一個(gè)原因:她三個(gè)孩子當(dāng)中的一位——埃隆?穆斯克——?jiǎng)倓偙辉u(píng)為《財(cái)富》雜志2013年年度商業(yè)人物(Fortune's 2013 Business Person of the Year)。

????貝寶公司(PayPal)聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人埃隆?穆斯克是一位具有冒險(xiǎn)精神的創(chuàng)新者,他還創(chuàng)辦了另外三家初創(chuàng)公司,即:電動(dòng)汽車制造商特斯拉汽車公司(Tesla Motors)、太空探索技術(shù)公司(SpaceEx)和提供屋頂式太陽能系統(tǒng)的太陽能城(SolarCity)。所以說,在當(dāng)今時(shí)代一些偉大的發(fā)明誕生過程中,梅耶發(fā)揮了關(guān)鍵的作用,而且她本人也是一位創(chuàng)業(yè)模范。

????梅耶?穆斯克的職業(yè)生涯可謂一波三折。她出生在加拿大,卻在南非比勒陀利亞長大。她喜歡科技和閱讀,每周去兩次圖書館。她母親的朋友有一家模特經(jīng)紀(jì)公司,于是梅耶有機(jī)會(huì)參加了選美。從比勒陀利亞大學(xué)(University of Pretoria)獲得營養(yǎng)學(xué)學(xué)位之后,22歲的梅耶嫁給了工程師埃羅爾?穆斯克,然后三年內(nèi)接連生下了三個(gè)孩子。后來,她創(chuàng)辦了自己的咨詢業(yè)務(wù),同時(shí)利用彈性工作時(shí)間來照料自己的3個(gè)孩子。




????在加拿大,梅耶不得不從零開始。她和托斯卡住在朋友家,直到她們?cè)诙鄠惗嗾业揭惶幾饨鸸苤频淖√?,埃隆才搬過來一起住。為了每個(gè)月1,000美元的收入,梅耶一邊在多倫多大學(xué)(University of Toronto)做研究,一邊上課,來證明她在南非取得的資質(zhì)。此外,她還為埃隆買了99美元的服裝(西裝、領(lǐng)帶和襪子),還牽線幫他結(jié)識(shí)了一位營養(yǎng)師的丈夫,此君當(dāng)時(shí)供職于微軟(Microsoft)。后來,埃隆進(jìn)微軟工作了一段時(shí)間。梅耶繼續(xù)從事模特演藝工作,后來在模特經(jīng)紀(jì)公司的大樓內(nèi)找到了一間辦公室。她對(duì)辦公室進(jìn)行了重新裝修,再次創(chuàng)辦了自己的公司。

????You may recognize Maye Musk from her 2011 New York Magazine cover, a provocative photograph of the 63-year-old model, nude and photoshopped to make her appear nine months pregnant a la Demi Moore's Vanity Fair cover. (The cover line, "Is She Just Too Old For This?" teased a story about middle-aged women giving birth.) Some may know Musk from her work as a dietitian focused on wellness and longevity.

????And then there's her other claim to fame: One of her three children is Elon Musk, Fortune's 2013 Business Person of the Year.

????Elon, a co-founder of PayPal, is the audacious innovator behind three other major startups: electric car maker Tesla Motors (TSLA), commercial space travel outfit SpaceEx, and SolarCity (SCTY), which provides rooftop solar systems. So Maye played a critical role in spawning (literally) some of the great inventions of our time -- and was an entrepreneurial role model.

????Maye Musk's career path is one of twists and turns. She was born in Canada but raised in Pretoria, South Africa. She loved the sciences and reading, visiting the library twice a week. But her mother's friend had a modeling agency, and suddenly Maye found herself at beauty pageants. After gaining her dietitian degree from University of Pretoria, she married engineer Errol Musk at 22 and then had three children in three years. She launched a counseling practice, allowing for a flexible schedule with the kids.

????Maye's brood of Elon, Kimbal, and Tosca got along well, but each had his or her own personality quirks. Maye says Elon's introversion led her to believe for some time that he might be deaf. He was bullied in school; Maye assured her son that she, too, got picked on as a child and that her twin sister often shielded her from classmates' barbs.

????Maye says she soon understood that Elon's quietness simply meant he was thinking. (Son Kimbal and daughter Tosca were much more outgoing). Maye and Errol divorced before Elon was 10. As teens, her sons spent their weeks with their dad and their weekends with mom, and Maye says she lived for her kids. "If they had a sporting event -- actually, they weren't that good at sports -- so any kind of event, I would make sure I had time to go and support them." All the while, Maye managed to build out her dietitian business.

????When he was 17, Elon moved to Canada. Though she had a thriving practice in South Africa, and the dietitian community sought her out as a speaker at industry events, Maye and the rest of the family followed Elon.

????In Canada, Maye had to start from scratch. She and Tosca lived with a friend until they found a rent-controlled place in Toronto, where Elon joined them. For $1,000 a month, Maye did research at University of Toronto while taking courses to verify her South African credentials. She also bought Elon a $99 outfit (suit, tie, and socks included) and connected him with a dietitian's husband who worked at Microsoft (MSFT), where Elon ended up working for a bit. Maye continued modeling, booking jobs to snag office space in her modeling agency's building. Maye renovated it and rebuilt her practice.

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