


John A. Byrne 2013年12月20日

????他擁有沃頓商學(xué)院(Wharton)的金融學(xué)士學(xué)位,還曾經(jīng)在艾意凱咨詢公司(L.E.K. Consulting )和巴克萊銀行(Barclays)工作過兩年。他的GMAT(研究生管理專業(yè)入學(xué)考試)成績是740分,GPA(平均績點(diǎn))為3.45。這位印度裔美國人不僅是一位零差點(diǎn)球員,還攀登過珠穆朗瑪峰。然而,就在上周,哈佛商學(xué)院(Harvard Business School)和斯坦福大學(xué)商學(xué)院(Stanford Graduate School of Business)雙雙拒絕了他的入學(xué)申請(qǐng)。

????27歲的她已經(jīng)成功創(chuàng)辦了兩家初創(chuàng)公司,受到了投資人和各大媒體的關(guān)注。她畢業(yè)于一所“小常春藤”(Baby Ivy)盟校,GMAT成績?yōu)?60分,GPA為3.5。她甚至被一家國際性的雜志選為30歲以下30位最佳企業(yè)家之一。然而,她上周被斯坦福商學(xué)院放棄。

????他今年26歲,是雅培制藥公司(Abbott Laboratories)的一位生物醫(yī)學(xué)工程師,獲得過兩次晉升,還受到領(lǐng)導(dǎo)團(tuán)隊(duì)的一致好評(píng)。他的GMAT成績高達(dá)790分,足足比哈佛商學(xué)院最近一次錄取新生的平均分?jǐn)?shù)高出了60分。然而,哈佛拒絕了他就讀該校MBA課程的申請(qǐng)。


????我們邀請(qǐng) HBSGuru.com創(chuàng)始人、著名的MBA入學(xué)顧問桑迪?克雷斯伯格審視一下這幾位被拒絕申請(qǐng)人的簡歷和原始資料,同時(shí)向他們說明未能進(jìn)入哈佛或斯坦福的原因。上周,這兩家商學(xué)院公布了它們的首輪決定,數(shù)千位申請(qǐng)人收到了令人失望的消息。



????? GMAT成績?yōu)?40分

????? GPA為3.45

????? 擁有賓夕法尼亞大學(xué)( University of Pennsylvania)的金融學(xué)士學(xué)位

????? 在艾意凱咨詢公司工作了兩年,在巴克萊銀行倫敦和紐約分公司從事過三年的投行業(yè)務(wù)

????? 利用課外時(shí)間參加過社區(qū)活動(dòng);為兩家賓夕法尼亞大學(xué)畢業(yè)生創(chuàng)辦的公司擔(dān)任過顧問工作;校隊(duì)成員之一,零差點(diǎn)球員;也攀登過珠穆朗瑪峰

????? 這位印度裔美國人“有可能重返賓夕法尼亞大學(xué)”

????桑迪的分析:這份簡歷沒有驚喜。攀登過珠峰(和零差點(diǎn)球員)可以把成色不足的黃金變?yōu)辄S金,但不會(huì)把白銀變成黃金。而我們?cè)谶@里看到的,是一塊實(shí)心銀:一個(gè)有點(diǎn)低的GPA,一段在艾意凱咨詢公司和巴克萊銀行的工作經(jīng)歷,這些都挺體面的。但GPA不是3.9,供職公司不是麥肯錫( McKinsey)和高盛(Goldman),也不是KKR。確實(shí)沒有什么能夠真正打動(dòng)招生官員的地方。

????人們拒絕直面真相,因?yàn)樗麄儾幌胪耆拐\地承認(rèn)商學(xué)院招生究竟有多么不公平。但你的命運(yùn)取決于你上了哪所大學(xué)。要是你上的是普林斯頓大學(xué)( Princeton ),而不是賓夕法尼亞大學(xué),你或許就會(huì)去麥肯錫,而不是去艾意凱咨詢公司工作。隨后或許將跳槽到高盛或摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley),而不是巴克萊銀行。然后,你就會(huì)被哈佛和斯坦福商學(xué)院錄取?,F(xiàn)在呢,你很可能會(huì)重返沃頓商學(xué)院。

????He has an undergraduate degree in finance from Wharton, two years of experience at both L.E.K. Consulting and Barclays. With a 740 GMAT and a grade point average of 3.45, this Indian-American is not only a scratch golfer, he also climbed Mount Everest. Yet he was rejected last week by both Harvard Business School and Stanford Graduate School of Business.

????She's a 27-year-old woman who has successfully founded two startups, attracting both funding and major media attention. With a 760 GMAT and a 3.5 GPA at a "Baby Ivy," she was even named to a list of the 30 best entrepreneurs under the age of 30 by an international magazine. Yet she was dinged by Stanford last week.

????This 26-year-old is a biomedical engineer for Abbott Laboratories who has been promoted twice and won recognition from his site leadership team. His 790 GMAT is more than 60 points higher than the average score for the latest enrolled class at Harvard Business School. Yet Harvard just turned him down for admission to its MBA program.

????These MBA candidates were all round one applicants who were dinged by either Harvard, Stanford, or both business schools last week. Yet they have impressive GMAT scores along with professional and extracurricular achievements that are nothing less than exceptional. So why didn't they get in?

????We asked Sandy Kreisberg, founder of HBSGuru.com and a prominent MBA admissions consultant, to take a look at the profiles and raw stats of rejected candidates and tell them why they failed to get into Harvard or Stanford. Both business schools released their round one decisions last week and thousands of applicants got disappointing news.

????Of course, it's no small hurdle to get into either Harvard or Stanford. The average GMAT score for latest class enrolled at HBS is 727, while the average at Stanford is 732. The undergraduate grade point averages are in nose bleed territory as well: 3.73 at Stanford and 3.67 at Harvard. Less than 7% of Stanford applicants and less than 12% of HBS applicants are accepted each year.

????Dinged by Harvard & Stanford

????? 740 GMAT

????? 3.45 GPA

????? Undergraduate degree in finance from the University of Pennsylvania

????? Work experience includes two years at L.E.K. Consulting and three years at Barclays (BCS) in investment banking in London and New York

????? Extracurricular involvement in community; advised two startups by Penn grads; was on varsity crew and a scratch golfer; also climbed Mount Everest

????? Indian American "likely returning to UPenn"

????Sandy's Analysis: No surprise here. Climbing Mount Everest (and scratch golf) could turn gold minus into gold but not silver into gold, and what we have here is solid silver [a lowish GPA, a work history at LEK and Barclays, all solid but not a 3.9, with experience at McKinsey and Goldman (GS) or KKR (KKR). There was nothing really driving you in.

????People refuse to acknowledge the truth because they don't want to be completely honest about how unfair admissions can be. But college is destiny. If you had gone to Princeton instead of Penn, you probably would have worked for McKinsey instead of L.E.K. and then would have made a move to Goldman or Morgan Stanley instead of Barclays. You then would have been accepted at Harvard and Stanford. Instead, you might very well be going back to Wharton.

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