
沃爾瑪:給員工漲薪 ????2013年,美國聯(lián)邦政府將最低工資從每小時7.25美元提高到了15美元,引發(fā)了一場廣泛的討論,而沃爾瑪(Wal-Mart)則處于這個話題的漩渦中心。自2009年起,政府就再也沒有提高過工資下限,而許多拿著最低工資的員工發(fā)現(xiàn)自己已經(jīng)生活在了貧困線以下。沃爾瑪是美國最大的私營雇主,雇傭了130萬名美國人,而他們當(dāng)中有許多人的收入在每年2.5萬美元以下。傳統(tǒng)觀點也許認(rèn)為,增加員工薪水會導(dǎo)致沃爾瑪利潤降低,不過《財富》的分析發(fā)現(xiàn)事實并非如此。 |
Wal-Mart: Pay workers more ????In 2013, Wal-Mart (WMT, Fortune 500) found itself at the center of the debate about raising the federal minimum wage from $7.25 an hour to figures as high as $15. The government has not raised the wage floor since 2009, and many full-time minimum wage workers find themselves living below the poverty threshold. As the largest private employer in the U.S., the retail chain employs 1.3 million Americans, and many of them earn less than $25,000 per year. Conventional wisdom may say that increasing worker wages would hurt Wal-Mart's bottom line, but a Fortune analysis discovered that this is simply not the case. |

A & F:管好CEO的嘴巴 ????由于針對體型偏大的顧客和“不夠時髦”的顧客發(fā)表了歧視性言論,邁克?杰弗里斯這一年受到了如潮的惡評,但他并沒有丟掉Abercrombie & Fitch服裝公司首席執(zhí)行官的位置。鑒于公司股票表現(xiàn)糟糕,投資者拼命想讓他下臺,但這家面向青少年的零售商還是決定讓他留任。這意味著Abercrombie & Fitch愿意承擔(dān)這位高管滿嘴跑火車的風(fēng)險。我們的建議很簡單:讓他遠(yuǎn)離麥克風(fēng)吧。 |
Abercrombie & Fitch: Keep CEO Mike Jeffries quiet ????After a banner year of negative press for discriminatory comments against larger shoppers and "not-so-cool" customers, Mike Jeffries is staying on as Abercrombie & Fitch's chief executive. Investors desperately wanted him to leave given the company's tanking stock, but the teen retailer has decided to stay the course with Jeffries at the helm. This meansAbercrombie (ANF) is willing to take the risk of dealing with more outlandish comments from its chief executive. Our advice is simple: Keep him away from the microphone. |

蘋果:少說大話 ????如果蘋果(Apple )能從喬布斯時代傳承下來的詞典里去掉那些過分炒作而且不符事實的吹噓之辭,那就太棒了。蘋果的產(chǎn)品無與倫比,性能強勁,卓爾不凡,創(chuàng)意十足,令人驚嘆,別具一格——這些只是從這家公司最近的產(chǎn)品新聞中摘出的一部分詞匯而已。蘋果,我們知道,你確實很棒,我們同意。不過目前,你把產(chǎn)品單純地描述一下就可以了。等你準(zhǔn)備好發(fā)布和iPod、iPhone或iPad同一級別的產(chǎn)品時,再把這些形容詞搬出來用吧。——亞當(dāng)?拉辛斯凱 |
Apple: Cut the hyperbole ????Apple (AAPL, Fortune 500) would do well to eliminate from its vocabulary all the over-hyped, non-factual puffery that has been part of its lexicon since the Steve Jobs era. Apple products are: incredible, powerful, radical, innovative, amazing, and groundbreaking, to name just a few words chosen from recent company news releases. Apple, we get it. You're awesome. We agree. Just describe your products to us for now. And when you're ready to release something that equals the iPod, iPhone, or iPad, then it will be time to trot out the adjectives again. --Adam Lashinsky |

J.C. Penney:回歸本原 ????《財富》的阿倫?斯隆將服裝連鎖店J.C. Penney評為2013年度運營最失敗的公司之一。它一年來幾乎沒有贏得過任何值得關(guān)注的成功。前蘋果高管羅恩?約翰遜在2012年接任了這家零售商的首席執(zhí)行官,試圖徹底改變這個品牌,讓它變得時尚??上屡c愿違,此舉最終導(dǎo)致公司失去了一部分忠實客戶。時間進(jìn)入2014年,我們建議J.C. Penney回歸本原,試著繼續(xù)贏回去年失去的信賴。 |
J.C. Penney: Get back to basics ????Named by Fortune's Allan Sloan as one of the biggest turkeys of 2013, J.C. Penney (JCP,Fortune 500) leaves 2013 with hardly any noteworthy successes. Former Apple exec Ron Johnson took over in 2012 as CEO of the retailer and tried to make it trendy by drastically changing its brand. The plan backfired, and the retailer lost some of its loyal customer base as a result. Moving into 2014, we suggest the retailer gets back to basics and continues to try to earn back the trust it lost last year. |