Brandon Southward

????Hyland公司 ????? 2014年最適宜工作的公司榜單排名:93
??? ? 員工總數(shù):1,660
??? ? 年度收入:2.367億美元
??? 每周一上午,Hyland公司總部的大廳里總是一片熙熙攘攘,那是這家位于俄亥俄州的軟件制造商在舉行每周一次的抽獎活動。員工們聚集在一起,爭相轉動抽獎輪——獎品包括不計其數(shù)的禮品卡、杉點主題樂園(Cedar Point)季票、iPad或雙人往返機票等。每次參與抽獎的“本周玩家”由經(jīng)理、同事及顧客一起選出,評選標準是員工對公司《16項行為準則》(Sweet Sixteen)的執(zhí)行情況。 |
??? Hyland ????? 2014 Best Companies rank: 93 ????? Number of employees: 1,660??? ? Annual revenue: $236.7 million ????Once a week there's hooting and hollering in the atrium of the Ohio-based software maker during its Monday morning meetings. Employees gather to spin a prize wheel for countless gift cards, season passes to Cedar Point amusement park, an iPad or sometimes round trip airfare for two. The "players of the week" are nominated by managers, peers, and customers. The criteria are based on how well the employee embodies Hyland's "Sweet Sixteen" code of conduct. |