


Elizabeth G. Olson 2014年01月26日






????盡管像通用汽車(General Motors)、威瑞森(Verizon)和強(qiáng)生(Johnson & Johnson)這樣的公司目前仍由退伍軍人掌權(quán),然而比起二三十年前,如今跨入企業(yè)界的高階士兵數(shù)量有所減少。不過(guò),沙場(chǎng)老兵們卻是急于儲(chǔ)備中層管理和領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者的公司眼中的香餑餑。


????后一種觀點(diǎn)得到了公眾的廣泛認(rèn)可,軍隊(duì)的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力評(píng)分始終高居其他領(lǐng)域之上。哈佛大學(xué)肯尼迪學(xué)院(Harvard Kennedy School)公共領(lǐng)導(dǎo)中心(Center for Public Leadership)發(fā)布的最新版年度《國(guó)家領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力指數(shù)》(National Leadership Index)指出,美國(guó)人只對(duì)軍事和醫(yī)療部門的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力有著“平均水平之上的信心”。2012年的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力指數(shù)顯示,軍隊(duì)連續(xù)第18年超越其他13個(gè)領(lǐng)域,獲得最高評(píng)分。排在軍隊(duì)和醫(yī)療類別之后的,分別是非盈利和慈善團(tuán)體、地方政府和宗教機(jī)構(gòu)。

????退伍的陸軍上校、圣迭戈大學(xué)(University of San Diego)公共領(lǐng)導(dǎo)專業(yè)的教授喬治?E?里德說(shuō):“軍隊(duì)一直保持著最高評(píng)分,也是唯一一個(gè)自信滿滿的領(lǐng)域?!?/p>

????不過(guò),里德也提倡人們用公正的眼光看待軍隊(duì)的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)。十年前,他在美國(guó)陸軍戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)學(xué)院(Army War College)講課時(shí),有士兵警告稱:出口傷人、夸夸其談的“毒瘤領(lǐng)導(dǎo)”正在指揮系統(tǒng)中步步高升。根據(jù)對(duì)這些士兵的采訪,他撰寫了一篇報(bào)告,開(kāi)創(chuàng)了一個(gè)全新領(lǐng)域。



????由馬薩諸塞州坎布里奇(Cambridge, Mass.)的獨(dú)立機(jī)構(gòu)美國(guó)國(guó)家經(jīng)濟(jì)調(diào)查局(National Bureau of Economic Research)主持研究的一份報(bào)告顯示,士兵出身的首席執(zhí)行官傾向于作出較為保守的投資決定,也不太認(rèn)可公司的欺詐行為。

????For decades, former generals or officers frequently found high-flying new careers in corporate executive suites, and their leadership was almost universally lauded.

????Ex-servicemen like Fred Smith at FedEx (FDX) and Ross Perot at EDS helped remake the corporate landscape in the years after World War II and the Vietnam and Korean wars.

????Now, decades later, as the country's latest wars wind down and more soldiers exit the military, many are questioning whether the hierarchical military leadership that traditionally worked so well is still as valuable in the corporate world.

????The top-down military leadership style is coming under scrutiny more intensely than in recent decades as reports surface of rising numbers of in-service sexual assaults and soldier suicides as well as cheating and drinking by members of the nation's nuclear command.

????While the number of high-ranking soldiers migrating to the executive suite has dwindled compared to two or three decades ago -- although companies like General Motors (GM), Verizon (VZ), and Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) are currently led by ex-servicemen -- veterans are being sought by companies anxious to stock their middle management ranks with tested leaders.

????The shift from the fighting fields to the executive ranks has triggered examination of whether military leadership, which tends to squelch questioning and dissent, winds up costing companies or, by contrast, benefiting them.

????The latter view is widely embraced by the public, which consistently rates military leadership atop other occupational fields. The most recent National Leadership Index, prepared annually by the Harvard Kennedy School's Center for Public Leadership, found Americans surveyed nationwide had "above-average confidence" only in the military and medical sectors. The 2012 index was the eighth year in a row in which the military won the top spot over 13 other fields. Nonprofits and charities, local government, and religious institutions followed behind the military and medical categories.

????"The military consistently receives top ratings and is the only segment where there is a great deal of confidence," says George E. Reed, a retired military colonel who is a professor of public leadership at the University of San Diego.

????But Reed also advocates a balanced look at military leadership. While teaching at the Army War College, he broke new ground a decade ago when he wrote a report based on interviews with soldiers warning of abusive, self-aggrandizing "toxic leaders" promoted up the chain of command.

????But with wars raging in Iraq and Afghanistan, the military was not prepared for an in-depth examination of leadership issues at the time, says Reed. "I was a voice in the wind," he notes. But he thinks that the military is entering a period where it can undertake a broader review of its leadership policies.

????"It isn't just looking at success stories," he cautions. "We have a hesitancy to chronicle experiences where military leadership doesn't work," says Reed. "It's part of our romance with leadership."

????Soldier-CEOs tend to make more conservative investment decisions and are less likely to sanction corporate fraud, according to a report prepared under the auspices of the National Bureau of Economic Research, an independent Cambridge, Mass.-based organization.

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