


Chanelle Bessette 2014年03月19日


????這當然不是什么新事物。但Goldbely的與眾不同之處在于,它在美國各地尋找當?shù)厣a(chǎn)的精美食品,然后把它們送到人們的家門口。而且并不僅僅是一般所謂的精美食品,想想看:新澤西州Carlo's Bake Shop制作、因為電視真人秀節(jié)目蛋糕大王(Cake Boss)而名聲大噪的奶油甜餡煎餅卷;舊金山灣區(qū)的Boudin酵母面包;來自得克薩斯州的Blue Bell冰激凌;還有紐約市Katz's Delicatessen的五香熏牛肉和腌咸牛肉三明治。


????埃里爾已經(jīng)連續(xù)多次創(chuàng)業(yè),他曾是食品快遞網(wǎng)站Delivery.com和美食網(wǎng)站Eats.com的首席執(zhí)行官。他在范德堡大學(Vanderbilt University)獲得了經(jīng)濟學學士學位。他和我們的談話如下:

????1. 你在技術領域最欣賞的人是誰?為什么?


????2. 你欣賞哪些公司?為什么?

????我欣賞的公司是Y Combinator,原因是它意識到了一種新經(jīng)濟的到來。投資者為了金融收益而投資是一件事,但去積極地幫助數(shù)千名創(chuàng)業(yè)者實現(xiàn)自己的夢想、幫助他們提高獲得成功的幾率則是另外一件事。我們很幸運能參與這項活動,對他們所做的許多工作我都很贊賞。在電子商務領域,我欣賞的是亞馬遜(Amazon)和鞋類網(wǎng)站Zappos,原因很明顯。Zappos以“客戶服務至上”為重點,這一點深植在我們的夢想里。亞馬遜的遠大抱負讓人很受啟發(fā)。

????3. 你對那些希望從事你這樣工作的人有什么建議?


????Joe Ariel is a New York City transplant who opened up shop in San Francisco with his startup Goldbely. The idea is simple: a food delivery service.

????That's not new, of course. But the company distinguishes itself by finding locally sourced gourmet foods from around the country and delivering them to a person's doorstep. And not just so-called gourmet food, either: Think cannolis from Carlo's Bake Shop -- of "Cake Boss" fame -- in New Jersey, sourdough bread from Boudin in the Bay Area, Blue Bell ice cream from Texas, or a pastrami and corned beef sandwich from Katz's Delicatessen in New York City.

????Ariel, 37, wants to help local purveyors gain a national audience. He calls it "democratizing the food industry." And lest you think he is just one more in a long line of trendy food entrepreneurs, Ariel insists that he dislikes the pretension of the word "foodie" (preferring to call himself a "food explorer") and simply wants to share the best that America has to offer.

????Ariel is a serial entrepreneur -- he was once the CEO of Delivery.com and Eats.com -- and holds a bachelor's degree in economics from Vanderbilt University. He spoke with us.

????1. Who in technology do you admire most? Why?

????Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos. They're all entrepreneurs who play by their own rules. For Jobs, it's his vision and true emphasis on design. For Branson, creativity and wildness. For Bezos, it's building for the long term and being unapologetic about it; that idea is very freeing for entrepreneurs who are trying to build their own business. As a marketer, I also admire Hugh Hefner. He's created his own reality. He saw something that he wanted to build and marketed it like no one else could. I feel the same way about Goldbely.

????2. Which companies do you admire? Why?

????One company that I admire is Y Combinator for realizing that there's a new economy coming. It's one thing for investors to make investments for financial gain, but it's another to actively help thousands of entrepreneurs build out their dreams and give them a better chance to succeed. We're fortunate to have been a part of the program, and I admire a lot of what they do. In the e-commerce space, I admire Amazon and Zappos for pretty obvious reasons. With Zappos, the "customer service first" focus is something we instill deeply in our team, and Amazon's ambitiousness is inspiring.

????3. What advice would you give to someone who wants to do what you do?

????Travel, eat, repeat! When I was planning this venture, I knew it had to be something that I was super-passionate about. But at the same time, you can have ideas that you're really passionate about that at the end of the day don't align with your skill set. So, find the intersection of what you love and what you're good at and identify any and every potential opportunities in the market. Once you find the sweet spot, dig in like you never have before.

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