


Chanelle Bessette 2014年03月19日

????4. 別人給你的最佳建議是什么?

????身為創(chuàng)業(yè)者,Y Combinator合伙人之一、Gmail之父保羅?布赫海特總是說,要做出有些人絕對(duì)熱愛的東西,而不是許多人僅僅有些喜歡的東西。這對(duì)任何一位創(chuàng)業(yè)者來說都是最高明的建議,因?yàn)槟贸鲚^好的東西很容易,但要拿出令人叫絕的東西真的、真的很難。那就是我應(yīng)該為之奮斗的目標(biāo)。

????5. 你打算著手的下一個(gè)大項(xiàng)目是什么?


????6. 你的公司目前面臨著哪些挑戰(zhàn)?


????7. 無論是個(gè)人方面,還是職業(yè)方面,你希望自己能夠?qū)崿F(xiàn)的終身目標(biāo)是什么?


????8. 你怎樣平衡自己的生活?


????9. 你最近讀了哪本書?

????馬爾科姆?格拉德韋爾的《大衛(wèi)與歌利亞》(David and Goliath)。他的書把心理、商業(yè)和歷史交織在一起,我都很喜歡。這本書特別談到了處于下風(fēng)時(shí)的優(yōu)勢(shì)。在我的世界里,處于下風(fēng)就意味著建立一家初創(chuàng)型企業(yè),聽聽歷史上初出茅廬的小人物所成就的了不起的大事非常讓人受啟發(fā)。

????10. 你有什么獨(dú)特或者奇怪的習(xí)慣嗎?




????4. What is the best advice you ever received?

????As an entrepreneur, Paul Buchheit -- who is one of the partners at Y Combinator and the creator of Gmail -- always said build something that a few people absolutely love rather than build something that a lot of people just kind of like. For any startup entrepreneur those are some of the wisest words because it's easy to push out something that's kind of good, but it's really, really hard to push out something that's amazing. That's what you should strive for.

????5. What's the next big project you want to tackle?

????I think we've really hit on something with the convergence of content and commerce in food, specifically in the way we tell the stories of the products and artisans we showcase. We view ourselves equally as an e-commerce company as we do storytellers. Video has always been a fascinating medium for me, and we've just started delving further into video-based content. Photography has always been core to our user experience, but I think there's an exciting opportunity for us to use video to take our content far deeper.

????6. What challenges are facing your business right now?

????We're fortunate in that we're growing pretty quickly. The challenge with that is continuing to grow at a fast pace, and at the same time maintain focus on culture and quality of hiring, while at the same time building for speed. If there's one thing that keeps me up at night, it's that. Making sure we find the right spot.

????7. What is one goal -- either personal or professional -- that you would like to accomplish during your lifetime?

????Building an industry-changing business. To create something that not only serves millions of consumers, but also empowers an entire industry of producers would be something really special. I think Etsy has done this for the crafts industry, and that is something I admire. There's a lot of symmetry with what we're doing for gourmet and specialty food. It's exciting to create a platform that uplifts an entire industry.

????8. What do you do to live a balanced life?

????Since I was a kid, if I don't run around or play a sport and work up a sweat, I get antsy. If I go a few days without exercise, I have a hard time focusing. It can be anything from playing tennis or basketball to going for a run or a hike. The gym is super-important for me.

????9. What was the last book you read?

????David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell. I love his books in general with the intersection of psychology and business and history. This one in particular talks about the advantages of being an underdog. In my world, that means a startup, and it's very inspiring to hear historical takes about little upstarts that can do amazing things.

????10. What is one unique or quirky habit that you have?

????I feed people constantly and love to see their reaction to trying something new. I think I get it from my father, who has always loved cooking and feeding people. Especially when there's a new product that I've sampled that I know is just amazing -- I just need to share it. So much of what we do is spread happiness through food. A dish can be so nostalgic and bring back such great memories. Getting to facilitate these moments and share these experiences with people is really special.

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