


Katherine Reynolds Lewis 2014年04月16日



????如何才能贏得這種神奇的組合效果?結(jié)果來之不易,而其中的固有挑戰(zhàn)也許能解釋培訓(xùn)公司ESI國際(ESI International)一項調(diào)查的結(jié)果。這項調(diào)查發(fā)現(xiàn),83%的受訪公司存在項目經(jīng)理短缺的現(xiàn)象?;蛘咚材芙忉尨鳡?卡內(nèi)基2012年的一份研究,該研究發(fā)現(xiàn)26%的員工在工作中完全置身事外,45%只是在一定程度上參與其中。

????“沒人在乎你的截止期限,他們關(guān)心的是目標(biāo),”高管教練及《新官上任》(First-Time Leader)一書的作者喬治?布拉特說?!氨仨毰c他們聯(lián)手創(chuàng)造一個共同目標(biāo),同時向這個目標(biāo)推進(jìn)。但學(xué)校是不會教你這個的。”


????You're leading a conference call, talking project timelines, deliverables, and deadlines. You hang up, satisfied that you covered everything on your checklist. But some time later -- maybe minutes, days, or weeks -- you realize that no one had any intention of actually doing what you said.

????Sound familiar? When you're leading a team from different departments or even a group of your peers, you're unlikely to see people blindly complying with your every request. Indeed, compliance isn't what you need from colleagues and subordinates -- you need ideas, willing collaboration, and participation.

????How do you win that magic combination? It's not easy, and the inherent challenge may explain the results of a survey by training firm ESI International, which found a shortage of project managers at 83% of organizations surveyed. Or the 2012 Dale Carnegie study, which found that 26% of employees are disengaged and 45% are only partially engaged.

????"Nobody cares about your deadlines; they care about the cause," says George Bradt, an executive coach and author of First-Time Leader. "You have to co-create a shared purpose and drive toward the cause, and they don't teach you that in school."?








????It's not about your ideas

????The first step is to shift your perspective. Instead of devising plans to get people to do what you want, recognize that their ideas could be just as valuable as yours. Sure, you know the project's objectives and context inside and out. It's your job to convey the broader mission to them so they understand how their piece will fit into the whole.

????"To do it right, you have to truly believe the people you're delegating to can do this better than you," Bradt says. "You have to give them very clear direction. You have to give them the resources, the training; then you have to let them do it."

????That means listening to others' input at the beginning of a project, as well as throughout. "This isn't a one-time thing, this is a series of iterative conversations, and you must stick with it," he says.

????Peter Bregman, an advisor to chief executive officers and leadership teams, says he once worked with an executive who led a $500 million business line and was having trouble getting what he felt he needed from the company's head of marketing. It turned out that the marketing head didn't feel respected or that his ideas were valued. The standoff was hurting both individuals and the overall business.

????"No amount of posturing was going to get him to do what he wanted to do," Bregman says. "You can't leverage your power or get into an arm wrestle with the guy."?????

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