


Katherine Reynolds Lewis 2014年04月16日








????Build one-on-one relationships

????You'll be more successful leading a team if you know your team members already and have strong relationships with them. Make a list of the five or 10 people in your work area or organization you're likely to be paired up with in the future. Get to know them.

????"The most important thing is to develop strong relationships with people when you don't need them. The biggest leverage to get anything done is personal relationships," Bregman says.

????Ask about their lives, share yours, offer to help them, and be a decent human being. As for those you have had trouble with in the past, now's the time to mend those relationships -- you're likely to be thrown together in the future.

????If you're put into a leadership role and you don't know the team well, take the time to meet one-on-one with each person to find out their priorities and get to know them personally. If you can't meet face-to-face, video conferencing is the next best thing.

????"Nobody wants to be a cog in your wheel," Bregman says. "The goal is to shift them from a line in your to-do list to a real relationship, to feel like you're two human beings working together."

????The executive who was having trouble with his company's head of marketing took time to go out to dinner with him. Before long, they were collaborating well.








????Include the entire group

????When you're in charge, you may feel that you're supposed to have all the ideas and answers. In fact, your job is to harness the collective brainpower of your team for the good of the company.

????That means asking for advice. People love to give advice; it makes them feel valued. "When you listen to their advice, not only do you get good ideas, but you build relationships," Bregman says.

????Make sure to follow up afterwards. If you take a person's advice, let them know the outcome. If you decide on a different tack, explain why and what influence the person's opinion had upon you. Don't just drop the issue and hope he won't notice.

????Through the course of a project, put the core mission front and center. Again, this shouldn't spring entirely from your brain but should emerge from a discussion with the entire team. "It's not about putting yourself in their shoes," says Bradt. "It's about inserting yourself into their hearts."???

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