


John D. Mayer 2014年04月21日

????4. 我們應(yīng)該承認個性的重要性。宣揚理解個性的能力的價值,同時認識到,現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)可以衡量這種能力。讓擁有這種技能的員工掌握更大的權(quán)力,這是第一步。

???? 多種研究表明,敏于理解個性是職能化工作場所的一個重要元素。人際智商理論闡述了人們?nèi)绾未_定性格特征,同時把它應(yīng)用在周圍人士的身上;如何評價同事的計劃和他們的聲譽。它有助于解釋為什么我們的組織內(nèi)或許有一些人不理解自己的行為造成的影響。






????4. We should acknowledge the importance of personality. Speaking to the value of competence at understanding personality -- and recognizing that it can now be measured -- is a start toward empowering employees who have those skills.?

????A variety of research indicates that acuity at understanding personalities is an important element within functional workplaces. The theory of personal intelligence explains how people define and apply traits to those around them, how they evaluate their coworkers' plans, and their reputations. It helps explain why some people in our organization may not understand the effects of their behavior.

????In any organization -- business, governmental, non-profit, or educational -- managers establish a structure by delineating an organizational chart that explains the lines of responsibility among managerial and staff positions. But managers and employees also understand that the people who fill those boxes have skills and characteristics that go far beyond what those boxes suggest.

????Personal intelligence theory tells us that some people are stuck at the box-level of an organizational chart while others can go beyond the boxes to read the people who occupy those positions. That said, it also predicts that no matter how good we are, any of us can make mistakes at times.

????We'll all have a greater appreciation of one another, and maybe even be better able to work together, if we recognize that many of our work challenges involve managing our own personalities and better understanding one another.

????John D. Mayer is a professor of psychology at the University of New Hampshire and the author of Personal Intelligence: The Power of Personality and How It Shapes Our Lives.

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