


Brittany Shoot 2014年06月10日

????希雅?泰迪?唐納對(duì)于企業(yè)家的需求了如指掌。在硅谷,她作為True Ventures的聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人而廣為人知。這家公司是一支風(fēng)投基金,專注于處于發(fā)展初期的企業(yè)。她也是True University的幕后策劃人。True University是一個(gè)為期兩天的會(huì)議,它將True Ventures公司旗下資產(chǎn)組合公司召集在一起,分享理念,開展合作。



????一個(gè)免費(fèi)對(duì)公眾開放的孵化器似乎并不是什么革命性的舉措,但在潛在創(chuàng)業(yè)者中可能會(huì)很受歡迎。最近的技術(shù)泡沫和HBO的電視劇《硅谷》(Silicon Valley)推廣了這樣一個(gè)觀點(diǎn):創(chuàng)業(yè)只需要?jiǎng)恿蜎Q心。那些一流的加速器和孵化器都收到了大量的申請(qǐng),而且正在滿負(fù)荷運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)當(dāng)中。例如,Y Combinator據(jù)稱每分鐘就會(huì)收到一個(gè)申請(qǐng),而通過(guò)率僅在1%左右。

????而且往往會(huì)有一個(gè)自選團(tuán)體,他們會(huì)申請(qǐng)初創(chuàng)資助和指導(dǎo)。3月份,Y Combinator創(chuàng)始人杰西卡?萊文斯通對(duì)《Slate》雜志說(shuō),盡管她認(rèn)為2014年將是技術(shù)行業(yè)女性創(chuàng)業(yè)的轉(zhuǎn)折點(diǎn),但在過(guò)去幾年YC所資助的633家初創(chuàng)公司中,只有84家擁有至少一名女性創(chuàng)始成員。她還說(shuō):“2005年前后,每一批企業(yè)里面哪怕有一名女性創(chuàng)始人就不錯(cuò)了?!?/p>




????Shea Tate-Di Donna knows what entrepreneurs need. In Silicon Valley, she's best known as one of the founding partners at True Ventures, a venture capital fund focused on early-stage companies. She was also the architect behind True University, a two-day conference that brings together companies in the True portfolio to share ideas and collaborate.

????If that sounds a little kumbaya, Tate-Di Donna's latest project has similar idealistic aims. Zana is a virtual incubator that will, in her words, "democratize entrepreneurship."

????It's easy to see how Zana (pronounced zah-nah) was born out of one of True's core values: Encouraging CEOs to turn to one another for help and advice. It's a rare strategy among venture firms, and one that's served True well. Those values, and more than a decade's worth of conversations with founders, led Tate-Di Donna to create a peer education-focused incubator available to anyone with an Internet connection. "Zana is a platform versus a content delivery vehicle," Tate-Di Donna tells Fortune. "The real magic happens when entrepreneurs talk to each other."

????A free and open-to-the-public incubator shouldn't seem revolutionary, but it will likely be in hot demand among would-be founders. This latest tech bubble and shows like HBO's Silicon Valley have bolstered the idea that starting a company simply requires drive and determination. The best accelerators and incubators are bombarded with applications and at maximum capacity. Y Combinator, for example, reportedly receives one application per minute, with an acceptance rate hovering just above one percent.

????There also tends to be a self-selecting group that applies for early-stage funding and mentorship. In March, YC founding partner Jessica Livingston told Slate that while she thinks 2014 will be a tipping point year for women in tech, only 84 of the 633 startups YC funded over the years had at least one woman founder. "In the mid-2000s, we were lucky to get one female per batch," she said.

????That's changed, of course. But the numbers of non-white, non-male accelerator applicants still lag far behind. In venture capital, the gender imbalance is even worse; women comprise just four percent of all VCs. "When I was at True Ventures," Tate-Di Donna says, "I was the only woman for the first five years. And I was the only woman on the investment team for seven years."

????She also saw an obvious gap in the current swath of entrepreneur-centric opportunities. "There's not a trusted, gold standard, de facto place that will help move a business forward through its life cycle as a company," she says. "YC good for early-stage. There are incubators and accelerators focused on periods of time or specific skill development. But peer-led education support—that's where we see the enormous opportunity." (Also, a note about the name: Zana was a goddess in Romanian mythology known for giving life and generously bestowing gifts.)

????With Zana, there aren't any real barriers to entry, as it's free and available on demand. (The revenue structure is a basic freemium model with a premium option available to companies. There will also eventually be a certification program enabling employers to test employees on various modules.) It also promises to unite entrepreneurs from various industries and from all around the world.

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