


Phil Wahba 2014年06月25日

????蔻馳(Coach )上周四透露戰(zhàn)略規(guī)劃,以期從邁克爾高司(Michael Kors)和Kate Spade等競(jìng)爭(zhēng)對(duì)手手中奪回曾屬于自己的北美市場(chǎng)份額,同時(shí)推動(dòng)海外業(yè)務(wù)加速增長(zhǎng)。










????Coach laid out on Thursday the strategy it hopes will help it win back the market share it has lost in North America to the likes of Michael Kors KORS -0.85% and kate spade KATE 2.59% , and accelerate its growth overseas.

????The New York handbag and leather-goods companytold Wall Street analysts that it planned to close 20% of its full-service stores in North America, where comparable sales fell 21% last quarter, in the coming months. The brand will consolidate some of its factory stores in the region as well. It will try to make up for that with better spots in department stores and high-touch flagship stores in the 12 major North American markets where it gets half of its sales.

????In September, it will start selling the first collection designed by creative director Stuart Vevers, who has focused on the 73-year-old company’s heritage and New York roots. The new collection is a nod to Coach classics—and an effort to start to win back shoppers who thought the brand had grown too showy in recent years.

????Even in China, the motor of its sales growth of late, Coach is tweaking its approach, closing stores in locations that have become less attractive and opening new stores in better spots.

????Investors proved nervous and sent shares down 9% after the company said returning to growth could take a while.

????Coach CEO Victor Luis, who took the reins in January after helping build the luxury company’s international business in recent years, sat down with Fortune at Coach’s Manhattan headquarters for an exclusive interview to discuss his strategy.

????Fortune: In closing stores in many smaller markets, do you not risk ceding the opportunity in such locations to rivals like Michael Kors, which is expanding?

????Most of the moves are not about giving up on total markets. They are in markets where we have more than one location. In all of the malls where we are closing stores, we have a wholesale location, either at a Macy’s M 0.12% , a Bloomingdale’s, or another partner.

????Why the focus on the 12 major North America markets, rather than a broader footprint?

????They represent over half of our sales, and certainly they represent the most important tourist destinations. They are the PR (public relations) and marketing megaphones to the world because a lot of the consumers who shop there tend to be the trendsetters as well.

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