


Phil Wahba 2014年06月25日















????How does your e-commerce, which you are overhauling currently, play into this shift away from malls?

????Part of this is not Coach-specific. Part of what we are seeing in general is reduced traffic to the American shopping mall, driven by an increase in e-commerce. Certainly, with many of the consumers that would normally be shopping in these smaller locations, one of the opportunities is going to be how we can engage with them via our web site.”

????You say Coach will enhance its locations inside North American department stores. How and why will you do that?

????We are making investments targeted at making up for the store closings. There is a place for the American department store, and in those that we choose to be in, we want to look good.

????In many of the locations, we’re going to be bringing Coach-funded sales specialists who will be able to ensure there is a level of customer service. Coach will have its own staff at 50 shops inside a department store next year, and triple that in another 2 years. [Until now, such sales staff were employed by the department store.]

????Coach announced today that it is looking for a spot to have a big New York City flagship—why is this important?

????[It] would be the epicenter of Coach globally, a reflection of our total brand here, in the city where we were born, in the city that is our number-one inspiration. That is a very important project for us, and that search continues.

????How does your New York heritage play into your expansion plans in Europe, where you remain a small player in many key markets and where many upscale and luxury brands are much older and better established?

????We have to go in there with a combination of ‘yes, we have a history and heritage of craftsmanship as the leading U.S. house of leather, but we are also a fashion and lifestyle resource that is today indicative of the New York fashion style.’

????Vevers has dived into Coach’s archives, an approach that has informed his first collection for Coach. How does the focus on Coach’s history help you?

????There is a generation of consumers who don’t know Coach of earlier years and others who do, and I think what we need to do, and are trying to do, over the next 12-18 months, is ensure that consumers are aware of our core, what is our DNA, who are our roots, who we are.

????You are closing some locations in China, and replacing them with others. Why are you willing to run the risk of slowing your growth in a market that is increasingly important to you?

????Things in China move so rapidly so great malls, great department stores that were the right place to be 5 years ago, may no longer be that place. We’re taking an aggressive stance in ensuring we are in the right locations by making the tough decision to close some stores and move them to better locations.

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