


Adam Lashinsky 2014年07月03日













????The workout

????Find a location that has an optimum running path and an adjacent park.

????1.) 5-minute run / skip / walk warm-up / shake out

????2.) Open and close your hand repeatedly

????Basic routine:

????1.) 10 stretches to touch your toes

????2.) 10 shoulder, elbow, wrist, finger rotations, in each direction (the centrifugal force that moves blood to your hands is a good tip to move blood to your hands when it is cold out)

????3.) 20 lunges (step forward with one leg and bend down to create a 90-degree angle)

????4.) 10 stand-ups (lay on your back with knees bent and feet flat on ground; roll forward to upright standing position; reverse to return to original position)

????5.) 5 to 20 push-ups (75% capacity)

????6.) 1 minute of a fixed line hip stretch: Clasp your hands and bring your elbows down to your knees, in a squat, to extend hips

????7.) 4 x 4 plank: Hold a plank position (like a push-up, but with forearms flat against the ground) for one minute each facing down (both arms), left (one arm), down (both arms), right (one arm) using your core to support your body and keeping arms and legs immobile.

????8.) 1 minute each side: Stand and balance on one leg, raising the other in front of you; stand and balance on one leg, pulling the other behind you by grabbing the ankle.

????This foundation for fitness takes between 10 and 15 minutes and can be repeated or as a daily goal.

????During my workouts I visualize an upcoming climb. On a technical route the moves are very precise. I can rehearse a foot or hand placement with no pressure and improve that eye/extremity coordination. Many climbers will rehearse the moves while standing, a unique form of shadow boxing.

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