
????文字已經(jīng)深深地融入了唐?格雷厄姆的血液中。他是格雷厄姆控股公司(Graham Holdings)的首席執(zhí)行官,旗下?lián)碛袀淇己驮诰€教育公司Kaplan。但是格雷厄姆公司和家族仍以老本行新聞業(yè)務(wù)著稱。直到在去年賣給杰夫?貝佐斯之前,《華盛頓郵報(bào)》(Washington Post)一直是格雷厄姆控股公司皇冠上的寶石。格雷厄姆的祖父于1933年買下了《華盛頓郵報(bào)》,格雷厄姆的父母都擔(dān)任過郵報(bào)的出版人。他的母親凱瑟琳?格雷厄姆還寫過一本回憶錄《個(gè)人歷史》(Personal History)。唐自己的職業(yè)生涯非常龐雜,他在越南服過役,還在華盛頓當(dāng)過一年半的警察。唐?格雷厄姆抽出一些時(shí)間和《財(cái)富》聊了聊他的夏季讀書清單。以下是對話節(jié)選: ????你如何空出時(shí)間來閱讀? ????讀書是我生活中最大的樂趣之一。當(dāng)度假、旅行或周末的時(shí)候,我會(huì)多讀一些書,但平常也看的不少。 ????最喜歡讀誰的犯罪偵探小說? ????喬治?佩雷卡洛斯的偵探小說。很多城市都有一名神秘的當(dāng)?shù)刈髡?,而佩雷卡洛斯便是華盛頓特區(qū)的那位。他寫過書,并擔(dān)任過電視劇《火線》(The Wire)其中幾集的導(dǎo)演。40年前,我曾是華盛頓的一名警察……他的有些作品也是以這一時(shí)期為背景的。他對警察和平民之間的互動(dòng)描寫的特別好。他的確是一名好作家。 ????在兒童時(shí)代,你最喜歡哪本書? ????《小熊維尼》(Winnie-the-Pooh)系列、蘇斯博士的《Horton Hatches an Egg》、約翰?突尼斯的棒球題材小說。他曾是紐約最佳新聞?dòng)浾?。對于?dāng)時(shí)的我來說,他們所講述的這些故事非常有吸引力。我也把《小熊維尼》的故事讀給我的孩子們聽。 ????哪本書對你的影響最大? ????在我20歲出頭的時(shí)候,一位朋友給我寄了本歷史作家羅伯特?康科斯特寫的《The Great Terrorone》,這是首批描述斯大林統(tǒng)治時(shí)期歷史的書籍之一。我父親是二戰(zhàn)退伍老兵。在成長過程中我了解了不少有關(guān)二戰(zhàn)的歷史,但是我并不清楚斯大林的為人以及他所代表的一切?!禩he Great Terror》改變了我對很多事情的看法。 ????你認(rèn)為有關(guān)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力方面人人必讀的書是哪本? ????太多了。除了我母親的書之外,還有丘吉爾的著作《馬爾堡:他的人生和時(shí)代》(Marlborough: His Life and Times)。該書講述了丘吉爾的祖先建立反法聯(lián)盟的故事,當(dāng)時(shí)法國人占領(lǐng)了歐洲大部分領(lǐng)土。這是丘吉爾最好的一本書,而且該書也說明,偉大的領(lǐng)袖的筆下也將誕生偉大的領(lǐng)袖。 ????哪些書進(jìn)入了你的夏季閱讀清單? ????弗吉尼亞州前任參議員詹姆士?韋伯剛剛出版了新書《我聽見了祖國的召喚》(I Heard My Country Calling)。這是一本有選擇性的自傳,里面并沒有描述他的參議員工作,也沒有介紹他為里根總統(tǒng)工作或擔(dān)任海軍部長的經(jīng)歷。該書講述的是他在軍事世家的成長故事,以及他在越南和海軍學(xué)院服役的經(jīng)歷。真是一本好書。他是最好的一位參議員作家。 ????本月還有一本新書出版,名字叫做《On the Rocketship: How Charter Schools are Pushing the Envelope》,作者理查德?惠特邁爾。該書頗具正能量,其內(nèi)容超越了標(biāo)題本身,也超越了白思豪(現(xiàn)任紐約市市長——譯者注),審視了全國特許及公立學(xué)校是如何形成聯(lián)盟并相互改變的。 ????我還十分期待羅伯特?提姆伯格的自傳《藍(lán)眼睛男孩》(Blue-eyed Boy)。他曾在越戰(zhàn)中擔(dān)任海軍陸戰(zhàn)隊(duì)軍官,就在他本要離開的前幾天,一枚爆炸的手榴彈讓他容顏盡毀。他曾做過十幾次手術(shù)。本書是主人公生活的真實(shí)寫照,他的傷疤改變了他的容貌,還讓他失去了工作。 ????譯者:翔 |
????Words are woven into Don Graham’s bloodline. He’s the CEO of Graham Holdings, which today owns test prep and online education company Kaplan. But his company and his family are best known for their newspaper roots. Until its sale to Jeff Bezos last year, the Washington Post was Graham Holdings’ crown jewel. Graham’s grandfather bought the Washington Post in 1933, and both of his parents were Post publishers. In addition, his mother, Katharine Graham, wrote the memoir Personal History. His own career has been wide and varied and includes serving in Vietnam, as well as a year and a half stint as a Washington D.C. policeman. Don Graham took a few moments to chat about his summer reading with Fortune. The following are edited excerpts. ????How do you make time to read? ????Reading is one of the great pleasures of my life. I read more when I’m on vacation or when I’m traveling or on weekends, but I’ve always read a lot. ????What’s your favorite guilty pleasure read? ????George Pelecanos’s detective novels. Lots of cities have a local mystery writer and Pelecanos is the one for D.C. He wrote and directed a few of the episodes of The Wire. Forty years ago I was a cop in D.C. …some of his books take place at the same time, he gets down the interaction between police and citizens really well. He’s a really good writer. ????What was your favorite book when you were a child? ????The Winnie-the-Pooh books, Dr. Seuss’s Horton Hatches an Egg. John R. Tunis’s baseball novels. He was the New York newspaperman of the day. They told stories that just hit me in the right way at that age. I read the Pooh books to my kids again. ????What book has had the most influence on you? ????When I was in my early 20s a friend sent me a book by a historian Robert Conquest, The Great Terrorone—one of the first attempts to write a history of the Stalin regime. My dad was a WWII vet. I had a grown up learning about WWII, but I did not understand who Stalin was and what he stood for. The Great Terror changed the way I thought about a lot of things. ????What’s one leadership book everyone should read? ????There are so many. In addition to my mother’s book, Churchill’s Marlborough: His Life and Times. It’s about Churchill’s ancestor who has to build a coalition against the French, who had conquered most of Europe. It’s Churchill’s best book, which is saying something. A great leader writing about a great leader. ????What’s on your summer reading list? ????James Webb, the former senator from Virginia, just published I Heard My Country Calling. It’s a selective autobiography—there’s nothing about being senator or his time working for Regan or being a secretary of Navy. It’s about his upbringing as military brat and service in Vietnam and naval academy. Hell of a book. He’s the best writer who was a senator. ????There’s a brand-new book published this month called On the Rocketship: How Charter Schools are Pushing the Envelope by Richard Whitmire. It’s very optimistic and looks beyond the headlines, beyond DeBlasio, and examines how charter and public schools around the country are forging alliances and changing each other. ????I’m also looking forward to the autobiography Blue-eyed Boy by Robert Timberg. He was a marine officer in Vietnam, and days before he was supposed to leave, a grenade exploded and tore away the front of his face. He’s had dozens of operations and it’s the story of living with an injury that changed his appearance and took his career away. |