


Beth Miller,ENTREPRENEUR 2014年10月22日











????This post is in partnership with Entrepreneur. The original article can be found at Entrepreneur.com.

????One of the goals of annual performance reviews is to look at the past and motivate employees for the future. Unfortunately, these once-a-year reviews often have the opposite result. While they may be framed as a way to encourage team members to put their best foot forward, these reviews often end up making employees feel unappreciated, unimportant and deflated.

????For managers, performance reviews can seem like an imposition, a stressful and unfulfilling process. No matter which side of the table someone is positioned, annual reviews can lead to stress, tension and discontent.

????So what are leaders to do? For larger companies, performance reviews may be an unavoidable reality. But more and more organizations are beginning to understand that annual reviews often fail to positively influence their employees’ behavior, and they’re taking a new approach.

????Turning performance reviews upside down.

????Numerous companies have rejected the traditional model of the annual review in favor of providing ongoing performance feedback. The Australian software company Atlassian set out to approach reviews in a fresh way and managers held themselves accountable by publishing the results of their performance-review experiments.

????Atlassian moved away from the annual review to a model of providing ongoing feedback and coaching. Its methods were rooted in the notion of engagement, and managers gave the program unique touches to align it with company values and culture. They hit roadblocks along the way but achieved their goal of energizing Atlassian’s workforce through one-on-one coaching instead of demoralizing employees with traditional performance reviews.

????The company’s model consists of structured feedback sessions and ongoing, informal feedback immediately following an action. Atlassian also overhauled its bonus system, paying higher salaries and offering companywide bonuses instead of individual rewards. The company stopped tying compensation to reviews, focusing instead on paying employees what they’re worth. Most strikingly managers threw out the old numbers-based ranking system in favor of having a dialogue with employees about specific projects and overall performance.

????Overhauling the appraisal process.

????If you’re looking for a way to give your performance review a makeover, consider adopting the following techniques to drive better results:

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