


Ryan Derousseau 2014年10月30日


????Coby Brooks, Hooters


????最后到了2009年,雙方終于達成協(xié)議,該協(xié)議迫使科比必須籌集資金才能保持公司正常運營。他并沒有停滯不前,而是把雞翅連鎖店賣給了一群投資者??票入S后成了另一家“美胸餐廳”(breastaraunt)連鎖店——“雙峰”(Twin Peaks)的早期投資者,這家店在不到十年時間里在全美擴張至近60家分店。真是有其父必有其子。


????When Coby Brooks took over as the head of the restaurant chain known for fun-loving, scantily clad waitresses, it was wrapped in tragedy. His father, who bought the restaurant in 1984 and turned it into a national chain, had just passed away. The elder-Brooks, Robert, died in 2006, leaving 30% to Coby, 30% to a younger daughter, and the rest to various family members and organizations. Robert’s second wife, however, was not pleased with her share, which was reportedly for $1 million a year for 20 years. So she sued for additional control of the company. This led Hooters down a three-year battle for ownership.

????Finally, in 2009, the two sides settled, but it forced the younger Brooks to raise funds to keep the company running. Instead of sticking around, he sold the chicken wing chain to a group of investors. Coby became an early investor in another “breastaraunt” chain, Twin Peaks, which has increased its foothold to nearly 60 locations across the country in less than 10 years. Like father, like son.

????Meg Whitman, eBay





????When Meg Whitman joined eBay in 1998, the e-commerce auction site was just a small, quirky startup that used company-wide meetings and candy jars to determine its strategy. But it had grown significantly in a short period, convincing Whitman to join the firm. Good thing she did, as she grew the company to over $8 billion in sales by the time she left in 2008 as one of the richest women in America.

????Despite her success, investors wanted to see significant change at eBay EBAY 3.37% . A $2.8 billion purchase of Internet telephone service Skype never panned out, while Amazon’s growth began to affect eBay’s bottom line. But really, it was just time. Whitman had long said that 10 years was the term limit for an effective CEO. She stayed true to her word.

????Whitman decided to try her hand at politics, seeking the California governor’s seat in 2010. She lost to Democrat Jerry Brown.

????Whitman ultimately wound up running Hewlett-Packard HPQ 2.72% . In October, she announced that the tech giant would split into two, leaving her as the head of the corporate technology unit and chair of the consumer hardware business.

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