


Sujan Patel 2014年11月18日

????5. 擔(dān)心競(jìng)爭(zhēng)對(duì)手



????6. 躲避社交和公開演講



????7. 忽視主流趨勢(shì)或時(shí)事


????著眼于未來(lái),致力于解決即將出現(xiàn)的需求,當(dāng)然很重要,但當(dāng)前趨勢(shì)可以幫助你預(yù)測(cè)即將發(fā)生的事情??梢杂嗛啿┛团c網(wǎng)站,如CNN、《紐約時(shí)報(bào)》(The New York Times)、《連線》雜志(Wired)和新聞網(wǎng)站Reddit等,了解流行文化的最新動(dòng)向。




????5. Worry about competitors

????There’s a difference between worrying about competitors and knowing what they are up to. It’s smart to see what products and services are available in your current market, but just like external validation, if you get caught up in trying to “keep up with the Joneses,” it doesn’t leave much room for actually outpacing your competition.

????If you want to stay on top, think of all the ways the customers in your market aren’t being served, and focus on solving that need.

????6. Avoid networking and public speaking

????When it comes to finding out industry needs, it’s a cold, hard truth for introverts and other shy people that being able to communicate confidently and well is key to building a business.

????For most entrepreneurs, having good networking and speaking skills are key, as others’ impressions of you will in turn influence how they feel about your product or company. If you aren’t good at networking or speaking, try joining Toastmasters or attending free events by your local chamber of commerce.

????7. Be ignorant of trends or current events

????There’s a quiet confidence that comes from staying up to date with the latest technology, national and international news and other trends that are popular in mainstream culture. Society has a huge effect on businesses, no matter the industry or niche, and knowing what’s popular now can help influence and improve products and businesses.

????While it’s important to look to the future to solve upcoming needs, current trends can help predict what’s happening next. Subscribe to blogs and websites such as CNN, The New York Times, Wired and Reddit to see what is new and part of current pop culture.

????Whether you are networking in a room filled with potential customers or working with your trusted employees on a new, innovative product, confident entrepreneurship means trusting in your brand, business and yourself.

????What do you do to boost your confidence? Let us know in the comments section below.

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