
這幾年,我又當企業(yè)家,又當作家和商業(yè)顧問。在這個過程中,我目睹了其他許多人的失敗,自己也經(jīng)歷了無數(shù)失敗。有很多少次,我深夜還在忙新項目,但最后卻不得不推倒重來??梢哉f,我被否定的次數(shù)簡直數(shù)不勝數(shù)。但經(jīng)歷了所有這些艱難困苦之后,我學(xué)到了一個重要的教訓(xùn):必須每天都保持滿滿的動力。 盡管很難,但你的成功取決于你能否看到日常工作中令人興奮和積極的事情。過分關(guān)注那些負面因素,會讓你感到緊張、憤怒和擔憂,從而在精神和身體上摧殘你,帶來可怕的后果:心臟病、長期焦慮,與朋友和家人爆發(fā)激烈沖突。 當你看到令人興奮和積極的事情,你就會意識到你擁有足以自豪的生活。隨后,你就能興奮地迎接挑戰(zhàn)了。但愿我發(fā)現(xiàn)的7大激勵竅門,能幫助你取得成功。 1. 搞清楚你要走哪條路 老實說,如果你還不清楚自己的大目標是什么,你將會迷失,陷入掙扎。保持動力的最好方法就是搞清楚你要實現(xiàn)什么目標,以及怎樣來實現(xiàn)這個目標。 所以,確認清楚你的目標,這樣才能都將它細分為一些可以實現(xiàn)、而且值得慶祝的小步驟。只要你想做的事情明確且卓越,那么,它每天都會你繼續(xù)努力的動力。 2. 把肯定的話語放在你能看到的地方 企業(yè)家很容易感到疲倦或沮喪,常常需要一個人承擔責(zé)難。但是負面情緒會奪走你賴以維持專注和成功的精力和能量。面對挫折時,務(wù)必要保持樂觀。 把你的目標貼在可以看到的地方,每天都確認你的終點。當你看到某個能讓你產(chǎn)生正能量的句子或圖畫時,把它放在你面前,讓你時刻提醒那些艱辛的意義所在。 3.憶苦思甜才能獲得動力 一旦產(chǎn)生放棄創(chuàng)業(yè)的想法,感覺向老板匯報比自己做決定容易太多,想想你當初創(chuàng)業(yè)的理由:受其他人約束時,你就無法充分發(fā)揮你的天分和創(chuàng)造力。必要的話,抽點時間去辦公室看看那些朝九晚五的朋友,你就能發(fā)現(xiàn)你“懷念”的究竟是什么。 4. 優(yōu)先考慮他人。 在任何時候,尋找動力的最好辦法就是不再想怎么讓自己變得更好,而要想怎么讓周圍的世界變得更好。設(shè)一個目標,每天去激勵一個人(或更多人)。把改善你的團體、你的家庭——一切的一切,除了你自己——加入你的目標中,你就會開始從更宏觀的角度看待這個世界。這讓你做的一切事情有了新的意義。 5. 每天都是全新的一天 每天早上睜開眼睛,你就要拋開前一天的負擔。你必須明白一點,錯誤已經(jīng)犯下了,事情已經(jīng)弄糟了,沒辦法了。這就是生活。 成功企業(yè)家和失敗企業(yè)家的區(qū)別就在于,成功的企業(yè)家能夠通過每天的反復(fù)工作,維持自己的積極心態(tài)和好奇心。所以,挫折也可以是機遇,失敗也可以是教訓(xùn)。一切取決于你怎么看待。 6. 建立順暢的反饋渠道,獲得最佳建議 消費者的反饋至關(guān)重要。它能排除公司成長中的問題,從而使你的產(chǎn)品和公司變得更加強大。 此外,反饋渠道還能傳達消費者對你熱情的歡迎,給你意料之外的認可。每個人都需要額外的鼓勵,所以,創(chuàng)業(yè)公司要讓這種鼓勵傳遞得更順暢點。 7. 與積極樂觀的人在一起,才能獲得正能量 如果你發(fā)現(xiàn)自己總是被周圍的人搞得焦頭爛額,或者你往往是房間里最聰明的那個人,那么,這個公司可能不適合你。 我最大的動力源泉正是來自周圍那些擁有遠大夢想、才智出眾、充滿激情、努力工作的同事。選擇能促使你上進、沒有思維定勢的朋友,這樣才能打造出優(yōu)秀團隊和良好的交際圈。 只有當你知道必須時刻保持警覺避免掉隊時,你才會工作得更努力,考慮事情才會更長遠。這些樂觀同事的熱情也才會在你心中燃燒起來。(財富中文網(wǎng)) 譯者:嚴匡正 審校:任文科 |
In my years as an entrepreneur, author and business advisor, I have seen others fail and had countless failures of my own. I have stayed up endless late nights working on a new project, only to rip it apart and start all over again. I’ve heard “no” more times than I can count. But through all of the trials and tribulations of being my own boss, I have learned one important lesson: staying motivated is a daily choice. Though difficult, your success depends on training your mind to see the excitement and good in your daily work. Focusing on the negative causes stress, anger and worry that wear you down mentally and physically with dire consequences: heart disease, chronic anxiety and heated outbursts with your friends and family. When you see the excitement and the positivity in the mundane you recognize you have a life that you can be proud of. Then you are excited to attack! Here are seven daily motivational practices I’ve found that are sure to bring you success. 1. Stay clear about your path. Honestly, if you aren’t on point with what your overarching goals are, you will end up lost and floundering. The best way to stay motivated is to know exactly where you are going, and how you’re going to get there. Reaffirm your endgame every day by posting your goals where you can see them. Break your goals down into smaller steps that can be accomplished and celebrated. What you want to accomplish should be clear, prominent and give you the energy to keep going every day. 2. Keep affirmations where you can see them. It’s so easy as an entrepreneur to get sucked into feeling exhausted or frustrated, and often the blame is yours alone. But a negative mindset sucks up mental bandwidth and energy that you need to stay focused and successful. It is crucial to maintain an optimistic attitude in the face of setbacks. Whenever you see a quote or a picture that helps you stay positive, place it front and center so you can remember what this journey is all about. 3. Remember the grind you left behind. When you are tempted to drop the weight of self-employment, when reporting to a boss sounds so much easier than doing what you’ve chosen, remember the reason why you are in business for yourself. Remember why you chose entrepreneurship: when you were beholden to someone else it kept you from expanding and reaching the heights of your talents and creativity. If you have to, make time to visit your friends in their 9-to-5 offices so you can remember just what you’re “missing.” 4. Think about others first. The best way to find motivation in any situation is to stop thinking about how you can better yourself, and start thinking about how you can better the world around you. Set a goal to motivate one person (or more) each day. Expand your goals to include improving your community, your family — anyone except yourself — and you will start seeing the world in macro, rather than micro, which gives everything you do new meaning. 5. Start each day anew. When you open your eyes in the morning, meet the day without the baggage from the previous day. Mistakes have been made, things have gone wrong. That’s life. The difference between a successful business owner and one who fails is that successful entrepreneurs train their minds through repetition to keep a progressive, inquisitive mindset. Setbacks can be opportunities, and failures can be lessons. It’s all up to how you look at it. 6. Set up effortless feedback channels. Customer feedback is crucial. It can help eliminate the negatives in a growing business, which makes your product and company stronger. But in addition, feedback channels can also provide welcome and surprising confirmation from customers who are very happy with what you have been doing. Everyone needs that extra boost from time to time, so make it easy to receive. 7. Surround yourself with motivating people. If you find yourself weighed down by the people around you, or you’re constantly the smartest person in the room, you’re probably in the wrong place. My greatest sources of motivation are the passionate, hard working people around me who have grand dreams and brilliant minds. Build your team and your community with people who push you to grow and think outside the box. When you know you have to be on your toes to keep up, you will work harder and think bigger. That same passion will ignite in you. |