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Michael Cole



漫威《鋼鐵俠》中,扮演托尼?史塔克的小羅伯特?唐尼和扮演快樂霍根的喬恩?費儒。圖片提供:Zade Rosenthal




激情具有強大的力量。在打造我的上一家公司Fit Brains時,渴望驅(qū)使著我去創(chuàng)立一項擁有強大社會影響力的業(yè)務。神經(jīng)系統(tǒng)科學的發(fā)展,以及大腦訓練幫助嬰兒、兒童和成人在內(nèi)的所有人從腦震蕩中恢復過來的方式,啟發(fā)了我去建立了一家將神經(jīng)系統(tǒng)科學和游戲化設計結合起來的公司。我的團隊熱衷于幫助人們,這讓我們得以經(jīng)歷高峰和低谷,創(chuàng)造了成功的產(chǎn)品和公司。



招聘合適的人是一項艱難的工作,尤其是當你著手建立自己的公司時。成立Fit Brains時,我知道自己需要優(yōu)秀的人才,否則絕對無法成功。而且,你必須從是否擁有專業(yè)資格和是否契合公司文化兩方面來尋覓合適的人才。





Fit Brains在成立幾年后被Rosetta Stone收購。在這個過程中,我了解了很多與大型企業(yè)合作的情況。Rosetta Stone聯(lián)系我時,他們有著關于自身產(chǎn)品與Fit Brain怎樣合作的遠大構想。我知道這對Fit Brains有好處。我很幸運,時機正好。不過,直到最后你才會知道并購會經(jīng)歷什么,有太多事情可能冒出來,讓整筆交易泡湯。行事要小心謹慎,同時也要計劃好萬一交易失敗應該如何繼續(xù)前進。

在你設想構建公司的過程中,要對機遇抱有開放的心態(tài)。我在創(chuàng)立Fit Brains時,并不知道我以后會把它賣給Rosetta Stone,也不知道我會離開公司從事一個富有激情的新項目。創(chuàng)業(yè)過程就是充滿了出人意料的起起伏伏,重要的是保持靈活性,善于接受幫助,并在發(fā)展中調(diào)整方向。(財富中文網(wǎng))


The Entrepreneur Insiders network is an online community where the most thoughtful and influential people in America’s startup scene contribute answers to timely questions about entrepreneurship and careers. Today’s answer to the question, “What should budding entrepreneurs know about building a business?” is written by Michael Cole, co-founder and CEO of Picniic.

Starting your career with your own business is an exciting, yet scary, adventure. It can be difficult to know where to start, who to turn to for advice, and how to manage your personal life on top of a rapidly growing business. Here’s the best I’ve gathered throughout my years as an entrepreneur:

Find your passion

Passion is a powerful thing. When dreaming up my last company, Fit Brains, I was driven by the desire to build a business that would have a strong social impact. Inspired by advancements in neuroscience and how brain training could help everyone from baby boomers and kids to people with concussions, I went all in and started a company that fused neuroscience and gamification. My team’s passion for helping people allowed us to navigate the peaks and valleys of establishing a successful product and company.

When I began to think about my next business venture, I realized my passions had shifted, and that I was fueled not only by affecting positive change, but also by my family. Family inspires me to work harder, be better, and push through any roadblocks that may come my way. It has become the foundation of my current company, Picniic. Find the thing that motivates you to get up and work every day, and make it the core of your business.

Create strong company culture

Hiring right is a tough job, especially when starting out on your own. When I started Fit Brains, I knew I needed great people around me, or else I would never succeed. And you have to find the right people from both a qualification and culture fit.

Early on, determine what values you want your employees to have, and how you want them to fit into your larger vision of company culture. It’s crucial to surround yourself with positive people who have the same drive and passion for your business as you do. I have found that meeting with as many people as possible is essential to understanding the range of candidates and finding the best people for each role. Don’t hire someone simply because they are a friend or look good on paper, and don’t be afraid to take your time in finding the right person, either.

Don’t do it alone

Another piece of advice for all budding entrepreneurs: Never be afraid to ask for help. Entrepreneurs typically want to do and finish things on their own. But if you’re going to manage your time effectively, you need to delegate tasks to people you trust. And doing so will show your confidence in them.

Know when it’s right to grow your company through acquisition

A few years after founding Fit Brains, it was acquired by Rosetta Stone. In the process, I learned a lot about working with a large, corporate business. When Rosetta Stone approached me, they had a larger vision of how Rosetta Stone's products and Fit Brains could join forces, and I knew it was a positive move for Fit Brains. I was lucky—the timing was right. However, you never know if the acquisition will go through right up until the end—so many things can pop up and derail the whole deal. Proceed with caution, and always have a plan to put in place for how to move forward should the deal fall through.

As you navigate the process of building your own business, keep an open mind about opportunities that pop up along the way. I didn’t start Fit Brains knowing I would sell it to Rosetta Stone, or that I would eventually leave the company to pursue a new passion project. Entrepreneurship is rife with surprises and unexpected ups and downs. It’s all about being flexible, accepting help, and switching direction as you grow.



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