


Chris Morris 2018-08-26


Engagement Labs針對20世紀(jì)90年代中期出生的人們最喜愛的品牌發(fā)起了一項(xiàng)研究,結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn)科技公司大受歡迎。


Engagement Labs表示,iPhone在這一群體中得到的討論最多。蘋果(Apple)單獨(dú)得到了一個(gè)排名,名列第二。



這份排名依據(jù)的是平均每天討論這些品牌的年輕人數(shù)量。調(diào)查團(tuán)隊(duì)在一年的時(shí)間里與超過6,700名年輕人進(jìn)行了交談。Engagement Labs稱結(jié)果顯示,整體來看Z世代喜歡那些能讓他們一起交往的事物,尤其是科技和美食。

這一結(jié)果與代際動(dòng)力學(xué)中心(The Center for Generational Kinetics)的發(fā)現(xiàn)相符。今年早些時(shí)候,該中心指出Z世代將科技作為與朋友和家人互動(dòng)的主要方式。



The Pepsi Generation has been firmly supplanted by Generation Z.

A study by Engagement Labs of the brands that most resonate with people born in the mid-1990s finds that tech companies are red hot.

Cola companies—both Coke and Pepsi—are on the list of brands generation the most buzz with Generation Z, but as younger Americans become more health conscious, their influence is dwindling. Since 2013, the percentage of Generation Z that talks about Pepsi on an average day has fallen 49%. Coke is down 21% in that same time period.

The iPhone is generating the most buzz with the group, says Engagement Labs. Apple gets a separate ranking and comes in at number two.

Coke is the third most popular brand, followed by Samsung, Nike, McDonald’s and Walmart.

Pepsi is ranked eighth.

The rankings are based on number of teenagers who speak about the brand on an average day. The group spoke with more than 6.700 teens over a one year period. Overall, says Engagement Labs, the findings show that Gen Z is drawn to things that bring it together, specifically tech and foods.

That falls in line with the findings of The Center for Generational Kinetics. Earlier this year, that group noted that Generation Z relies on technology as its chief way to interact with friends and family.

“Their cell phone is a basic human right,” said Heather Watson, behavioral designer at The Center for Generational Kinetics. “A 13-year old can have food delivered to their house whenever they want to. They can get anything they need from entertainment to friends. … They’re digitally together, rather than socially together.”

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