


Rachel King 2019-06-23

全球最大的寵物保姆和遛狗師網(wǎng)絡Rover.com發(fā)布了首份“對寵物狗最友好辦公室”榜單,雀巢、愛彼迎、網(wǎng)約車平臺Uber、客戶關系管理解決方案提供商Salesforce和伏特加酒品牌Tito’s Handmade Vodka等公司名列前茅,上榜公司都歡迎員工帶寵物上班(至少寵物狗沒問題)。









Rover.com, the world’s largest network of pet sitters and dog walkers, has released its inaugural “Best Dog Friendly Offices” list. Among some of the Very Good Companies (at least as far as dogs are concerned) welcoming our four-legged companions into their offices are Nestle, Airbnb, Uber, Salesforce, and Tito’s Handmade Vodka.

Just in time for “Bring Your Dog to Work Day” coming up on Friday, June 21, Rover’s proprietary list ranks more than 100 dog-friendly companies across the United States, doling out points based on the total number of dogs allowed in the office, dog and pet parent perks, and specific office amenities.

Amazon topped off the list at number one because, according to Rover, the Seattle-based behemoth “supports its 6,000 registered dogs with an on-campus dog park and plenty of free poop bags and treats.” Not surprisingly, pet food and suppliers PetSmart, Petco, and Nestle Purina Petcare—the latter two of which were noted to offer employees an extra day off for pet bereavement. (Don’t let anyone tell you pets aren’t family.)

Many of the companies on Rover’s list were based in the following six major metropolitan areas: Boston, Los Angeles, New York City, San Diego, Seattle, and the San Francisco Bay Area.

But many of these companies actually do a lot more for dog-owning employees, with plenty of treats and perks for humans, such as offering up to $500 toward adoption fees, on-campus dog parks, pet shampoo and other supplies, and even “pawternity” leave, usually entailing one extra week of personal time off (PTO) after getting a dog. (Anyone who has gotten a puppy, especially, knows that the first week is the hardest.)

So why are these companies investing so much in pet perks? According to Rover’s internal research, more than 75% of pet parents who are able to bring their dogs to the office are more likely to stay with their current employer. Furthermore, Rover’s research linked dog-friendly workplaces to both reductions in stress and increases in productivity. This comes at a time when burnout is truly (and finally) able to be diagnosed as a clinical health problem, squeezing workers to the point of anxiety, depression, and disease.

Rover’s full list is available online now, and businesses that also welcome their employees’ four-legged best friends can submit their names for consideration for next year’s tally.

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