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Kirt Walker



位于華盛頓特區(qū)的阿片類藥物紀念館陳列著22,000顆白色藥丸,每一顆都刻著一張2015年因過量服用阿片類處方藥物死亡的人的臉。圖片來源:Mark Wilson—Getty Images


根據(jù)精算師協(xié)會(Society of Actuaries)最近的一份報告,2018年,單是濫用阿片類處方藥物造成的經(jīng)濟影響就高達1,794億美元。其中包括726億美元的死亡成本、604億美元的醫(yī)療成本、265億美元的生產(chǎn)力損失,以及109億美元的刑事司法系統(tǒng)成本。




要做到這一點,企業(yè)領(lǐng)導人首先要評估阿片類處方藥物濫用給公司造成的影響。為了幫助公司了解藥物濫用為本公司增加的成本,美國國家安全委員會(National Safety Council)提供了一個在線計算工具,將公司的員工基礎、所處行業(yè)和位于哪個州都計算在內(nèi)。例如,根據(jù)該計算器的計算,在加州,對于一家擁有100名員工的零售商而言,藥物濫用每年將給其帶來近3.7萬美元的損失。





企業(yè)也應該考慮對其他公司和組織施加影響,促其共同努力。作為俄亥俄州阿片類藥物教育聯(lián)盟(Ohio Opioid Education Alliance)的創(chuàng)始成員,我親眼目睹了企業(yè)聯(lián)合起來,共同努力解決當?shù)氐陌⑵愃幬锍砂a問題。已經(jīng)有80多家當?shù)仄髽I(yè)和組織加入了聯(lián)盟,迄今為止,它們共捐贈了800多萬美元用于資助一項針對家長和看護者的教育活動。其他企業(yè)則通過與利益相關(guān)方溝通或提供其他專業(yè)知識來為這項運動作出貢獻。如果領(lǐng)頭企業(yè)加大了工作力度,社區(qū)中的其他企業(yè)也會更有動力。




Every day, an average of 130 people in the United States die after overdosing on opioids.

The economic impact of prescription opioid abuse alone was a staggering $179.4 billion in 2018, according to a recent report by the Society of Actuaries. That includes $72.6 billion in mortality costs, $60.4 billion in health care costs, $26.5 billion in lost productivity, and $10.9 billion in criminal justice system costs.

Clearly, the opioid addiction crisis is too large for any one entity or sector to combat alone—it impacts every segment of society. So, a one-size-fits-all solution won’t work.

Now is the time for business leaders to stand up and take an active role in addressing this epidemic. By joining forces with public health officials, elected leaders, and law enforcement, businesses can help enhance locally-tailored solutions in communities across the country.

Simply put, addiction is a workforce issue. If business leaders can intervene and get people the help they need while keeping them employed, it could make a huge difference in their recovery. It can save costs associated with health care and lost productivity. And helping people through an addiction crisis may create some of a company’s most loyal and productive workers down the road.

To do so, business leaders need to first assess the impact of prescription opioid abuse within their own companies. To help companies understand the cost of substance use in their workplace, the National Safety Council offers an online calculator tool, which considers a company’s employee base, industry, and state to estimate the related workplace costs. For example, according to the calculator, a retailer in California with 100 employees would lose nearly $37,000 a year due to substance abuse issues.

Business leaders need to also shift their mindset about how to respond to addiction in the workplace. While a one-chance-only policy may seem logical, it may actually be more costly than other alternatives in terms of training new workers and lost productivity. When employers embrace the reality that addiction is a disease, not a character flaw, it opens up new possibilities. Creating second chance policies that provide employees access to counseling and recovery resources, and proactively educating about the dangers of prescription opioids are all ways businesses can make a difference. Communicating to employees about the dangers of addiction and available resources can help make workers feel more comfortable to seek the help they need.

And it's good for the bottom line, too. For each employee seeking treatment, employers can save almost $2,607 per person each year, according to joint analysis from the National Safety Council, NORC at the University of Chicago, and nonprofit Shatterproof.

Additionally, businesses should actively engage with community stakeholders outside the walls of their company on this issue. Public health experts in many communities across the country already have strategic plans in place locally to respond to the opioid crisis, and are looking for any help they can muster to address this crisis. Working with these leaders to identify specific ways your organization can contribute to a community-wide solution can help the community better tackle the addiction problem in a more meaningful way. Explore if there is a particular part of the local strategy that needs additional resources and consider how to help fill a specific gap. Once that opportunity is identified, target resources and manpower to help educate the public, reduce addiction, and meet other local objectives.

Businesses can also engage by offering up professional capabilities and resources to enhance their community’s response to the opioid crisis. Offering expertise, funding, or other resources may augment public sector and government efforts to confront the prescription opioid crisis. For example, a company’s human resources team may be able to share best practices and resources to help other companies adequately and effectively address addiction in the workplace. From a communications perspective, offering the talents of a marketing team may help the public health experts to drive education and awareness more effectively.

Businesses should also consider influencing other companies and organizations to join the effort. As a founding member of the Ohio Opioid Education Alliance, I’ve seen firsthand the impact of businesses coming together to combat opioid addiction in a community. More than 80 local businesses and organizations have joined the Alliance and, to date, have donated more than $8 million to fund the development of an education campaign aimed at parents and caregivers. Others have helped the campaign by communicating to stakeholders or offering other expertise. When leading companies step up, others in the community will be inspired to do so also.

It is going to take all stakeholders in communities across the country, working together, to protect our children, families, and workplaces from future opioid addiction. And businesses have a responsibility to help hone those locally-tailored solutions.

Kirt Walker is CEO of Nationwide.



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