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Anne Sraders








億客行的一大問題,是依賴于谷歌的流量?!皟|客行在谷歌的免費自然搜索中,已經(jīng)有較高的曝光度,但這一搜索方式正在被谷歌刻意淡化,所以億客行也面臨因為谷歌的壓力而產(chǎn)生的風(fēng)險?!背啃枪镜耐呦柸R克說。盡管谷歌推動的谷歌旅游(Google Travel)(目的是將谷歌地圖變成一個包括旅游服務(wù)的“超級app”)并不構(gòu)成對億客行的競爭威脅,但谷歌對旅行社的市場營銷渠道壓力,使得谷歌成為一個“威脅”,并增加了億客行的市場營銷支出。

事實上,這也是為何一些分析師,比如艾弗考爾國際戰(zhàn)略投資集團(tuán)(Evercore ISI)的李·霍洛維茨,認(rèn)為“改革管理層,未能解決億客行面臨的挑戰(zhàn)——億客行需要減少谷歌搜索引擎優(yōu)化作為其流量來源的權(quán)重,否則當(dāng)谷歌持續(xù)將更多流量從免費改為付費時,億客行將被進(jìn)一步盤剝。”霍洛維茨在一份報告中如此解讀。





Expedia surprised the Street on December 3 as CEO Mark Okerstrom and CFO Alan Pickerill were ousted from the travel agency company amid a disagreement over strategy, the company said. But some on the Street aren’t convinced a switch-up at the top will fix the online travel giant’s problems.

As companies are increasingly shifting toward integrated and connected trip-platforms, the company’s now ex-CEO Okerstrom began a push for Expedia to integrate its brands and technology earlier in the year—a strategy that board chairman Barry Diller called an “ambitious reorganization plan” in a statement on December 3. And after a dismal 3rd quarter earnings report (missing Wall Street’s estimates) and disappointing 4th quarter estimates, Expedia’s board ousted the CEO and CFO, and said Diller would lead the company for the time being.

Investors seemed encouraged by the news, pushing the stock to close 6% higher on December 3.

Yet some analysts think Okerstrom was onto something. Following what Morningstar’s Dan Wasiolek describes as a period from 2018 into early 2019 of Okerstrom “executing pretty effectively,” with performance exceeding EBITDA expectations, “it seemed like the reason for the departures and the reason for the poor [4th quarter] outlook is being pinned on a loss of focus for the overall core of the business due to Okerstrom’s strategy.” To those like Wasiolek, the ousting of Okerstrom and Pickerill was “disappoint[ing]” given he believed the former CEO’s strategy was “prudent” over the long-term.

Pressure from Google

One big issue has been Expedia’s reliance on traffic from Google. “[Expedia] already had a higher exposure to free, organic search that Google is de-emphasizing, so they were more at risk of feeling the pressure from Google,” Morningstar’s Wasiolek says. Yet while Google’s push into Google Travel (and the company’s move to make Google Maps a “super app” with travel services included) does present a competitive concern for Expedia, it’s the pressure on the travel agency’s marketing channel that makes Google a “threat,” and has weighed on Expedia’s marketing spend, Wasiolek says.

In fact, that’s why some analysts like Evercore ISI’s Lee Horowitz thinks “there are challenges at [Expedia] unsolved by relieving management—Expedia needs to wean off of Google SEO as a source of traffic or face getting further squeezed as Google continues to convert more traffic from Free to Paid,” Horowitz wrote in a note.

And for Morningstar’s Wasiolek, the question is, “can Expedia booking offset that indirect channel by giving a great user experience on their own platforms that drives their direct traffic, where they’re not paying marketing, higher?”

Even if a push to refocus strategy on Expedia’s existing core businesses were to bump short-term outlook and growth (which, according to the company, it should), some analysts think it could be to the detriment of a more long-term, beneficial strategy that would ultimately help Expedia keep pace with other travel companies. Competitors TripAdvisor and Booking.com have been implementing a similar strategy of integrating their brands and technology, which Morningstar believes adds long-term value through a “fully connected trip.” Even competitors like Airbnb are building out fully-integrated platforms to compete.

Whether or not the new leadership, currently headed up by Diller, will circle back to Okerstrom’s integration strategy in the future is yet to be seen. “I think that they [just] saw that one area of integration investment as a distraction, and taking away from the near-term results, and if you remove that and return to your focus, you’ll see some stronger results,” Wasiolek tells Fortune. “I just don’t want it to come at the [expense of the] long-term view of investing into the platform.”



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