



????20 Blogs Marketers to China Should Read

????Nov 2, 2009, Ad Age China (Advertising Age’s digital newsletter about marketing, advertising and media in Greater China) listed the blog of FORTUNE China - “Sibuxiang”, as one of the 20 blogs marketers to China should read. The special report is written by Normandy Madden, featured some of the best-known bloggers in China.

????China has the fastest growing online population with an estimated 338 million Internet users and countless millions of blogs. As Normandy writes:

????“Blogging has become a national obsession in China, with over 50 million Chinese regularly contributing to local blog sites. A handful of these sites are written in English, and provide a fascinating perspective on a country that is changing quickly. Below, we identified 20 blogs that can serve as a great resource for marketers in China.


????Thomas D. Gorman has a bilingual blog on the Fortune China website, under the pen name "Sibuxiang." Most posts are anecdotes and photos from his early travels in China in the 1970s, providing a vivid picture of life in China during that era, a reminder of how far China has come, and still needs to go."


????2009年11月2日“廣告時(shí)代中國”網(wǎng)站將《財(cái)富》中文網(wǎng)的“四不像”博客列為“20個(gè)中國市場人員“必讀”的商業(yè)資訊博客”之一。這則特別報(bào)道由Normandy Madden撰寫,特別報(bào)道了一些在中國眾所周知的博客撰寫者。



????16. 高德思


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