


DeAnne Aguirre 2012-10-09







????戴安妮?埃格瑞是舊金山Booz & Company的高級合伙人。她在公司負(fù)責(zé)組織和人才效能業(yè)務(wù)。


????First, the international MPW list will become far more diverse. As several developing economies continue to post growth rates far in excess of that of the United States, the world's economic center of gravity will shift. The women who make up the list in 2040 will increasingly be from countries like Botswana and Brazil, Egypt and El Salvador, China and Chile.

????In fact, it's possible that at some point, the list won't have two main categories -- U.S. women and international women -- as it does today. Instead, with economic clout disbursed among a handful of strong economies, the list could change to geographically reflect and align to the new centers of power. There could be, say, a list for the most powerful women in Asia, another for Europe, a third for Latin America, and another for the U.S.

????The list will also likely include far more entrepreneurs and self-made women, rather than those running long-established companies. Because the largest developing countries are growing so quickly (including the BRIC countries of Brazil, Russia, India, and China), their economies are more dynamic and vibrant than the developed economies in Europe and North America. Fueled by technology, the changes taking place in these markets make them ripe for disruptive ideas and world-changing businesses. This means that talented women will have the opportunity to rise faster.

????Already, half of the world's self-made female billionaires are in China, and a quarter of that country's entrepreneurs are female. In Egypt, about 20% of all firms are owned by women, and -- unlike the women-owned businesses in many other countries, which tend to cluster in local service sectors -- these span a broad range of industries. In Egypt, women-owned companies account for 20% of firms in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry and 15% of firms in the food industry.

????The Most Powerful Women list in 2040 will likely see greater turnover, as women appear on the list and are then surpassed by others. This is akin to a global version of the U.S. technology booms of the late 1990s and the one we're currently in today. Good ideas can flourish relatively quickly, without requiring significant capital, and often their primary risk is in being overtaken by other, better ideas. On the global front, this translates into greater opportunities for women -- as the world flattens -- but also greater competition.

????Finally, here's a radical proposal: The most significant development of the Most Powerful Women list is that by 2040, it may not exist, because it won't need to exist. If women continue the progress they're making already in many markets around the world, and the business world becomes truly equitable, there won't be a separate, stand-alone list of powerful women but rather powerful executives, period. The primary criteria for the men and women on that list will be performance, instead of gender. Now that would represent real progress.

????DeAnne Aguirre is a senior partner with Booz & Company based in San Francisco. She leads the firm's work in organizational and talent effectiveness.

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