


Anne VanderMey 2017-08-19
讓我們回顧一下那些最著名(和最聲名狼藉)的人士首次登上40歲以下40大影響力人物(40 Under 40)榜單,進(jìn)入公眾視線的時(shí)刻。


讓我們回顧一下那些最著名(和最聲名狼藉)的人士首次登上40歲以下40大影響力人物(40 Under 40)榜單,進(jìn)入公眾視線的時(shí)刻。

A look back at some of our most famous (and infamous) 40 Under 40 listees when they were fresh-faced and new to the spotlight.

圖片來源:Chris Carroll — Corbis via Getty Images



貝佐斯在1999年《財(cái)富》的首次40 Under 40榜單中位列第二,當(dāng)時(shí)這份榜單僅以財(cái)富的多少排名。貝佐斯那時(shí)告訴我們,他隨身帶著四樣物品:會震動的電子郵件尋呼機(jī)、手機(jī)、數(shù)碼相機(jī)和瑞士軍刀。他當(dāng)年35歲,身家已經(jīng)達(dá)到57.4億美元。

Jeff Bezos, CEO, Amazon

List debut: 1999

Bezos was No. 2 on Fortune’s inaugural 40 Under 40 list in 1999, when the ranking was based solely on wealth. At the time, Bezos told us he carried these four gadgets everywhere: a vibrating email pager, a cell phone, a digital camera, and a Swiss Army knife. He was 35 and already worth $5.74 billion.

圖片來源:Jonathan Sprague—Redux


扎克伯格在2009年的40 Under 40上初次亮相(當(dāng)時(shí)重新推出的榜單已經(jīng)成了現(xiàn)在的樣子)。他在《財(cái)富》雜志上的首次登場則要更早一些,是在2005年,他當(dāng)時(shí)21歲,還帶著寫有“我是首席執(zhí)行官……小婊子”的商業(yè)名片。那時(shí)他對我們說:“我上榜是為了做些很酷的事情,而不是為了被收購?!?/p>

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO, Facebook

List debut: 2009

Zuckerberg first appeared on the 40 Under 40 list in 2009 (after the list relaunched in its current format). His Fortune magazine debut came earlier, though, in 2005 when he was 21 and still carried business cards that said “I’m CEO?…?bitch.” At the time, he told us, “I’m in this to build something cool, not to get bought.”

圖片來源:Paul Sakuma — AP



如今身為電動汽車巨頭的馬斯克在2002年首次登上40 Under 40榜單。當(dāng)時(shí)他擁有初創(chuàng)公司X.com,并力助貝寶公開上市。31歲的他還在同年創(chuàng)建了SpaceX,特斯拉則是后一年誕生的。

Elon Musk

List debut: 2002

Now an electric-car magnate, Musk first made Fortune’s list of 40 luminaries in 2002, after PayPal, a company he had a hand in getting off the ground with his startup X.com, went public. He was 31 and founded SpaceX the same year. Tesla wouldn’t come along until the year after that.

圖片來源:Bryan Steffy — Getty Images




Ivanka Trump

List debut: 2014

Years before anyone thought her father had real political ambitions, the poised 32-year-old landed on Fortune’s list. At the time, she was the face of a successful fashion line, and had just spearheaded the deal to redevelop the Old Post Office in Washington, D.C., into a Trump hotel.

圖片來源:Harry Cabluck — AP



戴爾是首份40 Under 40榜單中名列第一的企業(yè)家。這名大學(xué)輟學(xué)者在宿舍里創(chuàng)立了科技巨頭戴爾電腦公司。當(dāng)年34歲的他凈資產(chǎn)高達(dá)215億美元,是迄今為止首次上榜者中資產(chǎn)中最高的。他后來又在榜單中多次出現(xiàn)。

Michael Dell

List debut: 1999

The original entrepreneur to hold the top 40 Under 40 spot, Dell, a college dropout, started tech giant Dell Computer from his dorm room. At 34, he was the richest person on our debut ranking by far—with a net worth of $21.5 billion. He would go on to make many (many) more appearances on the list.

圖片來源:Steve Jennings — Getty Images for TechCrunch




本文印刷版見于《財(cái)富》2017年9月1日版的40 Under 40榜單中,標(biāo)題為“當(dāng)我們認(rèn)識他們時(shí)”。(財(cái)富中文網(wǎng))


Elizabeth Holmes

List debut: 2014

In one of the most spectacular business flameouts in decades, Holmes’s blood-testing startup flew high (Holmes made the list when she was 31 with a company valued at $9 billion), but came crashing down to earth over questions about its technology. Now, Holmes is trying to rebuild it, albeit on a much smaller scale.

A version of this article appears as part of our 40 Under 40 list in the Sept. 1, 2017 issue of Fortune with the headline "We Knew Them When."

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