W. W. Grainger
Shelley DuBois 2011-03-11 06:17排名:100 (去年排名:N.A.)是什么使這家公司如此偉大?W. W. Grainger是一家配送中心運營商,通過大量培訓、利潤分紅和福利優(yōu)勢,建立起成熟而忠誠的員工隊伍。2009年營業(yè)收入(百萬美元):6,222網址:www.grainger.com ...
《財富》(中文版) 2014-02-27 01:00今日單詞:單詞tacit中文釋義緘默的(形容詞)英文釋義(adjective) Unspoken, but implied.例句EXAMPLE: We knew we had our manager’s tacit approval to purchase what we needed to do...
《財富》(中文版) 2014-02-14 08:00今日單詞:單詞easygoing中文釋義放松的(形容詞)英文釋義(adjective) Relaxed; not nervous or easily annoyed.例句EXAMPLE: After returning from his annual vacation, our boss is a...
財富中文網 2017-03-21 01:00The best way to find motivation in any situation is to stop thinking about how you can better yourself, and start thinking about how you can better t...
財富中文網 2014-08-08 01:00Most truths are so naked that people feel sorry for them and cover them up, at least a little bit.——愛德華?默羅(Edward R. Murrow,美國已故傳奇新聞播音員) ...
《財富》(中文版) 2014-03-11 07:13今日單詞:單詞axiomatic中文釋義1.不證自明的(形容詞);2.來自公理的(形容詞)英文釋義1. (adjective) Generally believed to be true without need for evidence; obvious.2. (adjective) Comin...
Robert W. Baird
Shelley DuBois 2011-03-08 07:02排名:14 (去年排名:11)是什么使這家公司如此偉大?這是一家投資顧問公司,員工盛贊公司以誠信為本?!拔以诙嗉夜救温?,”一位經理說,“Baird擁有業(yè)內最勤奮、最誠實、最講道德的員工。”2009年營業(yè)收入(百萬美元):718網址:www.rwbaird.com...
《財富》(中文版) 2014-02-24 01:00今日單詞:單詞jaw-dropping中文釋義吃驚的(形容詞,非正式)英文釋義(adjective, INFORMAL) Surprising; describing something so unexpected that it makes your mouth fall open.例句EXAM...
《財富》(中文版) 2014-02-22 12:22今日單詞:單詞inconclusive中文釋義不能得出結論的(形容詞)英文釋義(adjective) Not resulting in complete or definite proof; leading to no final result.例句EXAMPLE: The doctors tri...
《財富》(中文版) 2014-02-17 08:00今日單詞:單詞gobsmacking中文釋義令人稱奇的(形容詞)英文釋義(adjective) So impressive that it makes observers speechless with surprise and admiration.例句EXAMPLE: The young ne...