


Nin-Hai Tseng 2012-01-12



????但現(xiàn)在,歐元匯率出乎意料的堅挺走勢已開始動搖,分析人士預(yù)計2012年歐元匯率很可能要經(jīng)受考驗。須知2011年12月,歐洲央行(European Central Bank)已啟動三年期貸款計劃,首批向歐元區(qū)523家銀行投放了6,432億美元資金以支持放貸,并增加流動性。也許更為重要的是,歐元開始走軟正值美國經(jīng)濟前景開始顯著改善之際。

????2011年12月份,歐元兌美元下跌3.6%。歐元成為2011年表現(xiàn)最糟糕的主要貨幣,歐元兌美元收于一年以來的最低點,歐元兌日元收于十年來的低點。歐元下跌導(dǎo)致歐元空頭頭寸激增。美國商品期貨交易委員會(U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission)的數(shù)據(jù)顯示,截至2011年12月27日當周,空頭(即投資者可通過標的證券價格下跌賺錢)頭寸比多頭頭寸多出了127,900張合約。這個數(shù)字創(chuàng)下了一個新高,前一周這一數(shù)字為113,700張合約。

????緊隨野村集團(Nomura Group)和其他公司之后,巴克萊(Barclays)也對歐元做出了負面預(yù)測。巴克萊預(yù)計未來六個月歐元可能跌至1.20美元。目前歐元為1.2779美元,此前一天則剛剛憑借反彈脫離16個月低點的1.26美元。





????Investors have been unnerved for more than a year now about the future of the embattled euro zone. Bond yields for the zone's troubled peripheral countries soared, as investors lost faith that Greece and others would be able to pay back its huge debts. And as Europe's ongoing crisis seeped into bigger countries like Italy, yields skyrocketed, leaving the troubled nations to scramble for bailouts. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Germany's bond yields have now fallen below zero, meaning investors are not only willing to forgo returns on their money, but they will pay in order to keep it safe.

????Surprisingly, however, for most of last year, the panic couldn't bring the euro down. Up until recently, Europe's common currency traded at $1.34 against the dollar – roughly where it was in 2007 before the crisis unfolded and just shy of where it was at the start of 2011.

????But the euro's unexpected strength has begun to wane and analysts predict 2012 could very well test the currency's resilience. This follows the European Central Bank's move in December to allot $643.18 billion in the first batch of its 3-year loan program to 523 banks in the euro zone to support lending and expand liquidity. Perhaps more importantly, the declines in the euro come as the economic outlook in the U.S. has started to markedly improve.

????In December, the euro lost 3.6% against the dollar. It ended 2011 as the worst performing major currency, spiraling to a one-year low against the greenback and a 10-year low against the Japanese yen. The euro's drop has sparked a renewed surge in bets against the currency. In the week ending December 27, the number of short positions, whereby investors gain from a decline in prices, outnumbered long position by 127,900 contracts, according to the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission. That's a record and up from 113,700 contacts the prior week.

????Barclays joins Nomura Group and other firms with a negative forecast for the euro. During the next six months, Barclays predicts the euro could fall to $1.20. Currently, the currency is trading at $1.2779 after an overnight bounce off of a 16-month low of $1.26.

????The most immediate factor putting downward pressure on the euro is Europe's deteriorating growth prospects for 2012 against a modestly better outlook for the U.S, says Jose Wynne, the bank's North America head of foreign exchange research. While he forecasts that the U.S. economy will grow 2.5% in 2012, Europe's troubled peripheral nations (especially Greece) could have a tough time repaying debts as the region is forecast to undergo a moderate recession with growth contracting 0.2%.

????On Monday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy met in Berlin to discuss the euro zone's plans to tackle the debt crisis. But worries that Greece's deteriorating economy could threaten the viability of its bailout package overshadowed any progress of the talks.

????"Before September economic activity was still pretty strong in Europe," says Wynne, adding that downward revisions for growth outlooks applied not just to Europe but other major countries such as the U.S. and China.

????Few are predicting the worst case scenario - that is, a full-blown break-up of the euro zone.

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