The Informant: 'I thought I was bulletproof'
財富中文網 2009-09-29 05:40Former ADM exec and whistleblower Mark Whitacre talks about watching his life on screen in Steven Soderbergh's dark comedy, 'The Informant!'By Alyssa ...
財富中文網 2012-04-19 11:00 -
Mark Halper 2004-11-01 08:004.54 億歐洲手機用戶中,使用 i-mode 的還不到 300 萬作者: Mark Halper兩年以前,日本主要移動電話運營商日本電信電話移動通信網絡公司(NTTDoCoMo)開始進軍歐洲。憑借所謂的 i-mode 服務,DoCoMo 打算說服客戶用手機從網上下載新聞頭條、星座占卜、音樂鈴聲等各...
I want my iPad!
Stanly Bing 2010-02-01 07:26By Stanly BingHave you seen it? Boy! This thing is really the super-coolest, make-you-wanna-droolest gizmological objet d’art around! I’m looking at a...
I failed my stress test!
Stanley Bing 2009-04-28 06:25By Stanley BingYou’ll have to excuse me, but I’m very upset. I just got the morning mail, and there, dropped on my desk, was that letter I’ve been exp...
The 4 new iPhone features I use most
財富中文網 2009-06-18 04:57By Philip Elmer-DeWittApple (AAPL) isn’t scheduled to release the iPhone 3.0 until Wednesday, but like a lot of Apple watchers, I’ve been living with ...
Lauren Silva Laughlin 2014-04-04 10:39對私人股權投資公司而言,2013年是退出年。借助紅火的股市,它們幾乎每天都在向散戶投資者兜售旗下的投資組合企業(yè)。今年有大約170家公司在經過私人股權短暫持股之后上市,其中包括一些聲名顯赫的公司,如希爾頓(Hilton)和海洋世界(SeaWorld)?;I資300億美元的后私人股權IPO創(chuàng)下了新的記錄。...
Why I hate my new iPad
Leigh Gallagher 2010-11-10 09:49For weeks it sat as an unchecked box on my to-do list: "buy iPad." I wanted in. I was eager to see what all the hype was about. Working in magazines f...
JP Mangalindan 2011-08-11 10:59插圖:Electric in Life* 拜極端波動的市場所賜,科技IPO(首次公開募股)窗口是否業(yè)已關閉?(前沿科技博客VentureBeat)*歐洲流媒體音樂服務提供商Spotify公司放出豪言,要在登陸美國的頭一年就贏得5千萬美國用戶,這個雄心勃勃的目標能否實現還有待觀察,但最起碼,它看起來開...
JP Mangalindan 2011-08-11 10:59插圖:Electric in Life* 拜極端波動的市場所賜,科技IPO(首次公開募股)窗口是否業(yè)已關閉?(前沿科技博客VentureBeat)*歐洲流媒體音樂服務提供商Spotify公司放出豪言,要在登陸美國的頭一年就贏得5千萬美國用戶,這個雄心勃勃的目標能否實現還有待觀察,但最起碼,它看起來開...