
  • Behind the Adobe-Apple cold war

    Michael V. Copeland 2010-02-03 02:11

    by Michael V. CopelandIf you were watching Steve Jobs' iPad demo closely Wednesday, you would have seen it briefly as he showed off the device's Web-s...

  • Behind the war between Obama and big business

    Tory Newmyer 2010-08-13 01:24

    Corporate chiefs may seem hardboiled, but they can be sensitive, too. Take the ruckus they've been raising over what they perceive to be rough treatme...

  • A yen for trade war?

    Colin Barr 2010-09-19 11:37

    Holding down the yen won't work for Japan. But that's far from the worst part of Wednesday's news.The bigger problem is that the Bank of Japan's decis...

  • Behind the curtain at Honda

    Alex Taylor III 2010-09-27 01:20

    When a new car is unveiled to the public, the thousands of decisions that went into its conception often get lost in the hullabaloo -- along with the ...

  • Behind the shakeup at BofA

    財富中文網(wǎng) 2009-06-09 10:47

    By Patricia SellersThe news that another Fortune Most Powerful Woman — Bank of America (BAC) chief risk officer Amy Brinkley — has fallen was inevitab...

  • What exactly is a currency war, anyway?

    Nin-Hai Tseng 2010-10-28 10:48

    Tensions are escalating among some of the world's biggest economies as finance ministers find incentives to devalue their currencies. But are we in a ...

  • The man behind the netbook craze

    Michael V. Copeland 2009-11-28 12:57

    A few years ago rivals mocked Jonney Shih, chairman of Asustek, and his purse-size laptop computers. Millions of netbooks later, Shih is having the la...

  • The power behind the throne at GM

    財富中文網(wǎng) 2009-09-07 09:42

    The Treasury's Ron Bloom is keeping a watchful eye on the new General Motors.By Alex Taylor IIIThe hallway leading to the conference room on the third...

  • Profiting from Apple's war with Google

    Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2010-03-26 12:30

    It's been a busy couple of weeks for revelations about Steve Jobs' falling out with Google's Eric Schmidt.On March 12, we had Brad Stone and Michael H...

  • The war over e-book pricing

    Scott Cendrowski 2010-01-26 08:02

    By Scott CendrowskiTopping Amazon's best-seller list for the past week and a half has been Game Change, the salacious account of the 2008 presidential...

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