
  • Big Bull: 2010 Ford Taurus Limited

    財富中文網(wǎng) 2009-08-10 05:25

    By Alex Taylor IIIFor the first time since the aero-shaped original made its debut in 1985, the Ford Taurus has become big news again.There are three ...

  • 2010 Ford Escape Hybrid: A pricey alternative

    Alex Taylor III 2010-03-26 07:53

    The Ford Escape may be the most popular vehicle you never heard of. On the road, it gets lost in a sea of Toyota RAV4s and Honda CRVs. Even among its ...

  • SHO-time at Ford

    Alex Taylor III 2010-02-12 06:53

    By Alex Taylor IIIMy friend the Car Fanatic was impressed. “This car rocks,” he declared after we cruised briskly over our usual trooper-free test rou...

  • 2010款福特Taurus限量版

    Alex Taylor III 2009-08-10 05:24

    作者:Alex Taylor III自從1985年推出依據(jù)空氣動力學(xué)原理設(shè)計的首款Taurus以來,福特(Ford)Taurus再度成為重大新聞。主要原因包括如下三點:1. 這是反映首席執(zhí)行官艾倫?穆拉利(Alan Mulally)投入心血的首款福特新車。2. 這也是福特公司放棄政府援助、擺脫破產(chǎn)危...

  • The Big SUV's death rattle

    Alex Taylor III 2010-08-27 01:08

    Looking for bright spots in auto sales so far in 2010 is like hunting for diamonds in a parking lot at Wal-Mart. You are hard pressed to find anything...

  • A Ford for the future: 2010 Transit Connect

    Alex Taylor III 2009-11-26 07:19

    By Alex Taylor IIIMy Transit Connect was like the attractive person you see across a room to whom you are immediately drawn. But when you get up close...

  • Ford and GM finally get their act together

    Alex Taylor III 2010-01-14 06:56

    By Alex Taylor IIIThis year's Detroit auto show is notable for its lack of pizzazz. On a day when an inch of snow snarled traffic throughout the metro...

  • An open letter to Ford president and CEO Alan Mulally

    Alex Taylor III 2010-05-04 11:08

    Dear Alan,As you heard more than a few times on the earnings call yesterday, "nice quarter."Ford (F, Fortune 500) reported net income of nearly $2.1 b...

  • 2010: Four big hairy issues and how to solve them

    Stanley Bing 2010-01-08 11:47

    By Stanley Bing1. Unemployment: We can’t get anywhere when so many people are going nowhere. Good news came the other day in the manufacturing reports...

  • Readers revolt over Ford

    財富中文網(wǎng) 2009-11-07 12:06

    A recent column on Ford's vehicle reliability provokes a rebellion.By Alex Taylor IIIA recent column of mine, "All is not rosy for Ford reliability," ...

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