
  • Will Windows 7 boost Apple sales?

    財富中文網(wǎng) 2009-10-14 11:11

    By Philip Elmer-DeWittOver the past decade, Mac shipments have grown with nearly every new Microsoft releaseAs if Steve Ballmer didn't have enough to ...

  • Even bad reviews boost sales

    財富中文網(wǎng) 2009-09-30 04:59

    Think letting customers post cranky reviews of your products will scare away sales? Here's the surprising truth.By Jennifer Alsever(Fortune Small Busi...

  • Analyst gives Apple a boost

    財富中文網(wǎng) 2009-05-27 10:35

    By Philip Elmer-DeWittEight months ago, Morgan Stanley and RBC Capital both downgraded Apple (AAPL), triggering the company’s worst selloff in eight y...

  • Apple, Palm seen cutting into BlackBerry sales

    財富中文網(wǎng) 2009-07-09 09:59

    By Philip Elmer-DeWittGrowing competition from new smartphones carved into Research in Motion’s (RIMM) June sales, according to a report to clients is...

  • Apple pays Google for Windows 7 hits

    財富中文網(wǎng) 2009-11-03 07:43

    By Philip Elmer-DeWittCheeky Get-a-Mac ads are not the only way Steve Jobs is going after MicrosoftImage: GoogleIf you ran a Google search for "downlo...

  • Analyst: Old iPhone, not new, will drive Apple’s sales

    財富中文網(wǎng) 2009-06-24 11:28

    By Philip Elmer-DeWittThose 1 million iPhone GSs sold last weekend represent a “remarkable achievement,” writes RBC Capital’s Mike Abramsky in a note ...

  • Swine flu fear a boost for Gilead

    財富中文網(wǎng) 2009-05-04 05:24

    The biotech's bottom line could benefit from sales of Tamiflu, one of the only treatments for the influenza strain.By Eugenia LevensonIt's been a busy...

  • NokSoft born: Nokia moves to Windows, takes on Google and Apple

    Michal Lev-Ram 2011-02-15 10:50

    Nokia could've picked the fast-growing Android and been a star in the Google-verse. So why is it going with the riskier Microsoft Phone OS?It's offici...

  • Apple sold 14.1 million iPhones in Q4, iPad sales disappoint

    Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2010-10-21 01:30

    Shares fall in after-hours trading despite earnings of $4.64 per share on sales of $20.34 billion. Steve Jobs makes a rare appearance on the earnings ...

  • Mac enterprise sales surged in June

    Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2010-08-26 01:32

    Source: Needham, IDCGiven the Mac's tiny share of the worldwide PC market -- roughly 3.5% as of June -- Apple (AAPL) has a lot of room to grow. And gr...

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