


Clay Dillow 2014年07月11日




????今年六月,英特爾(Intel)披露了一些處理器技術(shù)的重大進(jìn)展。首先是推出了英特爾的下一代至強(qiáng)融核(Xeon Phi)處理器。據(jù)英特爾公司自行估計(jì),未來五年,這款處理器將給它的高性能計(jì)算業(yè)務(wù)帶來每年20%的收入增長(zhǎng)點(diǎn)。同時(shí),英特爾還公布了Atom芯片的新架構(gòu)。Atom可以說是芯片界的萬金油,從平板電腦到汽車,幾乎隨處都是它大顯身手之地。另外,英特爾還對(duì)正在研發(fā)中的很多處理器項(xiàng)目(如Bay Trail、Merrifield、Avaton和Rangely等等)進(jìn)行了升級(jí)。




????After missteps in mobile, Intel is betting big on the next big shift in computing: The Internet of Things.

????In June, Intel pulled back the veil on a number of significant advancements in processing technology. It introduced its next-generation Xeon Phi processor, a piece of technology that the company predicts will drive 20 percent annual revenue growth in its high-performance computing business in the next few years. It announced new architecture for its versatile Atom chip, found in everything from tablet computers to cars. And it offered an update to the myriad processor projects—Bay Trail! Merrifield! Avaton! Rangely!—in development.

????Much of this plays into Intel’s vision of the future, one that signals the company’s commitment to developing the so-called Internet of Things—and, perhaps more important, its intense desire not to miss out on another major shift in computing.

????The world’s largest maker of semiconductors was, without question, a late entrant to the mobile computing space. Though Intel has historically dominated the supercomputing and personal computer markets, its lack of foresight (or timing) for the sudden and rapid growth of the mobile market allowed competitors like AMD and Qualcomm to steal market share in the fastest-growing computing arena. With PC sales declining—Intel derives some 70 percent of its revenues from the PC market—the chipmaker is certainly aware of its own mortality. It doesn’t plan to miss the boat a second time.

????“We’ve seen the screenification of the world, and now we’re moving to computational power in the environment,” says Brian David Johnson, Intel’s resident futurist and principal engineer, of the transition from smartphone- and tablet-centric computing toward wearable technology and other new types of computing that comprise the Internet of Things. “Before, we had to ask ourselves, ‘Can we take a desktop and make it fit onto somebody’s lap? Can we take a laptop and make it small enough to fit in somebody’s pocket?’ The question was always, ‘Can we do it?’ But now, as the size of meaningful computing power approaches zero, you can turn anything into a computer. So the question now becomes, ‘What do we want to turn into a computer, and why?’”

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