Fortune Editors

????5. 蘇伊士運河公司 ????費迪南?德?雷賽布的公司業(yè)務是挖掘現(xiàn)代運河,蘇伊士運河就是由埃及勞工在1869年建成。不過,這并不是什么原創(chuàng);早在基督時代以前,法老就在做著相同的工作。難怪這條102英里長(如今的深度約為78英尺)的運河能成為連接東西方的最短路線?!猅im Smith |
????5. Suez Canal Co. ????Fernand de Lesseps’s company dug the modern canal, completed in 1869, using forced Egyptian labor. It wasn’t an original idea; Pharaohs had been doing the same thing in the same place in pre-Christian times. No wonder: The canal, at 102 miles long (and about 78 feet deep today) is the shortest route between the East and the West. —Tim Smith |