
Google sues US Government for anti-competitive behavior?!

Google sues US Government for anti-competitive behavior?!

Seth Weintraub 2010年11月03日

????By putting out a Request for Quotation (RFQ) that doesn't allow for any company besides Microsoft to compete, Google's offering wasn't given a fair shot and taxpayer dollars were wasted, Mountain View says.

????The U.S. Department of the Interior and its 88,000 employees didn't give Google Apps adequate consideration for its messaging needs, according to a complaint filed by Google (GOOG) and its reselling partner, ONIX Networking Corporation.

????The DOI stipulated that the solution had to be part of the "Microsoft Business Productivity Online Suite-Federal," which seems pretty brand-specific at first blush. Google says that the DOI is being "unduly restrictive of competition" and misled it during the RFQ process, which you can read all about in the complaint.

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