


Cyrus Sanati 2012-01-11



????不過,嚴(yán)重的歐債危機(jī)也可能給高盛和摩根士丹利帶來機(jī)會(huì)。目前歐洲銀行都在被迫提高資本金充足率、出售資產(chǎn)。德意志銀行(Deutsche Bank)的分析師們預(yù)測,歐洲銀行業(yè)的瘦身行動(dòng)將導(dǎo)致高達(dá)130億美元的市場重新分割。高盛和摩根士丹利憑借其龐大的規(guī)模和全球化覆蓋,有望從相關(guān)業(yè)務(wù)中分得一杯羹。

????2012年銀行業(yè)的另一個(gè)有利因素是與華爾街改革法案相關(guān)的監(jiān)管不確定因素有望消除。一些爭議最大的法案,如沃爾克法則(Volcker rules)和針對衍生品的林肯法則(Lincoln rules),年底前很可能明朗化。如果這些規(guī)定從輕實(shí)施,華爾街的利潤可能會(huì)大幅反彈。


An opportunity in Europe?

????Both Morgan and Goldman will continue to right size their balance sheets and attempt to find new ways to make money. Both will need to deal with economic troubles that have companies shying away from going public or issuing debt. A return to some sort of normalcy isn't expected until the European debt situation is finally resolved.

????But while European crisis is damaging, it could present Goldman and Morgan with an opportunity. European banks are being forced to raise their capital requirements and sell off assets. This slimming down of the European banks could see up to $13 billion in revenues up for grabs, according to analysts at Deutsche Bank. Goldman and Morgan Stanley are well-positioned to eat up some of that business given their size and global reach.

????Another bright spot for the banks this year is potential end of the regulatory uncertainty associated with the Wall Street reform bill. Investors will most likely find out by the end of the year how some of the more controversial sections of the bill, like the Volcker rule and Lincoln rules on derivatives, will look. If the rules are implemented with a light touch, Wall Street could possibly see a massive resurgence in profit.

????Wall Street is under construction and this previous quarter reflects all the messiness associated with making tough repairs in a volatile environment. Both Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs are trading below their intrinsic asset values, so there is clearly some nervousness associated with their ability to make money in the future. Deciding what they want to be and how they want to get there will go a long way to restore investor confidence.

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