


Phil Boucher 2019-12-10


現(xiàn)年70歲的世界第三大富豪價(jià)值1040億美元的身家在上周二下滑16億美元,原因是美國貿(mào)易代表宣布對(duì)法國奢侈品制造商加征高達(dá)100%的關(guān)稅,其中包括路威酩軒旗下的時(shí)裝品牌寶格麗(Bulgari)、迪奧(Christian Dior)、路易威登(Louis Vuitton)和香檳生產(chǎn)商酩悅(Mo?t & Chandon)。







LVMH boss Bernard Arnault has a problem—a Donald Trump problem.

The world’s third-richest man, 70, saw his $104 billion personal fortune slip by an estimated $1.6 billion on last Tuesday after the U.S. Trade Representative announced tariffs of up to 100% on luxury French manufacturers, including LVMH-owned fashion houses Bulgari, Christian Dior, and Louis Vuitton and Champagne-maker Mo?t & Chandon.

Should they be implemented in January, the tariffs—launched in retaliation to France's new Digital Services Tax (DST) on Silicon Valley giants such as Twitter, Google, Facebook and Amazon—will strike at the heart of Arnault’s sprawling business empire, which recorded total revenue of close to $52 billion in 2018, according to company figures.

On last Tuesday, the share price of LVMH—which is 50% owned by Arnault—fell 1.5% following the tariff threat, costing the fashion magnate around $1.6 billion in a single day of trading. The stock has since gained back half the losses to stand at around $441 a share as of last Thursday morning.

Data from Factset also showed the total market value of Arnault’s holdings as $104 billion on last Tuesday, a dip of $4 billion from November 29.

Change of fortune

The downward trajectories immediately follow upbeat news for Arnault, who just last week announced LVMH’s $16.2 billion deal for storied New York jeweler Tiffany. The deal will add yet another world-famous luxury brand to his portfolio of glamorous names, and push him closer to the title of “world’s richest person.”

Speaking on the first day of the NATO conference in London on last Tuesday, Trump was unapologetic about his decision to target French luxury brands and directly criticized the French digital tax for targeting U.S. companies.

路威酩軒集團(tuán)董事長伯納德·阿諾特是全球第三大富豪,凈資產(chǎn)約1020億美元。圖片來源:NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP via Getty Images



美國貿(mào)易代表羅伯特·萊特希澤在上周一首次提到這項(xiàng)可能要加征的關(guān)稅后,產(chǎn)生了立竿見影的影響:阿諾特旗下迪奧的股價(jià)第二天下跌了1.5%,其競爭對(duì)手、擁有時(shí)尚品牌古馳(Gucci)、圣羅蘭(Yves Saint Laurent)和巴黎世家(Balenciaga)的奢侈品集團(tuán)開云集團(tuán)(Kering)股價(jià)也下跌了約1.9%。迪奧和開云的股價(jià)此后都已經(jīng)恢復(fù)了約四分之三的損失。



這次關(guān)稅影響到了許多行業(yè),既包括蘇格蘭的威士忌釀酒廠,也包括洛克福特和格魯耶爾的奶酪制造商,但對(duì)路威酩軒集團(tuán)的打擊是巨大的,因?yàn)樗孽傑幠嵩娖煜掠?6家獨(dú)立的葡萄酒和烈酒制造商,如唐培里儂(Dom Perignon)、庫克(Krug)、凱歌香檳(Veuve Clicquot)和軒尼詩(Hennessy)。其龐大的時(shí)尚產(chǎn)業(yè)還包括一系列為紀(jì)梵希(Givenchy)、高田賢三(Kenzo)和路易威登等品牌生產(chǎn)的高檔皮革制品。

“I’m not going to let anyone take advantage of American companies,” Trump told reporters of the tax that will introduce a 3% levy on the revenue earned in France by the tech titans, many of which are based in the U.S.

“I don’t want France to be taxing American companies. If anyone’s going to tax American companies, it’s us,” he added.

When the U.S. Trade Representative Ambassador Robert Lighthizer first mentioned the potential tariffs on last Monday, the effect was immediate: shares in Arnault-owned Christian Dior dropped by 1.5% Tuesday, with rival luxury group Kering, owner of fashion icons Gucci, Yves Saint Laurent and Balenciaga, also losing around 1.9%. Shares in both Dior and Kerring have since recouped around three-quarters of their losses.

A second hit

The new tariff threat is the second to hit France—and Arnault himself—in recent months. On October 18, the Trump administration imposed tariffs of 10% on large civil aircraft and 25% on European products ranging from whiskey and wine to handbags to men’s suits, in response to $18 billion in government subsidies provided to Airbus by France, Germany, Spain, and the U.K.—subsidies the World Trade Organization has deemed illegal.

This hit a variety of businesses—from Scottish Whiskey distillers to the makers of Roquefort and Gruyère cheese—but the blow to LVMH has been considerable because its Mo?t Hennessy department controls 26 separate wine and spirit makers, such as Dom Perignon, Krug, Veuve Clicquot, and Hennessy. Its vast fashion holdings also include an array of high-class leather goods manufactured for labels such as Givenchy, Kenzo and Louis Vuitton.

路威酩軒集團(tuán)是路易威登的母公司,由于其旗下?lián)碛斜姸嗌莩奁放疲绻绹年P(guān)稅生效,該集團(tuán)可能會(huì)受到沉重打擊。圖片來源:Gabby Jones/Bloomberg via Getty Images






法國經(jīng)濟(jì)財(cái)政部部長布魯諾·勒梅爾于上周二在接受法國之聲(Radio Classique)采訪時(shí)表示:“這不應(yīng)該是美國對(duì)其主要盟友之一法國以及對(duì)整個(gè)歐洲的做法?!彼f,“我們昨天與歐盟各國進(jìn)行了接觸,確保如果美國征收新的關(guān)稅,歐洲將作出反應(yīng),做出強(qiáng)有力的反應(yīng)。”



At the same time, the U.S. luxury goods sector is also a major LVMH market. According to Bloomberg data, U.S. shoppers snapped up $12.4 billion worth of LVMH goods in 2018—around 25% of its global sales.

The U.S.-France conflict that escalated last week strikes at the heart of the French luxury sector, which accounts for 4.1% of total French exports to the U.S, according to Panjiva, S&P Global Market Intelligence. In total, the proposed tariffs target 63 products with an approximate trade value of $2.4 billion. Among these, beauty products will be most affected, having recorded $842 million in U.S. imports over the past 12 months, followed by Champagne ($806 million) and handbags ($434 million).

While beauty giant France’s L’Oreal is the largest shipper of beauty products into the U.S., LVMH is likely to really feel the pain of the tariffs since its product range includes all three top affected categories.

LVMH did not immediately return Fortune’s request for comment.

The firms in the firing line may find solace in the tariffs only being a threat at this point—they're not guaranteed to go into effect—though tensions remain high.

“This is not the sort of behavior one expects from the United States with respect to one of its main allies, France, and to Europe in general,” French Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire told Radio Classique on last Tuesday. “We were in contact yesterday with the European Union to ensure that if there are new American tariffs there will be a European response, a strong response,” he said.

For now, the conflict between the U.S. and France seems far from a resolution—and so, in turn, does Arnault’s pricey problem.

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