


Gary Hamel 2013年04月24日



????對于大多數(shù)組織機構(gòu)來說,答案都是否定的。長江后浪推前浪,變革大潮中的弄潮兒往往是后起之秀,而不是老牌巨頭——是谷歌(Google),而不是微軟(Microsoft);是現(xiàn)代汽車(Hyundai),而不是克萊斯勒(Chrysler);是蘋果(Apple),而不是諾基亞(Nokia);是亞洲航空(Air Asia),而不是日本航空(JAL),諸如此類,不勝枚舉。





????We live in a world that seems to be all punctuation and no equilibrium, where the future is less and less an extrapolation of the past. Change is multifaceted, relentless, seditious, and occasionally shocking.

????In this maelstrom, long-lived political dynasties, venerable institutions, and hundred-year-old business models are all at risk. Today, the most important question for any organization is this: are we changing as fast as the world around us?

????For most organizations, the answer is no. In industry after industry, it's the insurgents, not the incumbents, who've been riding the waves of change -- it's Google (GOOG), not Microsoft (MSFT); Hyundai, not Chrysler; Apple (AAPL), not Nokia (NOK); Air Asia, not JAL; and so on.

????The vanguard, though, are just as vulnerable to change as their victims. Strategy life cycles have been shrinking, and success has never been more fleeting -- a 2005 McKinsey study indicated that market leaders (defined as being in the top quintile by revenue in a given industry) stand a 30% chance to be "toppled" within 5 years. This probability is over three times what it used to be a few decades ago.

????The only thing that can be safely predicted is that sometime soon your organization will be challenged to change in ways for which it has no precedent.

????Problem is, our organizations were never built to be adaptable. Those early management pioneers, a hundred years ago, set out to build companies that were disciplined, not resilient. They understood that efficiency comes from routinizing the nonroutine. Adaptability, on the other hand, requires a willingness to occasionally abandon those routines -- and in most organizations there are precious few incentives to do that.

????That's why change tends to come in only two varieties: the trivial and the traumatic. Review the history of the average corporation and you'll discover long periods of incremental fiddling punctuated by occasional bouts of frantic, crisis-driven change. Why should an organization have to lose its way and surrender billions of dollars in market value before getting serious about change?

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