
CES 2019,三星推出219英寸巨型屏幕

CES 2019,三星推出219英寸巨型屏幕

Chris Morris 2019年01月09日




75英寸4K MicroLED電視

Samsung’s press conference before the official start of each year’s CES is one of the most anticipated of the show. The electronics manufacturer is a leader in the television market and has used the annual consumer electronics event as a showcase for its advances in everything from home appliances to smart home innovations.

This year, the focus is on screens. Samsung has doubled down on a new technology called MicroLED, which it first teased last year—and it’s looking to increase its competitive edge in other screen-based areas as well.

Here’s a look at some of the biggest items Samsung showcased at its 2019 CES media event on January 7.

75” MicroLED 4K TV



The Wall 2.0

Samsung is showcasing its MicroLED displays in this 75-inch set, which is made up of millions of microscopic LED chips that emit brilliant colors and deep, rich blacks—all in 4K/Ultra High Definition.

The Wall 2.0

去年,三星146英寸的The Wall電視成為了眾人矚目的焦點(diǎn)。今年,The Wall卷土重來,不過尺寸已經(jīng)擴(kuò)大到了219英寸。它的圖像質(zhì)量與之前一樣令人驚艷。而電視本身也同樣靈活,用戶可以隨意將它調(diào)整成各種形狀,增加或移開電視上的一個(gè)模塊,它就會自動(dòng)調(diào)整適應(yīng)。




Last year, Samsung turned heads with The Wall, its 146-inch TV. This year, The Wall is back, but it’s 219-inches now. The picture quality is just as stunning. And the TV is just as flexible, adjustable to pretty much any shape users want it to be. Just add or move a module to the set and it will automatically adapt.

Q900 8K TV

8K is one of the up and coming themes of this year’s CES. There’s no content of note available in that resolution yet, but Samsung’s getting ahead of the curve with this new flagship product, offering resolution of up to 7680×4320, 16 times as sharp as traditional high definition. This set will upscale existing content to 8K quality. Don’t expect it to be cheap, though.

CRG9 49” Gaming Monitor

這款龐然大物號稱是“全球首款高分辨率超寬游戲顯示屏”,長寬比為32:9,刷新頻率為120Hz。它使用了AMD Radeon的FreeSyncTM 2技術(shù)以減少卡頓和輸入延遲,提供了順暢的游戲體驗(yàn),讓最頂尖的硬核玩家盡享寬屏盛宴。擁有了它,你就不必再買第二臺顯示器了。

三星Family Hub冰箱

Billed as “the world’s first hi-res super ultra-wide gaming monitor,” this behemoth offers a 32:9 aspect ratio and a 120Hz refresh rate. It’s a wide screen experience for the hardest of hardcore PC gamers, utilizing AMD Radeon’s FreeSyncTM 2 technology to reduce stutter and input latency, making for a smooth play experience. You won’t need a second monitor with this thing.

Samsung Family Hub Refrigerator

三星希望憑借冰箱取代亞馬遜(Amazon)的Echo或谷歌(Google)的 Assistant,在幫你存放剩菜之余充當(dāng)你的數(shù)碼助手。Family Hub為家里的每位用戶提供了自定義空間,供他們輸入各自的活動(dòng)、興趣和時(shí)刻。主屏幕將為每個(gè)人進(jìn)行定制。冰箱還植入了三星的Bixby聲音控制系統(tǒng)。


Samsung’s fridge is hoping to supplant Amazon’s Echo or Google’s Assistant, becoming not only a place you store your leftovers, but a digital assistant as well. The Family Hub offers a customized space for each user in the family to input their activities, interests and moments. The home screen will then be personalized to each of them. The fridge will also incorporate Samsung’s Bixby voice command system.

Samsung WF6300R Front Load Washer


三星Notebook 9 Pro

Bringing smart home technology to the washing machine, this Wi-Fi connected washer is shorter than its predecessors, meaning it’s easier to get clothes in and out. The accompanying app recommends which cycle you should use, depending on the items, their color and their level of filthiness. You can also use the app to select wash cycles and finish time based on your schedule.

Samsung Notebook 9 Pro

三星最新的高端二合一筆記本非常輕薄。它重新設(shè)計(jì)了鍵盤,壓縮了屏幕邊框,這意味著在設(shè)備尺寸不增加的情況下,用戶擁有更大的可視范圍。筆記本配有可供書寫或繪圖的Active Pen、千兆WiFi、快速充電電池和幾個(gè)Thunderbolt 3接口。(財(cái)富中文網(wǎng))


Samsung’s latest premium 2-in-1 PC is ultra-slim, features a redesigned keyboard, and cuts the bezel size on the display, meaning users see more without increasing the size of the device. It comes with an Active Pen for note taking and sketching, Gigabit WiFi, a fast charging battery, and several Thunderbolt 3 ports.

掃碼打開財(cái)富Plus App
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