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Phil Wahba



過(guò)去十年, Dollar General一路高歌猛進(jìn),而當(dāng)下新冠疫情、疲軟經(jīng)濟(jì)以及極高失業(yè)率只會(huì)加速這一勢(shì)頭。

像大多數(shù)一元店一樣,Dollar General因銷(xiāo)售日用品和食品被大多數(shù)地方政府視為不可或缺。該公司周四表示,截至5月初的第一季度銷(xiāo)售額增長(zhǎng)了27.6%,至84億美元??杀蠕N(xiāo)售額(包括開(kāi)業(yè)至少一年的商店)增長(zhǎng)了21.7%。此外,顧客還紛紛涌向其規(guī)模較小、業(yè)績(jī)不佳的競(jìng)爭(zhēng)對(duì)手Family Dollar,促使Family Dollar的可比銷(xiāo)售額增長(zhǎng)了15%。


過(guò)去幾十年來(lái),一元連鎖店越來(lái)越受歡迎,這些一元店均為面積約7,000平方英尺(相當(dāng)于藥店面積的一半)的小店,距離顧客很近,而Family Dollar一般設(shè)在郊區(qū),Dollar General一般設(shè)在農(nóng)村地區(qū)。

此外,與其他零售商以及人手少的商店相比,一元連鎖店提供的商品種類有限,因而成本和價(jià)格低。例如,Dollar General一家商店約有10,000種商品,相當(dāng)于大型商超沃爾瑪一家商店的十分之一。

因此,這些商店遍布全國(guó),但占據(jù)的市場(chǎng)份額太小,無(wú)法成為沃爾瑪、Target或Kroger等的有力補(bǔ)充。Dollar General目前擁有16,500家商店,與十年前相比店鋪數(shù)量翻了一番,是美國(guó)最大的零售商(按商店數(shù)量計(jì)):該公司表示,約75%的美國(guó)人生活在距離Dollar General商店五英里的范圍內(nèi)。

GlobalData Retail董事總經(jīng)理尼爾·桑德斯表示:“在此次疫情期間,很多人不愿意去太遠(yuǎn)的地方,有些人去大型賣(mài)場(chǎng)購(gòu)物會(huì)感到不安,因?yàn)樵诶锩嫱A舻臅r(shí)間太長(zhǎng),這種‘地方化’很有優(yōu)勢(shì)?!边@讓從南方農(nóng)村地區(qū)起家的Dollar General近年來(lái)贏得更多中產(chǎn)階級(jí)顧客,并向大城市擴(kuò)張。


不過(guò),正如《財(cái)富》雜志在去年一篇文章中指出,這種情況正在改變。多年來(lái),Dollar General一直在努力改善食品供應(yīng),加大生鮮食品、肉類和健康食品投放力度,同時(shí)在商店增添了更多冰箱,因而也將繼續(xù)贏得更大的食品支出份額。Dollar General還在試驗(yàn)一種新的經(jīng)營(yíng)模式,這種商店看起來(lái)很像雜貨店,但卻供應(yīng)新鮮水果。近年來(lái),Dollar General還增添了星巴克等名牌產(chǎn)品。

Family Dollar,這家Dollar Tree于2014年在與Dollar General競(jìng)購(gòu)戰(zhàn)中收購(gòu)的陷入困境的連鎖店,破浪前進(jìn),推行備貨購(gòu)物,其中許多原因與Dollar General一樣。但Family Dollar的轉(zhuǎn)變還遠(yuǎn)未完成,許多商店仍然破舊不堪,產(chǎn)品種類少,對(duì)顧客的吸引力不及Dollar General(Dollar Tree的所有商品均為1美元,無(wú)一例外,但多為派對(duì)用品等非必需品,必需品較少)

GlobalData Retail表示,其數(shù)據(jù)表明,在新冠疫情期間,F(xiàn)amily Dollar贏得的新客戶遠(yuǎn)少于Dollar General,而且Family Dollar贏得的許多新客戶正重新流向他們?cè)诖舜我咔榍敖?jīng)常光顧的其他零售商,由于疫情關(guān)閉的一些商店除外。與此同時(shí),Dollar General表示,本季度前三周的銷(xiāo)售額增長(zhǎng)與第一季度持平,今年仍計(jì)劃再開(kāi)設(shè)1,000家商店。(財(cái)富中文網(wǎng))



過(guò)去十年, Dollar General一路高歌猛進(jìn),而當(dāng)下新冠疫情、疲軟經(jīng)濟(jì)以及極高失業(yè)率只會(huì)加速這一勢(shì)頭。

像大多數(shù)一元店一樣,Dollar General因銷(xiāo)售日用品和食品被大多數(shù)地方政府視為不可或缺。該公司周四表示,截至5月初的第一季度銷(xiāo)售額增長(zhǎng)了27.6%,至84億美元??杀蠕N(xiāo)售額(包括開(kāi)業(yè)至少一年的商店)增長(zhǎng)了21.7%。此外,顧客還紛紛涌向其規(guī)模較小、業(yè)績(jī)不佳的競(jìng)爭(zhēng)對(duì)手Family Dollar,促使Family Dollar的可比銷(xiāo)售額增長(zhǎng)了15%。


過(guò)去幾十年來(lái),一元連鎖店越來(lái)越受歡迎,這些一元店均為面積約7,000平方英尺(相當(dāng)于藥店面積的一半)的小店,距離顧客很近,而Family Dollar一般設(shè)在郊區(qū),Dollar General一般設(shè)在農(nóng)村地區(qū)。

此外,與其他零售商以及人手少的商店相比,一元連鎖店提供的商品種類有限,因而成本和價(jià)格低。例如,Dollar General一家商店約有10,000種商品,相當(dāng)于大型商超沃爾瑪一家商店的十分之一。

因此,這些商店遍布全國(guó),但占據(jù)的市場(chǎng)份額太小,無(wú)法成為沃爾瑪、Target或Kroger等的有力補(bǔ)充。Dollar General目前擁有16,500家商店,與十年前相比店鋪數(shù)量翻了一番,是美國(guó)最大的零售商(按商店數(shù)量計(jì)):該公司表示,約75%的美國(guó)人生活在距離Dollar General商店五英里的范圍內(nèi)。

GlobalData Retail董事總經(jīng)理尼爾·桑德斯表示:“在此次疫情期間,很多人不愿意去太遠(yuǎn)的地方,有些人去大型賣(mài)場(chǎng)購(gòu)物會(huì)感到不安,因?yàn)樵诶锩嫱A舻臅r(shí)間太長(zhǎng),這種‘地方化’很有優(yōu)勢(shì)?!边@讓從南方農(nóng)村地區(qū)起家的Dollar General近年來(lái)贏得更多中產(chǎn)階級(jí)顧客,并向大城市擴(kuò)張。


不過(guò),正如《財(cái)富》雜志在去年一篇文章中指出,這種情況正在改變。多年來(lái),Dollar General一直在努力改善食品供應(yīng),加大生鮮食品、肉類和健康食品投放力度,同時(shí)在商店增添了更多冰箱,因而也將繼續(xù)贏得更大的食品支出份額。Dollar General還在試驗(yàn)一種新的經(jīng)營(yíng)模式,這種商店看起來(lái)很像雜貨店,但卻供應(yīng)新鮮水果。近年來(lái),Dollar General還增添了星巴克等名牌產(chǎn)品。

Family Dollar,這家Dollar Tree于2014年在與Dollar General競(jìng)購(gòu)戰(zhàn)中收購(gòu)的陷入困境的連鎖店,破浪前進(jìn),推行備貨購(gòu)物,其中許多原因與Dollar General一樣。但Family Dollar的轉(zhuǎn)變還遠(yuǎn)未完成,許多商店仍然破舊不堪,產(chǎn)品種類少,對(duì)顧客的吸引力不及Dollar General(Dollar Tree的所有商品均為1美元,無(wú)一例外,但多為派對(duì)用品等非必需品,必需品較少)

GlobalData Retail表示,其數(shù)據(jù)表明,在新冠疫情期間,F(xiàn)amily Dollar贏得的新客戶遠(yuǎn)少于Dollar General,而且Family Dollar贏得的許多新客戶正重新流向他們?cè)诖舜我咔榍敖?jīng)常光顧的其他零售商,由于疫情關(guān)閉的一些商店除外。與此同時(shí),Dollar General表示,本季度前三周的銷(xiāo)售額增長(zhǎng)與第一季度持平,今年仍計(jì)劃再開(kāi)設(shè)1,000家商店。(財(cái)富中文網(wǎng))



Dollar General has been on a tear for a decade now, and the current pandemic, weak economy, and very high unemployment is only accelerating that momentum.

The company, which like its dollar store peers was deemed essential by most local authorities because it sells household products and food, said on Thursday that sales in the first quarter, which ended in early May, had increased 27.6% to $8.4 billion. Comparable sales, which includes stores open for at least a year, rose 21.7%. And shoppers also flocked to its smaller, underperforming rival, Family Dollar, whose comparable sales were up 15%.

That was far better than the growth of the pandemic’s other big winners, namely Target, Walmart, and Costco, which, unlike the dollar stores that do almost no business online, have big e-commerce operations.

The dollar store chains have grown in popularity over the decades by operating small stores of about 7,000 square feet, or half the size of a drugstore, and opening them closer to shoppers, with Family Dollar gravitating more to suburbs and Dollar General in rural areas.

What’s more, by offering a limited assortment of items, compared with that of other retailers, as well as thinly staffed stores, they have kept costs and prices down. For instance, a Dollar General store will stock about 10,000 kinds of items, one-tenth of what a big Walmart carries.

The result is that these stores dot the country and dominate markets too small to support a Walmart, Target, or Kroger. Dollar General now has 16,500 stores, double the number a decade ago, and is the biggest U.S. retailer by store count: Some 75% of Americans live within five miles of a Dollar General store, the company says.

“This ‘localness’ was a major advantage during the crisis when many households were reluctant to travel too far, and some were nervous about visiting big-box stores where it is very difficult to reduce dwell time,” says Neil Saunders, a managing director at GlobalData Retail. That has helped Dollar General, which got its start in the rural South, win more middle-class shoppers and expand closer to large cities in recent years.

But the convenience and lower prices are only part of why dollar stores have thrived. Long known for selling food items like frozen pizza and beef jerky, such stores don’t offer enough assortment to allow for a weekly grocery run, though they are practical for intra-week fill-in trips.

Still, as detailed in a Fortune feature last year, that is beginning to change. Dollar General has been moving for years to improve its food offerings, making a bigger push into fresh produce, meats, and healthier fare, all while adding more refrigerators at its stores, meaning it will keep winning a bigger share of food spending. It is even testing a format that looks a lot like a grocery store—with fresh fruit. Dollar General has also added products from better brands like Starbucks in recent years.

As for Family Dollar, the troubled dollar store chain Dollar Tree bought in a battle with Dollar General in 2014, it was able to ride the wave of stock-up shopping for many of the same reasons as Dollar General. But Family Dollar’s turnaround is far from complete, with many stores still shabby and a product assortment not as inviting to shoppers as Dollar General’s. (Dollar Tree, where all items are $1 without exception, is more focused on discretionary items like party supplies and less on essentials.)

GlobalData Retail said its data suggests that Family Dollar won far fewer new customers than Dollar General did during the pandemic and that many of those that it did win are drifting back to the other retailers they frequented before the crisis shut down some stores. Meanwhile, Dollar General said that sales growth three weeks into this quarter is on par with the first quarter and that it still plans to open another 1,000 stores this year.



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