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“如果風(fēng)險(xiǎn)資產(chǎn)大量拋售,英國脫歐結(jié)果不理想,英鎊很有可能跌破3月的低點(diǎn)?!钡率猜?lián)資產(chǎn)管理(Allianz Global Investors)的投資組合經(jīng)理邁克?里德爾表示。一旦如此,跌幅將達(dá)到12%,至1.14美元左右,這是自1985年以來最低水平。




由于對(duì)英國脫歐的結(jié)果相當(dāng)?shù)靡?,最近幾個(gè)月里德爾增加了英鎊空頭頭寸,還把英鎊當(dāng)作針對(duì)美元和日元的避險(xiǎn)對(duì)沖工具。NatWest Group Plc預(yù)測(cè)無協(xié)議脫歐的幾率將提高至40%,英鎊匯率將下跌至1.20美元。野村國際(Nomura International Plc)認(rèn)為,隨著時(shí)間越拖越長,幾率將上升到50%。







“我們認(rèn)為英國市場(chǎng)是價(jià)值陷阱。”Principal Global Investors的首席策略師?,?沙阿表示?!肮乐悼赡苡形Γ久娌⒉环€(wěn)。”



Legal&General Investment Management的多種資產(chǎn)基金負(fù)責(zé)人約翰?羅預(yù)計(jì),如果對(duì)貿(mào)易談判崩潰的擔(dān)心將提升英國利率降為負(fù)值的可能性,國債利率會(huì)出現(xiàn)反彈。NatWest的全球經(jīng)濟(jì)聯(lián)席主管羅斯?沃克表示,不管達(dá)成什么交易,英國央行都不會(huì)將利率下調(diào)至負(fù)0.5%。



Nordea Bank Abp的首席策略師揚(yáng)?馮?格里奇表示,明年收益率跌破零降為負(fù)值的可能性為40%。




脫歐疲勞可能是當(dāng)前市場(chǎng)基本上都在期待達(dá)成協(xié)議的原因之一。 無論結(jié)果如何,基金經(jīng)理都會(huì)高興地迎來終局,畢竟這件大事曾經(jīng)害得他們?cè)谕镀毖诱`攪動(dòng)市場(chǎng)后夜夜加班,還擊垮了兩任首相,英國都因此分裂。

阿伯丁標(biāo)準(zhǔn)投資公司的羅克說:“已經(jīng)拖太久了, 如果能夠順利推進(jìn),對(duì)各方都是好事。”(財(cái)富中文網(wǎng))





“如果風(fēng)險(xiǎn)資產(chǎn)大量拋售,英國脫歐結(jié)果不理想,英鎊很有可能跌破3月的低點(diǎn)?!钡率猜?lián)資產(chǎn)管理(Allianz Global Investors)的投資組合經(jīng)理邁克?里德爾表示。一旦如此,跌幅將達(dá)到12%,至1.14美元左右,這是自1985年以來最低水平。




由于對(duì)英國脫歐的結(jié)果相當(dāng)?shù)靡?,最近幾個(gè)月里德爾增加了英鎊空頭頭寸,還把英鎊當(dāng)作針對(duì)美元和日元的避險(xiǎn)對(duì)沖工具。NatWest Group Plc預(yù)測(cè)無協(xié)議脫歐的幾率將提高至40%,英鎊匯率將下跌至1.20美元。野村國際(Nomura International Plc)認(rèn)為,隨著時(shí)間越拖越長,幾率將上升到50%。







“我們認(rèn)為英國市場(chǎng)是價(jià)值陷阱?!盤rincipal Global Investors的首席策略師?,?沙阿表示。“估值可能有吸引力,但基本面并不穩(wěn)?!?/p>



Legal&General Investment Management的多種資產(chǎn)基金負(fù)責(zé)人約翰?羅預(yù)計(jì),如果對(duì)貿(mào)易談判崩潰的擔(dān)心將提升英國利率降為負(fù)值的可能性,國債利率會(huì)出現(xiàn)反彈。NatWest的全球經(jīng)濟(jì)聯(lián)席主管羅斯?沃克表示,不管達(dá)成什么交易,英國央行都不會(huì)將利率下調(diào)至負(fù)0.5%。



Nordea Bank Abp的首席策略師揚(yáng)?馮?格里奇表示,明年收益率跌破零降為負(fù)值的可能性為40%。




脫歐疲勞可能是當(dāng)前市場(chǎng)基本上都在期待達(dá)成協(xié)議的原因之一。 無論結(jié)果如何,基金經(jīng)理都會(huì)高興地迎來終局,畢竟這件大事曾經(jīng)害得他們?cè)谕镀毖诱`攪動(dòng)市場(chǎng)后夜夜加班,還擊垮了兩任首相,英國都因此分裂。

阿伯丁標(biāo)準(zhǔn)投資公司的羅克說:“已經(jīng)拖太久了, 如果能夠順利推進(jìn),對(duì)各方都是好事?!保ㄘ?cái)富中文網(wǎng))



In a year that’s featured a global pandemic and a tidal wave of liquidity from central banks, investors are bracing themselves for a risk they’ve ignored for most of 2020: Brexit.

The prospect of the U.K. and European Union reaching a trade agreement by an October deadline is looking less likely, with Britain saying last week it’s willing to walk away and break international law in the process. That risks the pound falling to a 35-year low, stocks that lag international peers, and bond yields turning negative for the first time amid bets on Bank of England interest-rate cuts, fund managers say.

“If we have a big selloff in risk assets, and a bad Brexit outcome, then there’s no reason the pound couldn’t fall back through the March lows,” said Mike Riddell, a portfolio manager at Allianz Global Investors. That would mean a 12% slump to around $1.14, the lowest since 1985.

The stalemate in discussions has already seen the pound suffer its longest losing streak since March when Covid-19 started to rip through the country, and has sent the yield on haven short-term bonds to record lows.

Until recently, the risks associated with failed trade talks had been in the background, overshadowed by the economic fallout of the coronavirus. The pound, which has acted as a market barometer to Brexit since the 2016 referendum, had been rallying along with other currencies in Group-of-10 nations against the U.S. dollar.

No-Deal Odds

Complacency around Brexit prompted Riddell to add to a short pound position in recent months and use sterling as a risk-off hedge, mainly against the U.S. dollar and the yen. NatWest Group Plc has upped the chances of no deal to 40%, a result it sees dragging sterling down to $1.20. Nomura International Plc sees the odds rising to 50% over time.

By contrast analysts in a Bloomberg survey expect only a mild drop in the currency to $1.30 by end-2020 and then gains next year. Economists from Goldman Sachs Group Inc., JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Morgan Stanley all still anticipate a deal on commerce will be in place for the end of December.

But with formal talks between the U.K. and EU resumed last week, the risks are back on investors’ radar. Prime Minister Boris Johnson signaled he would let the talks collapse if a deal isn’t made before mid-October rather than compromise. Officials have also drafted a law that risks undermining the negotiations, a move that Northern Ireland Minister Brandon Lewis conceded would break international law.

The EU’s chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier is “worried and disappointed.”

The flare-up in trade tensions has increased the cost of hedging swings in sterling over three months to the highest level since April, while Johnson’s comments spurred the biggest jump for six months in options betting on a fall in the currency by December.

Value Trap

Brexit has been a drag on the nation’s equities, with the FTSE 100 falling to a record low against the MSCI World Index. While a slide in the pound may provide a boost for exporters, investors are more underweight on the U.K. than on any other country examined in a Bank of America fund survey for August.

“We see the U.K. as a value trap,” said Seema Shah, chief strategist at Principal Global Investors. “Valuations might be attractive but fundamentals are not.”

In addition to Brexit, the U.K. is suffering one of the biggest hits to growth in Europe from the pandemic, and must decide next month whether to keep supporting millions of furloughed workers or face a surge in unemployment.

That could mean more pain for U.K. Plc, which combined with concern over a painful transition from the EU, may further fuel demand for the safety of gilts. Benchmark yields have fallen near a record set during the pandemic shock in March, and the rate on two-year bonds dropped to an all-time low of minus 0.156%.

John Roe, head of multi-asset funds at Legal & General Investment Management, expects government bonds to rally if fears that trade talks will collapse drive up the possibility of U.K. interest rates going negative. No deal could lead the BOE to slash rates to minus 0.5%, said Ross Walker, NatWest’s co-head of global economics.

Money markets have already brought forward pricing on a BOE cut below zero to March, compared to September earlier last week. The potential for turmoil also raises the chances for more central bank bond buying.

“It’s worth remembering that the Bank of England’s forecasts are based on the U.K. reaching a full trade agreement with the EU,” said Daniela Russell, head of U.K. rates strategy for HSBC Holdings Plc, who sees 10-year yields falling to zero by the end of the year.

There’s a 40% chance yields could go below that to turn negative in the next year, said Jan von Gerich, a chief strategist at Nordea Bank Abp.

Bare Bones

A ‘bare-bones’ free trade deal would be enough to avoid such a scenario and lead Aberdeen Standard Investments to be underweight gilts, said Aaron Rock, an investment director.

And Citigroup Inc. foreign-exchange strategist Adam Pickett said the market hasn’t priced in the likelihood of the U.K. and the EU moving toward a last-minute agreement, targeting a pound climb back to $1.35.

Brexit fatigue could be one reason why markets are so far mostly positioned for a deal. Either way, fund managers will be glad to see the back of an issue that has forced them to work nights after late votes that flipped markets, defeated two prime ministers and divided the country.

“It has dragged on long enough,” said Rock at Aberdeen Standard. “It will be better for all concerned if we can move on.”



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