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Shawn Tully



福特汽車(Ford Motor Co.)向來(lái)自詡思路開(kāi)闊。公司歷史長(zhǎng)達(dá)117年,長(zhǎng)期以來(lái)把戰(zhàn)略重點(diǎn)放在保持遍布全球主要市場(chǎng)的品牌地位,車型從超小型車覆蓋到豪華SUV,不久的將來(lái)還將全面進(jìn)軍電動(dòng)汽車。

但公司經(jīng)營(yíng)每況愈下,在2015年福特實(shí)現(xiàn)74億美元利潤(rùn)后,去年勉強(qiáng)維持盈虧平衡,而當(dāng)時(shí)新冠疫情還沒(méi)有爆發(fā),也尚未經(jīng)受經(jīng)濟(jì)封鎖對(duì)北美地區(qū)盈利造成的重創(chuàng)。今年第二季度,福特在北美虧損近10億美元,不久之后公司免去了韓愷特(Jim Hackett)的首席執(zhí)行官一職,并宣布新一輪收購(gòu)計(jì)劃。


在停產(chǎn)三個(gè)月后,今年6月,福特的生產(chǎn)線恢復(fù)滿負(fù)荷運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)。圖片來(lái)源:CHARLOTTE SMITH—FORD MOTOR CO.




多年來(lái),北美是福特唯一持續(xù)盈利的市場(chǎng)?!暗麧?rùn)率一直在下降,遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)低于合理水平?!被葑u(yù)評(píng)級(jí)(Fitch Ratings)的分析師斯蒂芬·布朗表示。最大的問(wèn)題是,從2016年到去年年底,成本基礎(chǔ)猛增83億美元,而同期銷售額增幅為55億美元。因此利潤(rùn)率從超過(guò)10%降至6.7%。2018年年中,福特宣布了110億美元的全球重組計(jì)劃,希望與供應(yīng)商達(dá)成規(guī)模更大也更優(yōu)惠的協(xié)議,增加機(jī)器人生產(chǎn)線推進(jìn)自動(dòng)化,調(diào)整勞動(dòng)力規(guī)模,在北美地區(qū)逐步淘汰幾乎所有傳統(tǒng)乘用車。

去年,福特令人震驚地賣出89.7萬(wàn)輛F系列卡車,其中F-150最暢銷。圖片來(lái)源:Ford Motor Co.





福特北美汽車銷售(福特和林肯汽車的制造和維修)。來(lái)源:SEC FILINGS

不過(guò),SUV在美國(guó)仍然有希望。SUV一般價(jià)格較高,利潤(rùn)也比較豐厚,即便增幅不明顯,也可以基本保持。原因在于主打車型共享“車身框架”架構(gòu),與福特旗下大批量生產(chǎn)的卡車在同一平臺(tái)上生產(chǎn),從而降低了單位成本。新款Bronco SUV與福特的第二代皮卡品牌Ranger采用相同底盤(pán)和許多其他部件,且都在密歇根州韋恩市制造。尺寸最大的SUV“征服者”和高端林肯領(lǐng)航員(Lincoln Navigator)跟F-150卡車使用同款底盤(pán)。相比之下,EcoSport和銳際兩款尺寸較小的車型采用了不同的系統(tǒng),叫“單體式底盤(pán)”,經(jīng)濟(jì)效益方面差一點(diǎn)?!案L貞?yīng)該逐步淘汰EcoSport和銳際,這兩款利潤(rùn)率都很低?!毙袠I(yè)顧問(wèn)喬恩·加布里埃森說(shuō)。簡(jiǎn)單來(lái)說(shuō),如果福特能夠剝離邊緣SUV并降低成本,沿原有業(yè)務(wù)軌跡加速前進(jìn),仍然有機(jī)會(huì)蓬勃發(fā)展。









就在五年前,福特在中國(guó)市場(chǎng)的占有率近5%,107億美元的銷售額中有7.65億美元稅前利潤(rùn)來(lái)自中國(guó)。(早些時(shí)候的數(shù)據(jù)統(tǒng)計(jì)亞太地區(qū),其中以中國(guó)為主。)然而隨后出現(xiàn)驚人的斷崖式下跌,到2019年已無(wú)收益,導(dǎo)致收入暴跌35%至70億美元。隨著福特推出銳際和新款林肯冒險(xiǎn)家(Lincoln Corsair)SUV,2020年上半年財(cái)務(wù)狀況有所改善。但福特在中國(guó)市場(chǎng)份額仍然僅為2.5%,面臨的障礙也與歐洲市場(chǎng)類似,即嚴(yán)重依賴低利潤(rùn)乘用車,也很難提升銷量,在轎車和SUV領(lǐng)域展開(kāi)競(jìng)爭(zhēng)。






圖片來(lái)源:Ford Motor Co.







Bronco在市場(chǎng)上的競(jìng)爭(zhēng)對(duì)手是越野頂級(jí)品牌吉普牧馬人(Jeep Wrangler),只有擊敗牧馬人才能夠在市場(chǎng)上取勝。從已經(jīng)發(fā)布的技術(shù)規(guī)格來(lái)看,福特顯然對(duì)這場(chǎng)大戰(zhàn)非常重視。(財(cái)富中文網(wǎng))




福特汽車(Ford Motor Co.)向來(lái)自詡思路開(kāi)闊。公司歷史長(zhǎng)達(dá)117年,長(zhǎng)期以來(lái)把戰(zhàn)略重點(diǎn)放在保持遍布全球主要市場(chǎng)的品牌地位,車型從超小型車覆蓋到豪華SUV,不久的將來(lái)還將全面進(jìn)軍電動(dòng)汽車。

但公司經(jīng)營(yíng)每況愈下,在2015年福特實(shí)現(xiàn)74億美元利潤(rùn)后,去年勉強(qiáng)維持盈虧平衡,而當(dāng)時(shí)新冠疫情還沒(méi)有爆發(fā),也尚未經(jīng)受經(jīng)濟(jì)封鎖對(duì)北美地區(qū)盈利造成的重創(chuàng)。今年第二季度,福特在北美虧損近10億美元,不久之后公司免去了韓愷特(Jim Hackett)的首席執(zhí)行官一職,并宣布新一輪收購(gòu)計(jì)劃。





多年來(lái),北美是福特唯一持續(xù)盈利的市場(chǎng)。“但利潤(rùn)率一直在下降,遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)低于合理水平?!被葑u(yù)評(píng)級(jí)(Fitch Ratings)的分析師斯蒂芬·布朗表示。最大的問(wèn)題是,從2016年到去年年底,成本基礎(chǔ)猛增83億美元,而同期銷售額增幅為55億美元。因此利潤(rùn)率從超過(guò)10%降至6.7%。2018年年中,福特宣布了110億美元的全球重組計(jì)劃,希望與供應(yīng)商達(dá)成規(guī)模更大也更優(yōu)惠的協(xié)議,增加機(jī)器人生產(chǎn)線推進(jìn)自動(dòng)化,調(diào)整勞動(dòng)力規(guī)模,在北美地區(qū)逐步淘汰幾乎所有傳統(tǒng)乘用車。





不過(guò),SUV在美國(guó)仍然有希望。SUV一般價(jià)格較高,利潤(rùn)也比較豐厚,即便增幅不明顯,也可以基本保持。原因在于主打車型共享“車身框架”架構(gòu),與福特旗下大批量生產(chǎn)的卡車在同一平臺(tái)上生產(chǎn),從而降低了單位成本。新款Bronco SUV與福特的第二代皮卡品牌Ranger采用相同底盤(pán)和許多其他部件,且都在密歇根州韋恩市制造。尺寸最大的SUV“征服者”和高端林肯領(lǐng)航員(Lincoln Navigator)跟F-150卡車使用同款底盤(pán)。相比之下,EcoSport和銳際兩款尺寸較小的車型采用了不同的系統(tǒng),叫“單體式底盤(pán)”,經(jīng)濟(jì)效益方面差一點(diǎn)?!案L貞?yīng)該逐步淘汰EcoSport和銳際,這兩款利潤(rùn)率都很低?!毙袠I(yè)顧問(wèn)喬恩·加布里埃森說(shuō)。簡(jiǎn)單來(lái)說(shuō),如果福特能夠剝離邊緣SUV并降低成本,沿原有業(yè)務(wù)軌跡加速前進(jìn),仍然有機(jī)會(huì)蓬勃發(fā)展。









就在五年前,福特在中國(guó)市場(chǎng)的占有率近5%,107億美元的銷售額中有7.65億美元稅前利潤(rùn)來(lái)自中國(guó)。(早些時(shí)候的數(shù)據(jù)統(tǒng)計(jì)亞太地區(qū),其中以中國(guó)為主。)然而隨后出現(xiàn)驚人的斷崖式下跌,到2019年已無(wú)收益,導(dǎo)致收入暴跌35%至70億美元。隨著福特推出銳際和新款林肯冒險(xiǎn)家(Lincoln Corsair)SUV,2020年上半年財(cái)務(wù)狀況有所改善。但福特在中國(guó)市場(chǎng)份額仍然僅為2.5%,面臨的障礙也與歐洲市場(chǎng)類似,即嚴(yán)重依賴低利潤(rùn)乘用車,也很難提升銷量,在轎車和SUV領(lǐng)域展開(kāi)競(jìng)爭(zhēng)。












Bronco在市場(chǎng)上的競(jìng)爭(zhēng)對(duì)手是越野頂級(jí)品牌吉普牧馬人(Jeep Wrangler),只有擊敗牧馬人才能夠在市場(chǎng)上取勝。從已經(jīng)發(fā)布的技術(shù)規(guī)格來(lái)看,福特顯然對(duì)這場(chǎng)大戰(zhàn)非常重視。(財(cái)富中文網(wǎng))




Ford Motor Co. prides itself on thinking big. The 117-year-old icon’s long-running strategy centers on preserving its status as a universal nameplate serving all the world’s major geographies and offering a wide array of vehicles from subcompacts to luxury SUVs, in a variety of flavors soon to widely encompass electric.

But it’s a company that’s sliding: After posting $7.4 billion in profit in 2015, Ford’s earnings barely broke even last year, and that was before COVID-19 and its subsequent lockdowns took a sledgehammer to its North American profitability. In the second quarter of this year the company lost nearly $1 billion in the region. Jim Hackett was ousted as CEO shortly after, and a new round of buyouts was announced.

New CEO James Farley, who was promoted from chief of operations, has a monumental challenge on his hands but also has everything he needs to make Ford a success, if he’s willing to make some hard choices around product and strategy.

So what should Ford look like in 2021 and beyond? Fortune spoke to analysts and industry experts and studied Ford’s public filings to assemble a plausible blueprint for its revival.

Farley has a rare opening to seize the moment. The pandemic’s onslaught makes investors a lot more tolerant of tough decisions that cause short-term pain but build on what makes money, shelves losers, and jettisons lofty ambitions. This is a crisis Ford can’t afford to waste.

Junk more unprofitable models in North America

For years, North America has been Ford’s only consistently profitable market. “But margins there have been falling, and are well below where they need to be,” says Stephen Brown, an analyst with Fitch Ratings. The big problem is a cost base that jumped $8.3 billion from 2016 to the end of last year, outpacing sales increases of just $5.5 billion; that combination shrank margins from over 10% to just 6.7%. In mid-2018, Ford announced an $11 billion worldwide restructuring plan aimed at securing bigger, better deals with suppliers, automating production by adding fleets of robots, rightsizing its workforce, and phasing out nearly all traditional passenger cars in North America.

But the company will see greater wins by winnowing the portfolio to three high-margin franchises, two of which are growing fast.

The first, and by far the biggest, is the F-series pickup. Last year, Ford sold an astounding 897,000 F-series trucks, led by the F-150, America’s bestselling vehicle. The much-hyped electric F-series, which could be unveiled as soon as next year, is going to be a make-or-break addition to a line that constitutes 40% of Ford’s total domestic sales.

The second category encompasses “commercial vehicles” or CVs, its Transit-brand vans used by businesses from couriers to carpenters, as well as boxy passenger versions that are the successors to the old Econoline models. Like the F-series, they boast double-digit margins according to Wall Street analysts.

The third category, SUVs, are a tougher call. Last year, Ford sold 831,000 in the category including the Escape and Explorer in the U.S., but its sales and market share are dropping, the latter falling from 12% in 2015 to just under 10% in 2019.

Still, SUVs are a promising business stateside. They’re generally high-priced, lucrative products, and even if they don’t grow much, can remain so. That’s because key models share the “body on frame” architecture and are produced on the same platforms as the trucks that Ford manufactures in gigantic volumes, lowering unit costs. The new Bronco SUV shares the same chassis, and many other parts, with Ford’s second pickup brand, the Ranger, and is being made alongside its cousin in Wayne, Mich. The Expedition, its largest SUV, and the high-end Lincoln Navigator use the same underpinnings as the F-150. By contrast, two of the smaller models, the EcoSport and Escape, employ a different system called “unibody,” and hence don’t offer the same economies. “Ford should phase out the EcoSport and Escape, which are low-margin anyway,” says Jon Gabrielsen, an industry consultant. Put simply, Ford can prosper if it speeds faster on the same route by shedding the marginal SUVs and hitting the brakes on costs.

In Europe, get out of sedans and go all-in with vans

Ford’s biggest problems lie overseas. If the automaker could simply sell its foreign operations to a rival at no gain, its road to success would be far shorter and straighter. Ford should leave South America as quickly as possible. Its operation there, serving mainly Brazil and Argentina, hasn’t earned its cost of capital in decades.

In Europe, where GM wisely withdrew via a sale to Peugeot in 2017, Ford is pledging to downsize its line of low-margin, high-volume passenger vehicles and invest heavily in growing its star performers, commercial and passenger vans. This doesn’t go far enough.

Ford should focus on dominating the van market. The company is the market-share leader in commercial vehicles in Europe at 15.1%. Sales are growing, hitting over 264,000 vehicles last year, and according to industry experts, its Transits are generating double-digit margins.

Achieving large-scale production is crucial to keeping its lead in vans. A new joint venture with Volkswagen should help a lot. VW has pledged to source commercial vans in Europe and a pickup based on the Ranger for all markets engineered and manufactured by Ford.

But in shrinking its passenger vehicle lineup, Ford will no longer benefit from scale in engineering and purchasing, and thus won’t be able to keep costs competitive. It needs to get out of this segment entirely.

The picture for SUVs is cloudier. Last year, Ford sold just under 300,000 SUVs in the U.K. and on the Continent, largely manufactured in the region. Unlike the situation in sedans, Ford is designing and making large volumes of the same SUVs in the U.S., some sharing platforms with its F-150s. So Ford would achieve economies by continuing to manufacture and sell the most popular models in Europe.

Scale back China ambitions and play to your strengths

Just five years ago, Ford was on a roll in China, holding an almost 5% market share and generating $765 million in pretax profits on $10.7 billion in sales. (Earlier figures are for the Asia-Pacific region, heavily dominated by China.) A stunning free fall ensued, erasing all earnings by 2019 and sending revenues plunging 35%, to $7.0 billion. Fortunes improved in the first half of 2020 with the introduction of new versions of the Ford Escape and Lincoln Corsair SUVs. But its market share is still just 2.5%, and it faces obstacles similar to those in Europe: A heavy dependence on low-margin passenger cars, and the challenge of achieving volumes big enough to compete on sedans and SUVs.

Though Ford doesn’t disclose the exact breakdown, Fortune estimates that of the 159,000 vehicles that Ford sold in China in Q2, roughly half were sedans, led by the midsize Focus and compact Escort, and SUVs. As in Europe, China is moving rapidly to EVs. Undaunted, Ford is pledging to introduce 30 new models over the next three years, 10 in all-electric versions. But China has over 400 domestic producers vying for that market. And EVs for now are far less profitable than conventional vehicles, because battery costs remain elevated, while volumes remain too low.

That doesn’t mean that Ford should abandon China. Rather, it should once again play to its strengths. Its light commercial vehicles are big hits in China, just as in Europe. Ford should transform itself into a specialty manufacturer concentrating on vans and small pickups. Its growing output in the U.S. and Europe, including in new EVs, will help provide the scale essential to winning in the world’s largest auto market. It’s also starting with fat margins in those vans and pickups, which should ease the transition to EVs.

As sales shrink, costs need to keep pace

A New Ford that’s resized and profitable might be two-thirds as big as the current model, meaning that sales would shrink from $156 billion last year to around $100 billion. But that template can work only if Ford crunches overhead. Since it would be shifting to a mix of much higher-margin products, the automaker wouldn’t need to lower costs quite as fast as sales to become far more profitable. But the transition would still be brutal. Entire engineering and sales teams behind axed models would have to go en masse.

Ford has a core of great products that are being diluted by trying to do too much in too many places. A daring plan for downsizing would mean the end of the global empire of old, but it could ensure that the blue oval survives on what Ford does best.?


The new Bronco is an example of everything Ford is doing right

Shared platform

The engineering platform, chassis, and several parts for the Bronco are shared with Ford’s new Ranger pickup truck, which has already proved to be a hit seller.

Bankable nostalgia

Ford isn’t afraid to look to the past and trade on nostalgia—take the Ford GT and its entire Mustang line for evidence.But with the Bronco that nostalgia is paired with a practicalvehicle, and one that will appeal to younger drivers.

Genuine performance

The Bronco is going right up against the proven off-roadcredentials of the Jeep Wrangler, and only by beating the Wrangler will it succeed in the market. The released specs show Ford is taking this fight very seriously.

A version of this article appears in the October 2020 issue of Fortune.



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