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與所有新藥一樣,近期一些歐美國家批準通過的新冠疫苗也存在一些安全問題和副作用。許多接受了輝瑞(Pfizer Inc.)、BioNTech公司(BioNTech SE)及Moderna公司(Moderna Inc.)頭兩針疫苗的人,會出現(xiàn)發(fā)燒、頭痛和注射部位疼痛的癥狀,但這些副作用通常很快就會消失。目前,已經(jīng)有至少10人對疫苗產(chǎn)生了嚴重的過敏性反應。

1. 何為過敏性反應?



2. 新冠疫苗的過敏病例出現(xiàn)在哪些地方?

美國疾病控制與預防中心(U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)在2020年12月19日的報告中提到了8例與輝瑞疫苗相關(guān)的過敏反應病例(2例在英國,6例在美國)。阿拉斯加州的一名衛(wèi)生保健工作者在注射了疫苗后住院了一整夜。據(jù)《耶路撒冷郵報》(Jerusalem Post)報道,2020年12月晚些時候,接種了輝瑞和BioNTech疫苗的一名以色列男子在注射后一小時發(fā)生過敏性休克,報道稱他自己之前對青霉素有過敏反應。此外,波士頓一位對貝類過敏的醫(yī)生報告說他對Moderna公司的疫苗有過敏反應。不過這些病例都沒有導致死亡。

3. 之前的疫苗也會出現(xiàn)過敏反應嗎?

是的。2016年發(fā)表在《過敏與臨床免疫學雜志》(Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology)上的一項研究發(fā)現(xiàn),在接種25173965劑疫苗后,經(jīng)證實發(fā)生了33例疫苗引發(fā)的過敏反應,發(fā)生率約為1.31例/每百萬劑。截至目前,注射大約300萬劑輝瑞和Moderna疫苗導致的已知病例發(fā)生率約為這個數(shù)字的兩倍多,但仍然很低。

4. 過敏風險將會持續(xù)多久?

通常不長。藥物開發(fā)專家、圣路易斯華盛頓大學(Washington University in St. Louis)副校長邁克爾?金奇說,過敏反應通常發(fā)生在接觸物質(zhì)之后的幾分鐘到幾小時內(nèi)。2016年的研究記錄的29例過敏反應時間間隔中,有8例在30分鐘內(nèi)發(fā)病,有8例在90分鐘內(nèi)發(fā)病,有10例在2到4個小時內(nèi)發(fā)病,有2例在4至8小時內(nèi)發(fā)病,另有一例在第二天發(fā)病。

5. 應當怎么解決?


一旦發(fā)生過敏性反應,可以通過抗組胺劑和腎上腺素注射器(例如Mylan NV公司的Epi-Pen)解決,即刻減緩或停止過敏反應,接種疫苗的衛(wèi)生人員會隨時準備這些物品。并且,對過敏反應的治療不會抵消疫苗的有益作用。在美國,衛(wèi)生人員會對疫苗接種者進行至少15分鐘的過敏跡象觀察。美國疾病控制與預防中心表示,對第一劑疫苗有過敏反應者不應該再接種第二劑疫苗。

6. 我們清楚引發(fā)過敏反應的原因嗎?

尚不清楚。臨床試驗專家、斯克里普斯轉(zhuǎn)化研究所(Scripps Research Translational Institute)的主任埃里克?托波爾表示,兩種主要候選藥物的成分是聚乙二醇(存在于許多食品、化妝品和藥物中)以及包裹mRNA(疫苗中的遺傳成分)的脂質(zhì)納米顆?!渲芯垡叶即饲霸?jīng)與少數(shù)過敏反應病例有關(guān)。



與所有新藥一樣,近期一些歐美國家批準通過的新冠疫苗也存在一些安全問題和副作用。許多接受了輝瑞(Pfizer Inc.)、BioNTech公司(BioNTech SE)及Moderna公司(Moderna Inc.)頭兩針疫苗的人,會出現(xiàn)發(fā)燒、頭痛和注射部位疼痛的癥狀,但這些副作用通常很快就會消失。目前,已經(jīng)有至少10人對疫苗產(chǎn)生了嚴重的過敏性反應。

1. 何為過敏性反應?



2. 新冠疫苗的過敏病例出現(xiàn)在哪些地方?

美國疾病控制與預防中心(U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)在2020年12月19日的報告中提到了8例與輝瑞疫苗相關(guān)的過敏反應病例(2例在英國,6例在美國)。阿拉斯加州的一名衛(wèi)生保健工作者在注射了疫苗后住院了一整夜。據(jù)《耶路撒冷郵報》(Jerusalem Post)報道,2020年12月晚些時候,接種了輝瑞和BioNTech疫苗的一名以色列男子在注射后一小時發(fā)生過敏性休克,報道稱他自己之前對青霉素有過敏反應。此外,波士頓一位對貝類過敏的醫(yī)生報告說他對Moderna公司的疫苗有過敏反應。不過這些病例都沒有導致死亡。

3. 之前的疫苗也會出現(xiàn)過敏反應嗎?

是的。2016年發(fā)表在《過敏與臨床免疫學雜志》(Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology)上的一項研究發(fā)現(xiàn),在接種25173965劑疫苗后,經(jīng)證實發(fā)生了33例疫苗引發(fā)的過敏反應,發(fā)生率約為1.31例/每百萬劑。截至目前,注射大約300萬劑輝瑞和Moderna疫苗導致的已知病例發(fā)生率約為這個數(shù)字的兩倍多,但仍然很低。

4. 過敏風險將會持續(xù)多久?

通常不長。藥物開發(fā)專家、圣路易斯華盛頓大學(Washington University in St. Louis)副校長邁克爾?金奇說,過敏反應通常發(fā)生在接觸物質(zhì)之后的幾分鐘到幾小時內(nèi)。2016年的研究記錄的29例過敏反應時間間隔中,有8例在30分鐘內(nèi)發(fā)病,有8例在90分鐘內(nèi)發(fā)病,有10例在2到4個小時內(nèi)發(fā)病,有2例在4至8小時內(nèi)發(fā)病,另有一例在第二天發(fā)病。

5. 應當怎么解決?


一旦發(fā)生過敏性反應,可以通過抗組胺劑和腎上腺素注射器(例如Mylan NV公司的Epi-Pen)解決,即刻減緩或停止過敏反應,接種疫苗的衛(wèi)生人員會隨時準備這些物品。并且,對過敏反應的治療不會抵消疫苗的有益作用。在美國,衛(wèi)生人員會對疫苗接種者進行至少15分鐘的過敏跡象觀察。美國疾病控制與預防中心表示,對第一劑疫苗有過敏反應者不應該再接種第二劑疫苗。

6. 我們清楚引發(fā)過敏反應的原因嗎?

尚不清楚。臨床試驗專家、斯克里普斯轉(zhuǎn)化研究所(Scripps Research Translational Institute)的主任埃里克?托波爾表示,兩種主要候選藥物的成分是聚乙二醇(存在于許多食品、化妝品和藥物中)以及包裹mRNA(疫苗中的遺傳成分)的脂質(zhì)納米顆?!渲芯垡叶即饲霸?jīng)與少數(shù)過敏反應病例有關(guān)。



Like all new drugs, the Covid-19 vaccines that have been authorized in Western countries come with some safety concerns and side effects. Many people who’ve received the first two shots deployed, one from Pfizer Inc. and BioNTech SE and another from Moderna Inc., have experienced fever, headache and pain at the site of the injection. These side effects generally disappear quickly. As many as 10 people have had a serious allergic reaction, called anaphylaxis, to the vaccines.

1. What is anaphylaxis?

The body fights foreign invaders through a variety of mechanisms that include making protective proteins called antibodies, releasing toxins that kill microbes, and marshaling guardian cells to battle the infection. As in any conflict, sometimes the effort to repel an infection can itself be damaging. In rare cases, it can produce runaway inflammation and swelling of tissues in a serious allergic reaction called anaphylaxis.

As much as 5% of people in the U.S. have had such a reaction to various substances. It can be fatal if, for example, the person’s airway swells shut, though deaths are rare. Allergies to insect stings and foods can provoke it.

2. Where have Covid vaccines triggered cases?

A Dec. 19 presentation from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention referenced two cases of anaphylaxis associated with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine in the U.K. and six in the U.S. A health-care worker in Alaska who received a shot had to be hospitalized overnight. Later in the month, in Israel, which is deploying the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, a man suffered anaphylactic shock an hour after receiving a shot, according to the Jerusalem Post. He said he’d had earlier reactions to penicillin, the paper reported. And a physician in Boston with a shellfish allergy reported having an anaphylactic reaction to Moderna’s vaccine. None of the reactions resulted in death.

3. Has anaphylaxis been connected to vaccines before?

Yes. A 2016 study in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology found 33 confirmed vaccine-triggered anaphylaxis cases that occurred after 25,173,965 doses of inoculations, a rate of about 1.31 per million doses. So far, the rate for known cases connected to administration of approximately 3 million doses of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines appears to be more than double that, but still very low.

4. How long does the risk last?

Usually not long. Anaphylactic reactions normally occur within minutes to hours of exposure to a specific substance, said Michael Kinch, a drug development expert and associate vice chancellor at Washington University in St. Louis. Of the 29 cases where the time lag was documented in the 2016 study, symptoms of anaphylaxis began within 30 minutes in eight cases, within the next 90 minutes in another eight, within two to four hours in 10 cases, within four to eight hours in two cases, and the next day in one.

5. What’s being done about the risk?

The U.K. and U.S. have advised people who have allergies to any component of a Covid vaccine not to receive it.

Anaphylaxis can be quickly countered with antihistamines and adrenaline injectors like Mylan NV’s Epi-Pen that slow or halt immune reactions, and health workers giving the vaccine are keeping such items at the ready. These treatments don’t cancel out the beneficial effects of vaccines. In the U.S., health workers are observing anyone who has received the vaccine for at least 15 minutes post-injection to watch for signs of a reaction. People who have had reactions to a first dose of vaccine shouldn’t receive a second, according to the CDC.

6. Do we know what in the shots is causing the reactions?

That isn’t clear. The two leading candidates are polyethylene glycol -- a chemical found in many foods, cosmetics and medications -- and lipid nanoparticles that encapsulate the messenger RNA, a genetic component in the vaccines, according to Eric Topol, a clinical trials expert and director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute. Polyethylene glycol has been previously linked to a handful of anaphylaxis cases.

Once a cause has been narrowed down, it may be possible to make Covid vaccines even safer than they are now, Topol said. If other serious non-allergic side effects crop up, he said, “they, too, are likely to be quite rare and the net benefit of vaccination overwhelmingly positive.”



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