在新冠疫情一周年前夜,終于有跡象表明美國人的生活將恢復正常(或在某種程度上恢復正常)。上周早些時候,隨著第三款新冠疫苗——由強生公司(Johnson & Johnson)制造的單劑疫苗的上市,美國開始加快大范圍疫苗接種,因此美國疾病控制與預防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)允許全劑量接種疫苗人群在完成接種兩周后,進行室內聚會,無需配戴口罩。


阿拉巴馬州 15.7%
阿拉斯加州 25.7%
亞利桑那州 20.1%
阿肯色州 17.0%
加利福尼亞州 19%
科羅拉多州 18.9%
康涅狄格州 25.8%
特拉華州 17.9%
哥倫比亞特區(qū) 14.9%
佛羅里達州 17.8%
佐治亞州 13.4%
關島 21.7%
夏威夷 20.8%
愛達荷州 17.3%
伊利諾伊州 19.4%
印第安納州 17.6%
艾奧瓦州 21.0%
堪薩斯州 18.3%
肯塔基州 19.9%
路易斯安納州 17.8%
緬因州 22.1%
馬里蘭州 19.4%
馬薩諸塞州 22.7%
密歇根州 18.4%
明尼蘇達州 21.0%
密西西比州 17.6%
密蘇里州 17.3%
蒙大拿州 21%
內布拉斯加州 20.5%
內華達州 18.0%
新罕布什爾州 21.9%
新澤西州 21.1%
新墨西哥州 26.1%
紐約州 19.4%
北卡羅來納州 18.2%
北達科他州 23.0%
俄亥俄州 18.0%
俄克拉荷馬州 21.2%
俄勒岡州 18.6%
賓夕法尼亞州 19.3%
波多黎各 13.4%
羅德島 23.2%
南卡羅萊納州 17.5%
南達科他州 24.5%
田納西州 16.0%
得克薩斯州 16.3%
猶他州 16.5%
佛蒙特州 21.3%
弗吉尼亞州 19.7%
華盛頓州 19.3%
西弗吉尼亞州 20.7%
威斯康辛州 20.1%
懷俄明州 20.2%(財富中文網(wǎng))
在新冠疫情一周年前夜,終于有跡象表明美國人的生活將恢復正常(或在某種程度上恢復正常)。上周早些時候,隨著第三款新冠疫苗——由強生公司(Johnson & Johnson)制造的單劑疫苗的上市,美國開始加快大范圍疫苗接種,因此美國疾病控制與預防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)允許全劑量接種疫苗人群在完成接種兩周后,進行室內聚會,無需配戴口罩。
阿拉巴馬州 15.7%
阿拉斯加州 25.7%
亞利桑那州 20.1%
阿肯色州 17.0%
加利福尼亞州 19%
科羅拉多州 18.9%
康涅狄格州 25.8%
特拉華州 17.9%
哥倫比亞特區(qū) 14.9%
佛羅里達州 17.8%
佐治亞州 13.4%
關島 21.7%
夏威夷 20.8%
愛達荷州 17.3%
伊利諾伊州 19.4%
印第安納州 17.6%
艾奧瓦州 21.0%
堪薩斯州 18.3%
肯塔基州 19.9%
路易斯安納州 17.8%
緬因州 22.1%
馬里蘭州 19.4%
馬薩諸塞州 22.7%
密歇根州 18.4%
明尼蘇達州 21.0%
密西西比州 17.6%
密蘇里州 17.3%
蒙大拿州 21%
內布拉斯加州 20.5%
內華達州 18.0%
新罕布什爾州 21.9%
新澤西州 21.1%
新墨西哥州 26.1%
紐約州 19.4%
北卡羅來納州 18.2%
北達科他州 23.0%
俄亥俄州 18.0%
俄克拉荷馬州 21.2%
俄勒岡州 18.6%
賓夕法尼亞州 19.3%
波多黎各 13.4%
羅德島 23.2%
南卡羅萊納州 17.5%
南達科他州 24.5%
田納西州 16.0%
得克薩斯州 16.3%
猶他州 16.5%
佛蒙特州 21.3%
弗吉尼亞州 19.7%
華盛頓州 19.3%
西弗吉尼亞州 20.7%
威斯康辛州 20.1%
懷俄明州 20.2%(財富中文網(wǎng))
On the eve of the pandemic’s one year anniversary, there are at last signs that life will return to normal (or something a lot more like it) for Americans. Earlier last week, as the rollout accelerated with the addition of a third vaccine–a one-dose product from Johnson & Johnson—to the effort, the Centers for Disease Control gave fully vaccinated individuals who are two weeks past their final dose the green light to socialize without masks indoors.
As of March 10, nearly one-tenth (9.9%) of the U.S. adult population, a total of 32.9 million people, had been fully vaccinated according to CDC data. 62.5 million individuals, or 18.8% of U.S. adults had received at least one dose of a vaccine, up from 52.9 million a week ago. When it comes to the nation’s at-risk senior population, 61.2% of people 65 and older have so far received at least one dose.
In total, 127.9 million doses of the three available vaccine have been distributed across the country; 95.7 million of those doses or 74.8% have been administered. While the vast majority of fully-vaccinated individuals received either the two-dose Moderna or Pfizer vaccine (32.4 million people), roughly of 458,000 vaccine recipients have gotten the newly authorized J&J shot. On March 10 afternoon, President Joe Biden announced plans to purchase another 100 million doses of the J&J vaccine.
New Mexico now leads the country in terms of the percentage of residents who have received at least one dose of a COVID vaccine, at 26.1%. Connecticut and Alaska are next, with 25.8% and 25.7% respectively. Georgia continues to lag other states, with just 13.4% of its population having received the vaccine.
Across the country, new coronavirus cases and deaths due to the disease remain well below their winter peaks, despite the worrying spread of more contagious variant strains in some states.
Share of the population that has received at least once shot(State or territory Share vaccinated)
Alabama 15.7%
Alaska 25.7%
Arizona 20.1%
Arkansas 17.0%
California 19%
Colorado 18.9%
Connecticut 25.8%
Delaware 17.9%
District of Columbia 14.9%
Florida 17.8%
Georgia 13.4%
Guam 21.7%
Hawaii 20.8%
Idaho 17.3%
Illinois 19.4%
Indiana 17.6%
Iowa 21.0%
Kansas 18.3%
Kentucky 19.9%
Louisiana 17.8%
Maine 22.1%
Maryland 19.4%
Massachusetts 22.7%
Michigan 18.4%
Minnesota 21.0%
Mississippi 17.6%
Missouri 17.3%
Montana 21%
Nebraska 20.5%
Nevada 18.0%
New Hampshire 21.9%
New Jersey 21.1%
New Mexico 26.1%
New York 19.4%
North Carolina 18.2%
North Dakota 23.0%
Ohio 18.0%
Oklahoma 21.2%
Oregon 18.6%
Pennsylvania 19.3%
Puerto Rico 13.4%
Rhode Island 23.2%
South Carolina 17.5%
South Dakota 24.5%
Tennessee 16.0%
Texas 16.3%
Utah 16.5%
Vermont 21.3%
Virginia 19.7%
Washington 19.3%
West Virginia 20.7%
Wisconsin 20.1%
Wyoming 20.2%