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Jessica Mathews




8年前,文克萊沃斯兄弟(就是自稱馬克?扎克伯格剽竊了他們的Facebook創(chuàng)意的那對兄弟)曾經試圖讓美國證券交易委員會(Securities Exchange Commission)批準成立一只比特幣ETF基金,那時比特幣的幣值還不到100美元。成立基金的事情雖然擱置了,但比特幣的幣值卻在大風大浪中水漲船高,今年年初更是一度逼近6萬美元。迄今為止,美國已經至少有15家資產管理機構曾經向美國證券交易委員會提交過申請,但沒有一家獲得該委員會的綠燈。彭博行業(yè)研究(Bloomberg Intelligence)的分析師詹姆斯?塞法特指出,自2013年以來,美國金融界至少向美國證券交易委員會提交過35次申請,其中大多數都被否決或者擱置了。





近年來,ETF基金越來越受到機構和散戶投資者的歡迎。ETF基金兼具簡單化、多樣化、交易方便和交易成本相對低廉等特點,使投資者能夠輕松入手市場某一領域的資產。由于資產池已經由基金公司配置好了,投資者只要投資這只基金,就相當于投資了他們看漲的某個市場,或者是某個特定的資產類別和主題。ETF有兩個很有吸引力的特點:一是稅收優(yōu)惠(只有投資者出售ETF時才會被征收資本所得稅),二是即時流動性(ETF可以當天交易,而不是像共同基金那樣進行每日一次的盤后交易)?;谝陨显?,投資者對ETF的投資力度越來越大。根據投資企業(yè)研究會(Investment Company Institute)的統計,截至今年6月底,美國投資ETF基金的資產已經達到6.5萬億美元,較上年同期增長了49%。

在虛擬幣的問題上,人們對ETF基金是有需求的——尤其是對比特幣ETF,只不過這種需求很大程度被抑制了。比特幣是一種數字資產,而且是世界上第一種數字資產,很多人第一次接觸到數字資產這個類別就是通過比特幣,區(qū)塊鏈領域的所有創(chuàng)新也基本上是圍繞著比特幣展開的。由于比特幣的超高回報率,它也吸引了大量投資者的關注——雖然它的波動性也相當嚇人。截至作者發(fā)稿時,比特幣的幣值已經超過45000美元,較五年前上漲了7800%。最近美國的通脹率居高不下,有些投資者(包括企業(yè))已經開始使用虛擬幣來對沖通脹。扎克斯投資研究公司(Zacks Investment Research)的ETF研究主任尼娜?米什拉告訴《財富》雜志:“美元的價值有可能會下降,但投資者們認為,黃金和比特幣仍然會保持住它們的價值?!?/p>

舉個例子:加拿大在今年2月批準了該國的首只比特幣ETF基金——Purpose Bitcoin ETF(BTCC)。在上市交易的頭兩個月里,該基金就漲了10億加元,充分說明了投資者是多么期待這樣一只比特幣ETF基金。






瑞士、瑞典和德國等國都已經批準了虛擬幣的交易所交易產品(ETP)。需要注意的是,ETP是指在交易所交易的金融工具,并非所有的ETP都是ETF。在加拿大今年批準了第一只虛擬幣ETF后,各類虛擬幣基金后雨后春筍般涌現,比如3iQ CoinShares ETF(BTCQ)和Evolve Bitcoin ETF(EBIT)等等。目前市面上手續(xù)費最低的比特幣ETF是CI Galaxy Bitcoin ETF(BTCX),年費只有0.95%。這只ETF于今年3月推出,擁有大約2.54億美元的資產。




在2017年到2018年間,也就是第一批基金公司集中提交申請的時候,美國證券交易委員會對虛擬幣市場是否容易出現欺詐行為,以及對數字資產的托管問題仍然存有疑慮。隨著有關公司的日漸成熟,和一些擁有較好聲譽的玩家的入局,美國證券交易委員會擔憂的這些問題也得到了一定的解決。目前看來最大的問題是,比特幣既不是證券,也不是金融衍生品,而是被視為一種商品,因此他理論上不受美國證券交易委員會和商品期貨交易委員會(Commodity Futures Trading Commission)監(jiān)管。這意味著比特幣ETF既不用遵守有關披露要求,也沒有相應規(guī)則來防止惡意行為,而且也沒有機制來阻止類似坐盤交易之類的行為。

數字資產研究公司(Digital Asset Research)是一家專門為機構投資者提供虛擬幣定價和市場數據服務的研究公司,該公司的首席執(zhí)行官道格?施文克指出,由于這種情況,虛擬幣ETF即出現了某些不尋常的市場行為,美國證券交易委員會與這些公司也沒有市場監(jiān)管協議,也就不能調取數據來調查發(fā)生了什么。



扎克斯投資研究公司的米什拉認為,從美國證券交易委員會批準了第一只比特幣共同基金來看,比特幣期貨相對來說似乎更容易獲得該委員會的支持。美國證券交易委員會之所以可能會對比特幣期貨基金更有信心,是因為期貨交易是在芝加哥商品交易所(Chicago Mercantile Exchange)進行的,芝加哥商品交易所是美國最大的金融衍生品交易市場,受美國商品期貨交易委員會監(jiān)管。“基本上,這種基于期貨的模式更能夠保護投資者的利益?!?/p>

Amplify Transformational Data Sharing ETF(BLOK)基金的基金經理丹?韋斯科夫認為,美國最早有可能今年就會批準比特幣期貨ETF?!拔艺J為,我們有理由期待,今年第四季度,或者2022年第一季度,比特幣期貨ETF就會獲批。”他對《財富》雜志說。





目前,美國投資者最流行的從交易所購買比特幣的方式,就是通過Grayscale比特幣信托基金(Grayscale Bitcoin Trust),該平臺主要追蹤CoinDesk比特幣價格指數,目前已經集中了近300億美元資產。雖然它并不是一只ETF基金,但如果你并不想冒直接持有比特幣的風險,又想長期從事比特幣投資,甚至是想用養(yǎng)老金賬戶投資比特幣,搏一個幸福晚年生活,那么它也不失為一個很好的解決方案。截至8月18日,該基金的12個月回報率略高于272%。



此外還有前面提到的比特幣期貨共同基金——Bitcoin Strategy ProFund(它的資產管理公司ProFunds也已經多次向美國證券交易委員會提交過比特幣ETF的申請)。這只基金跟蹤的是CME CF比特幣-美元結算價格指數(CME CF Bitcoin-Dollar US Settlement Price Index),該指數反映了各大主要虛擬幣交易所的基準定價數據。目前這只基金的凈費用比率為1.15%。為了提高回報率,該基金還將在2022年11月前執(zhí)行免交易費政策。不過它的毛費用比率較高,為1.47%。

除此之外,投資者也可以考慮間接投資,例如購買從事虛擬幣相關業(yè)務的公司股票的ETF基金——比如韋斯科夫管理的那只Amplify ETF就屬于這種,它的年費為0.71%,年化收益率約為141%。此外還有今年4月上市的VanEck Vectors Digital Transformation ETF(DAPP)基金,年費為0.50%,它投資的是那些有可能從數字資產中獲得50%以上收入的公司。不過自從上市以來,該基金在四個月的時間里下跌逾32%(這并不意外,因為該基金上市時,恰好趕上了比特幣幣值的歷史最高點)。此外還有Cathie Wood公司的ARK Next Generation Internet ETF(ARKW)基金等等,這一類的基金通過持有Grayscale比特幣信托基金的股份來間接投資比特幣。Ark Invest是第一家提前宣布了比特幣ETF基金的交易費的公司(0.95%),該公司已經遞交了成立比特幣ETF基金的申請,不過目前仍未通過監(jiān)管部門的審批。





8年前,文克萊沃斯兄弟(就是自稱馬克?扎克伯格剽竊了他們的Facebook創(chuàng)意的那對兄弟)曾經試圖讓美國證券交易委員會(Securities Exchange Commission)批準成立一只比特幣ETF基金,那時比特幣的幣值還不到100美元。成立基金的事情雖然擱置了,但比特幣的幣值卻在大風大浪中水漲船高,今年年初更是一度逼近6萬美元。迄今為止,美國已經至少有15家資產管理機構曾經向美國證券交易委員會提交過申請,但沒有一家獲得該委員會的綠燈。彭博行業(yè)研究(Bloomberg Intelligence)的分析師詹姆斯?塞法特指出,自2013年以來,美國金融界至少向美國證券交易委員會提交過35次申請,其中大多數都被否決或者擱置了。





近年來,ETF基金越來越受到機構和散戶投資者的歡迎。ETF基金兼具簡單化、多樣化、交易方便和交易成本相對低廉等特點,使投資者能夠輕松入手市場某一領域的資產。由于資產池已經由基金公司配置好了,投資者只要投資這只基金,就相當于投資了他們看漲的某個市場,或者是某個特定的資產類別和主題。ETF有兩個很有吸引力的特點:一是稅收優(yōu)惠(只有投資者出售ETF時才會被征收資本所得稅),二是即時流動性(ETF可以當天交易,而不是像共同基金那樣進行每日一次的盤后交易)?;谝陨显?,投資者對ETF的投資力度越來越大。根據投資企業(yè)研究會(Investment Company Institute)的統計,截至今年6月底,美國投資ETF基金的資產已經達到6.5萬億美元,較上年同期增長了49%。

在虛擬幣的問題上,人們對ETF基金是有需求的——尤其是對比特幣ETF,只不過這種需求很大程度被抑制了。比特幣是一種數字資產,而且是世界上第一種數字資產,很多人第一次接觸到數字資產這個類別就是通過比特幣,區(qū)塊鏈領域的所有創(chuàng)新也基本上是圍繞著比特幣展開的。由于比特幣的超高回報率,它也吸引了大量投資者的關注——雖然它的波動性也相當嚇人。截至作者發(fā)稿時,比特幣的幣值已經超過45000美元,較五年前上漲了7800%。最近美國的通脹率居高不下,有些投資者(包括企業(yè))已經開始使用虛擬幣來對沖通脹。扎克斯投資研究公司(Zacks Investment Research)的ETF研究主任尼娜?米什拉告訴《財富》雜志:“美元的價值有可能會下降,但投資者們認為,黃金和比特幣仍然會保持住它們的價值?!?/p>

舉個例子:加拿大在今年2月批準了該國的首只比特幣ETF基金——Purpose Bitcoin ETF(BTCC)。在上市交易的頭兩個月里,該基金就漲了10億加元,充分說明了投資者是多么期待這樣一只比特幣ETF基金。






瑞士、瑞典和德國等國都已經批準了虛擬幣的交易所交易產品(ETP)。需要注意的是,ETP是指在交易所交易的金融工具,并非所有的ETP都是ETF。在加拿大今年批準了第一只虛擬幣ETF后,各類虛擬幣基金后雨后春筍般涌現,比如3iQ CoinShares ETF(BTCQ)和Evolve Bitcoin ETF(EBIT)等等。目前市面上手續(xù)費最低的比特幣ETF是CI Galaxy Bitcoin ETF(BTCX),年費只有0.95%。這只ETF于今年3月推出,擁有大約2.54億美元的資產。




在2017年到2018年間,也就是第一批基金公司集中提交申請的時候,美國證券交易委員會對虛擬幣市場是否容易出現欺詐行為,以及對數字資產的托管問題仍然存有疑慮。隨著有關公司的日漸成熟,和一些擁有較好聲譽的玩家的入局,美國證券交易委員會擔憂的這些問題也得到了一定的解決。目前看來最大的問題是,比特幣既不是證券,也不是金融衍生品,而是被視為一種商品,因此他理論上不受美國證券交易委員會和商品期貨交易委員會(Commodity Futures Trading Commission)監(jiān)管。這意味著比特幣ETF既不用遵守有關披露要求,也沒有相應規(guī)則來防止惡意行為,而且也沒有機制來阻止類似坐盤交易之類的行為。

數字資產研究公司(Digital Asset Research)是一家專門為機構投資者提供虛擬幣定價和市場數據服務的研究公司,該公司的首席執(zhí)行官道格?施文克指出,由于這種情況,虛擬幣ETF即出現了某些不尋常的市場行為,美國證券交易委員會與這些公司也沒有市場監(jiān)管協議,也就不能調取數據來調查發(fā)生了什么。



扎克斯投資研究公司的米什拉認為,從美國證券交易委員會批準了第一只比特幣共同基金來看,比特幣期貨相對來說似乎更容易獲得該委員會的支持。美國證券交易委員會之所以可能會對比特幣期貨基金更有信心,是因為期貨交易是在芝加哥商品交易所(Chicago Mercantile Exchange)進行的,芝加哥商品交易所是美國最大的金融衍生品交易市場,受美國商品期貨交易委員會監(jiān)管?!盎旧希@種基于期貨的模式更能夠保護投資者的利益?!?/p>

Amplify Transformational Data Sharing ETF(BLOK)基金的基金經理丹?韋斯科夫認為,美國最早有可能今年就會批準比特幣期貨ETF?!拔艺J為,我們有理由期待,今年第四季度,或者2022年第一季度,比特幣期貨ETF就會獲批?!彼麑Α敦敻弧冯s志說。





目前,美國投資者最流行的從交易所購買比特幣的方式,就是通過Grayscale比特幣信托基金(Grayscale Bitcoin Trust),該平臺主要追蹤CoinDesk比特幣價格指數,目前已經集中了近300億美元資產。雖然它并不是一只ETF基金,但如果你并不想冒直接持有比特幣的風險,又想長期從事比特幣投資,甚至是想用養(yǎng)老金賬戶投資比特幣,搏一個幸福晚年生活,那么它也不失為一個很好的解決方案。截至8月18日,該基金的12個月回報率略高于272%。



此外還有前面提到的比特幣期貨共同基金——Bitcoin Strategy ProFund(它的資產管理公司ProFunds也已經多次向美國證券交易委員會提交過比特幣ETF的申請)。這只基金跟蹤的是CME CF比特幣-美元結算價格指數(CME CF Bitcoin-Dollar US Settlement Price Index),該指數反映了各大主要虛擬幣交易所的基準定價數據。目前這只基金的凈費用比率為1.15%。為了提高回報率,該基金還將在2022年11月前執(zhí)行免交易費政策。不過它的毛費用比率較高,為1.47%。

除此之外,投資者也可以考慮間接投資,例如購買從事虛擬幣相關業(yè)務的公司股票的ETF基金——比如韋斯科夫管理的那只Amplify ETF就屬于這種,它的年費為0.71%,年化收益率約為141%。此外還有今年4月上市的VanEck Vectors Digital Transformation ETF(DAPP)基金,年費為0.50%,它投資的是那些有可能從數字資產中獲得50%以上收入的公司。不過自從上市以來,該基金在四個月的時間里下跌逾32%(這并不意外,因為該基金上市時,恰好趕上了比特幣幣值的歷史最高點)。此外還有Cathie Wood公司的ARK Next Generation Internet ETF(ARKW)基金等等,這一類的基金通過持有Grayscale比特幣信托基金的股份來間接投資比特幣。Ark Invest是第一家提前宣布了比特幣ETF基金的交易費的公司(0.95%),該公司已經遞交了成立比特幣ETF基金的申請,不過目前仍未通過監(jiān)管部門的審批。




With the cryptocurrency market topping $2 trillion on August 20—a single month after Bitcoin plunged below $30,000—speculation is resurfacing yet again on when the U.S. will approve an ETF that can hold the world’s first digital asset and closely track its oscillating price tag.

It’s been eight years since the Winklevoss twins first tried to get approval with the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) for a novel exchange-traded fund for Bitcoin, back when the currency was selling for under $100. Since then, the price for Bitcoin has swung up and down, even reaching $60,000 at one point earlier this year, and more than 15 asset managers have jumped aboard with their own filings—none of which have been flashed a green light by the U.S. securities regulator. Bloomberg Intelligence analyst James Seyffart has tracked the more than 35 attempts in America since 2013—most of which have been delayed or denied.

At the end of July, asset manager ProFunds took a noteworthy step in the general direction of an SEC-approved Bitcoin ETF when it launched the first Bitcoin futures mutual fund. To be clear, the fund doesn’t hold any Bitcoin—just Bitcoin futures contracts (and sometimes Canadian ETFs and money-market instruments). Gary Gensler, chair of the SEC, said about a week later that the SEC may smile upon a Bitcoin ETF with a similar strategy—statements that would spark a handful of fresh ETF applications.

But what about a fund that actually buys Bitcoin itself and can manage to keep up with its chaotic volatility? Here’s everything investors should know about what’s available now, and when to plan for the U.S. finally getting its own Bitcoin ETF.

Let them have BTC

It’s not surprising why so many asset managers are racing to launch a crypto ETF in the U.S. First of all, there’s already an ETF for pretty much anything you could imagine: corn, gaming, and marijuana, to name a few. There was once even an obesity ETF (with the ticker SLIM), though that—fortunately—was liquidated last year.

ETFs have become increasingly popular among retail investors and institutions alike: They’re a simplified, diversified, accessible, and relatively cheap way to gain exposure to some area of the market. Since assets are pooled, investors can put small sums of money into the fund, and spread it out across the whole market, a specific asset class, or some theme they’re interested in or passionate about. Fees tend to be competitive, and brokerages take care of most of the paperwork. There are also two other key attractive features of the product: tax benefits (capital gains taxes are incurred only when an investor sells) and instantaneous liquidity (ETFs trade intraday, rather than once a day after market close like mutual funds). For all these reasons, investors have been piling more and more money into ETFs. There were $6.5 trillion in assets invested in ETFs at the end of June, according to the Investment Company Institute—that’s a 49% increase from the year prior.

When it comes to cryptocurrency, there’s plenty of pent-up demand for an ETF—and especially one invested in Bitcoin. Bitcoin, as the first digital asset, is typically an investor’s first introduction into the world of digital assets and all the innovation happening on blockchain technology. Bitcoin has garnered a host of attention based on its investment returns, which—while volatile—have been nothing short of astronomical: BTC is trading above $45,000 as I write this, up more than 7,800% from five years ago. Particularly with the spike in inflation rates, some investors (and even companies) are using cryptocurrencies as a way to hedge risk. “The dollar’s value may go down, but investors think that gold and Bitcoin will continue to uphold their value,” Neena Mishra, director of ETF research at Zacks Investment Research, told Fortune.

A look at the enthusiasm in Canada’s first Bitcoin ETF, the Purpose Bitcoin ETF (BTCC), which was approved in February, shows just how anxious investors were to get their hands on this product: It reeled in more than $1 billion in Canadian dollars within its first two months of trading.

Of course, no one needs an ETF to buy Bitcoin. Investors can just create their own digital wallets and buy and sell crypto as they please. They can also purchase their own coins in the spot market at crypto exchanges like Coinbase, Kraken, or Gemini. And some products are already available in the U.S. market, such as trusts—more on that below.

There are some drawbacks to those options: Fees can be high. Private keys can be lost. Making a wallet (or more importantly, securing it) can be a nuisance. You can’t hold crypto in a standard brokerage or retirement account, either, so it can be difficult to incorporate Bitcoin, Ether, or any other coins into a broader portfolio. There’s also the risk of losing it all to a fraudster—with little chance of getting any of it back.

An ETF could help address all of that. That is, if the SEC were to finally approve one.

A long wait

Some argue that the U.S. is lagging far behind when it comes to crypto ETF regulation—even some within the SEC’s own ranks.

Switzerland, Sweden, Germany, and some other countries have approved crypto exchange-traded products (ETPs). Note: An ETP is an investment vehicle that trades on an exchange—not necessarily an ETF. After Canada approved its first crypto ETF earlier this year, it has seen a boom in crypto funds, such as the 3iQ CoinShares ETF (BTCQ) and the Evolve Bitcoin ETF (EBIT). The ETF with the lowest fees available (at 0.95% in annual fees) is the CI Galaxy Bitcoin ETF (BTCX), which launched in March and has some $254 million in assets.

They launched three Ether ETFs at once in Canada today and they're already all over volume leaderboard, collectively trading more than $XIU (canada's biggest ETF) w/ $ETHX (Galaxy) in lead. Crazy aside: ONE THIRD of the Top 25 Most Active ETFs are Crypto. pic.twitter.com/aWmLhwvwtI

— Eric Balchunas (@EricBalchunas) April 20, 2021

“Canadian regulators have always been ahead of the U.S. in terms of approving these different kind of ETFs,” said Mishra. Canada moved faster to approve futures-based, marijuana, and psychedelic investment products, she said, noting that the U.S. tends to be “more conservative.”

When the first cluster of filings rolled in back in 2017 and 2018, the SEC was tied up on whether the crypto market was susceptible to fraud as well as its skepticism over custody options for the digital assets. As companies have matured and more reputable players entered the space, those concerns have evolved. The big issue now seems to be that because Bitcoin is considered a commodity, and neither a security nor a derivative, it isn’t regulated by the SEC or Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). That could mean no disclosure requirements, no rules to prevent bad actors, and no barriers to things like proprietary trading.

Should there be some type of unusual market activity, the SEC may not have the market surveillance agreements with these companies to pull data and look into what took place, according to Doug Schwenk, CEO of Digital Asset Research, a cryptocurrency pricing and market data provider for institutional investors.

Advocates for a Bitcoin ETF hoped that Gensler, the Joe Biden–appointed SEC chair, would work through some of the concerns and speed along the process. That seemed like a fair assumption, considering that he had taught about cryptocurrencies and the inner workings of blockchain at MIT for several years. Instead, he seems to have taken a critical stance on the risk the digital coins can pose to investors. (Gensler’s words to Bloomberg earlier this month: “While I’m neutral on the technology, even intrigued…I’m not neutral about investor protection.”)

“I think ultimately the [SEC] is concerned with the market manipulation that may happen,” Schwenk told Fortune.

Bitcoin futures, however, look like they have the SEC’s blessing after the regulator approved the first mutual fund to track them. The SEC may have been more confident in this kind of fund because futures trade on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), the largest derivatives exchange that is regulated by the CFTC, said Mishra of Zacks Investment Research. “Basically, there is more investment protection in the futures-based format,” she said.

It’s possible that a Bitcoin futures ETF could be approved as early as this year, said Dan Weiskopf, one of the portfolio managers for the Amplify Transformational Data Sharing ETF (BLOK), which is an ETF that primarily holds positions in companies involved in blockchain. “I think there's reasonable expectation for it to be in the fourth quarter, or the first quarter [of 2022],” he told Fortune.

But even a Bitcoin futures ETF may have its own hurdles, according to Mishra. The CFTC sets limits on how many futures contracts any one market participant can own. If a Bitcoin futures fund balloons, it may have to invest more heavily in existing Bitcoin ETPs, rather than the futures contracts themselves, which could make the fund more expensive due to fees. Futures contracts also expire, which will require asset managers to open new contracts at whatever the current price may be, which could lead to a gap between the fund price and its underlying holdings, according to Weiskopf. Even so, “the futures-based product would track much better than what's available currently in the U.S.,” Weiskopf said.

For investors who want an ETF that owns the actual Bitcoin itself, it could still be a long wait. But Mishra and Weiskopf both told me they think it’s possible a Bitcoin ETF will be approved sometime in 2022. In the meantime, here’s what’s available:

On the shelf now

With a Bitcoin ETF likely a year or so away, there are some alternatives available to investors—though none of them will make for an identical replacement.

The most popular way U.S. investors are buying Bitcoin on an exchange is via the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC), which tracks the CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index and has gathered nearly $30 billion in assets. Although it is not an ETF, the fund can be a good solution for long-term investors who want direct exposure to Bitcoin, and who want to hold their shares in brokerage or retirement accounts. The fund’s 12-month return was higher than 272% on Aug. 18.

Still, GBTC’s annual fee is steep—at 2%. The investment vehicle operates as an open-ended private trust. Unlike an ETF, where investors can instantly buy and sell shares once it's listed, accredited investors buy shares at the net asset value, then resell them to retail investors after a six-month lockup period. The shares can’t be redeemed—only bought and sold—so supply and demand differences can make its price diverge widely from its underlying Bitcoin holdings. On one day of May, GBTC closed at a 20.5% discount from Bitcoin, according to Bloomberg data, which is one of the reasons Grayscale executives say they hope to convert the trust into an ETF.

GBTC is the largest Bitcoin trust, but it’s not the only one. There’s also the Osprey Bitcoin Trust, which launched in February with a much lower annual fee of up to 0.79% and some different terms, like a longer lockup period for accredited investors.

Then there’s the aforementioned Bitcoin futures mutual fund, the Bitcoin Strategy ProFund (asset manager ProFunds has filed applications for a Bitcoin ETF with the SEC on several occasions). This fund will track the CME CF Bitcoin-Dollar US Settlement Price Index, which is a benchmark that aggregates Bitcoin pricing data from major crypto exchanges. This mutual fund currently has a net expense ratio of 1.15%, because it is handing out fee waivers until November 2022 to improve returns; the gross expense ratio is higher—at 1.47%.

Investors could also consider indirect investments, by purchasing ETFs that buy shares of companies involved in crypto, such as the Amplify ETF Weiskopf manages, BLOK, which has fees of 0.71% and has an annualized one-year return of about 141%. VanEck Vectors Digital Transformation ETF (DAPP), which launched in April with annual fees of 0.50%, invests in companies that have the potential of getting 50% of revenue from digital assets. That fund is currently down more than 32% since its inception four months ago (which isn't surprising, given that Bitcoin was trading at an all-time high around the time of its launch). There are also funds like Cathie Wood’s ARK Next Generation Internet ETF (ARKW), which indirectly invests in Bitcoin by holding shares of GBTC. Ark Invest was the first asset manager to announce an intended price (a 0.95% fee) for its Bitcoin ETF filing, which is still awaiting regulatory approval.

Of course, investors who decide to buy into what's currently available—and eventually a true Bitcoin ETF—better be prepared for the chaotic volatility that comes along with exposure to Bitcoin, as it isn’t for the faint of heart. Bitcoin prices swung 40.7% during the 22 business days of July alone.

Either way, asset managers are forecasting quite a bit of investor demand for a Bitcoin ETF, with 13 ETFs in line with SEC-filed applications, according to Bloomberg. We’ll see who gets the seal of approval first.



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